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The Axial Skeleton (Part 1). INTRODUCTION TO THE SKELETAL SYSTEM. Histology of Bone Tissue Bone Function and Structure Bone Growth & Development Joints The Axial Skeleton The Pectoral Girdle The Upper Limbs The Pelvic Girdle The Lower Limbs. oVERVIEW. 22 bones in skull
Histology of Bone Tissue Bone Function and Structure Bone Growth & Development Joints The Axial Skeleton The Pectoral Girdle The Upper Limbs The Pelvic Girdle The Lower Limbs oVERVIEW
22 bones in skull 6 in middle ears 1 hyoid bone 26 in vertebral column 25 in thoracic cage 80 Bones in Axial Skeleton The Axial Skeleton
Function: • Axial skeleton supports and protects organs of head, neck and trunk The Axial Skeleton
The Skeleton (Axial Skeleton) • skull • (cranium and facial bones) • hyoid bone • (anchors tongue and muscles associated with swallowing) • vertebral column • (vertebrae and disks) • thoracic cage • (ribs and sternum)
Cranial bones (or cranium): • Structure: • 8 sutured bones in cranium • Functions: • encases brain • attachments for muscles (mostly neck) • sinuses The Skull
Facial bones (anterior aspect of skull): • Structure: • 13 sutured bones, 1 mandible • Functions: • framework of face • cavities for sense organs of sight, taste and smell • openings for passage of air and food • hold teeth • Attachments for muscles of face The Skull
“Your teeth are also considered part of your skeletal system, but they are not counted as bones. Your teeth are made of enamel and dentin. Enamel is the strongest substance in your body.” http://hes.ucfsd.org/gclaypo/skelweb/skel01.html • “When discussing the human skeletal system it is important to include the teeth. Hillendale Health explains that even though the teeth are not considered bones, they are part of the framework that forms the human skeleton. It is also important to note that the enamel that forms the teeth is the strongest substance within the body. http://www.ehow.com/about_5099016_introduction-skeletal-system.html Now…Let’s talk teeth…
Sinuses Frontal Sinus Ethmoid Sinus Sphenoid Sinus Maxillary Sinus • “Sinus Headaches” • Location of pain: Depends on which sinuses are affected. • If frontal sinuses are affected, then pain will be felt just above the eyebrows. • If ethmoid sinuses are affected, then painwill be felt between the eyes. • If maxillary sinuses are affected, then pain will be felt in the cheekbones region.
Structure: A-Malleus (hammer) B-Incus (anvil) C-Stapes (stirrup) (smallest bone of the body) Function: Changes acoustical energy (sound) into mechanical energy Bones of the middle Ear (Ossicles)
Structure: see below • Function: • anchors tongue and muscles associated with swallowing Hyoid
The Axial Skeleton Cervical Vertebrae(7) Thoracic Vertebrae(12) Lumbar Vertberae(5) Sacrum Coccyx
The Axial Skeleton Sternum True Ribs(7) False Ribs(3) Floating Ribs(2)
Histology of Bone Tissue Bone Function and Structure Bone Growth & Development Joints The Axial Skeleton The Pectoral Girdle The Upper Limbs The Pelvic Girdle The Lower Limbs Summary