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Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention. Response to Intervention RTI. Data Collection Benchmark (CBM Family) ‏ Progress Monitoring Interventions Tiers Training/Materials Problem Solving Model Allocation of Resources. DATA COLLECTION. CBM Family Flynt Cooter Passages Intervention Central

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Response to Intervention

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Response to Intervention

  2. Response to InterventionRTI Data Collection • Benchmark (CBM Family)‏ • Progress Monitoring Interventions • Tiers • Training/Materials Problem Solving Model • Allocation of Resources

  3. DATA COLLECTION CBM Family • Flynt Cooter Passages • Intervention Central Benchmark Scores Progress Monitoring

  4. Types of Benchmark/Progress Monitoring Data Letter Recognition Letter Sound Recognition Fluency

  5. Common Ways to Assess Student Reading Proficiency Alphabetics • Phonemic awareness • Manipulate sounds • Phonological awareness • Linking sounds to letter symbols to make words Reading fluency • Speed and accuracy Comprehension Vocabulary

  6. The single most important factor in determining success in reading is…. LETTER RECOGNITION

  7. Develop Multi-Tiered Interventions To Help Students Interventions are based on monitored progress and are targeted to specific student needs Interventions are administered by classroom teacher, reading specialist, and other highly qualified teachers Interventions provide students with ADDITIONAL instruction

  8. Interventions USING OUR DATA as a GUIDE… We identify… -The Students -The Needs -The Intervention

  9. A Three Tiered Approach Tier 3 5% WILSON READING HIGH RISK GREAT LEAPS REWARDS 15% Tier 2 AT RISK 80% Tier 1 Intervention Kit Heggerty Six Minute Solution Harcourt Trophies

  10. RESEARCH BASED INTERVENTIONS Tier Three Wilson Reading Program Tier Two ? Tier One Guided Reading Heggerty Phonemic Awareness

  11. Special Education Placement On Basis Of Ability To Learn Opportunities to respond to research-based instruction and interventions are ruled out Comprehensive student evaluation is conducted by multidisciplinary school team Use multiple assessments, including RtI generated data to determine specific LD Develop student IEP guided by instructional data collected during various stages of RtI

  12. RtI and Federal Regulations Required by NCLB, IDEA, and RtI • Monitoring of general education • Core curriculum that addresses needs of all students and all subgroups • Supplemental instruction for struggling readers • Intensive interventions for students who have not experienced success • Instruction over discrepancy

  13. Review of Federal Regulation Concerning RtI IDEA: PL 108-446 300.307 (a) (3) Must permit the use of a process that determines if the child responds to scientific, research-based intervention as a part of the evaluation procedures • Schools no longer required to use discrepancy model (waiting for failure) for determining LD

  14. 300.8 (c) (10) SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY Defined GENERAL - Specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, READ, write, spell…

  15. 300.8 (c) (10) SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY Defined ii. DISORDERS NOT INCLUDED - Specific learning disability does not include a learning problem that is primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage • A child does not have SLD if there is a lack of high quality reading instruction or • Has limited English proficiency

  16. Federal Money 15 percent of IDEA Part B funds can be used for early intervention • Professional development • Assessment • Materials • Other services NCLB funds

  17. A School-Wide RtI Team Should Include Classroom teacher Certified reading specialist Special education teacher Parents of child Principal Speech teacher School nurse

  18. Problem Solving Problem Identification Problem Analysis Evaluation Plan Development

  19. What’s the Plan for Mann? What do we need to do? Who will do it? • Teachers • Service Providers • Administration When will we do it? How will we do it?

  20. Teacher Expectations Assist with administering CBMs Meet with Intervention Team and Principal to review data and make decisions Implement research based interventions Monitor progress of students through data

  21. Service Provider Expectations‏ Work with students in several locations of the building Use Research-Based Interventions with students Magnify efforts in specific areas Assist in data collection Coach Teachers on Reading Strategies Assist in Training

  22. Summary RtI is the: Establishment of effective teaching strategies and core curriculum with general education population Universal screening of ALL students Use of research based interventions in general education Measurement of student responses to interventions Use of student RtI data to change intensity or form of new interventions

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