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FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841). Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices. Increasing defiance of king. Reversion to land based economy. Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to:.
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Increasing defiance of king Reversion to land based economy Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Raids & invasions by Vikings from North, Magyars from East, & Arabs from South Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A) Frankish Empire disintegrates into anarchy (FC.41)
Who were the Franks? Early Frankish warriors (c.4th-5th century). They supposedly got their name from the distinctive type of throwing ax, the francisca, which they used in battle.
Conversion of Clovis • How can we interpret this?
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38)
Europe (c.700 C.E.), showing the extent of Frankish power then.
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Inheritance pattern of Frankish kings & its effect?
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41)
Rise of the Carolingians • Mayors of the Palace • Charles Martel
Rise of the Carolingians • Mayors of the Palace • Charles Martel • Pepin • Background: Papacy and Byzantines
Rise of the Carolingians • Mayors of the Palace • Charles Martel • Pepin • Background: Papacy and Byzantines • Alliance with Church
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A)
Muslims & middlemen prosper through peaceful trade Silver which Charlemagne & Louis I use to build Empire Expansion of trade with Franks via Russia & Baltic FC. 40A MUSLIM TRADE LINKS AND THE RISE & FALL OF THE CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE (C.800-1000) Flourishing Muslim civilization in 700s (FC.46) Frisians Vikings (AKARus) Baghdad
Frankish Empire prosperous & strong in 700s & early 800s Muslims & middlemen prosper through peaceful trade Silver which Charlemagne & Louis I use to build Empire Expansion of trade with Franks via Russia & Baltic FC. 40A MUSLIM TRADE LINKS AND THE RISE & FALL OF THE CAROLINGIAN EMPIRE (C.800-1000) Flourishing Muslim civilization in 700s (FC.46) (To be continued)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A)
The stirrup allowed the rider to brace himself against the horse & use the full impetus of its charge to drive home a lance without being thrown from the saddle by the shock of the collision. Thus the term “shock cavalry.” The charge of a line of such cavalry proved virtually irresistible and ruled the battlefields of medieval Europe for centuries.
The Great Stirrup Controversy • Argument for Impact
The Great Stirrup Controversy • Argument for Impact • Criticism
The Great Stirrup Controversy • Argument for Impact • Criticism • Conclusion
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Tried to revive Roman culture Ruled most of W. Europe Revived Roman imperial title Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A)
Conquering the Saxons • What does this source show us?
Charlemagne Capitulary on Saxony, 785 1. It was pleasing to all that the churches of Christ, which are now being built in Saxony and consecrated to God, should not have less, but greater and more illustrious honor, than the fanes (temples) of the idols had had. 3. if any one shall have entered a church by violence and shall have carried off anything in it by force or theft, or shall have burned the church itself, let him be punished by death. 4. If any one, out of contempt for Christianity, shall have despised the holy Lenten fast and shall have eaten flesh, let him be punished by death. But, nevertheless, let it be taken into consideration by a priest, lest perchance any one from necessity has been led to eat flesh. 5. if any one shall have killed a bishop or priest or deacon, let him likewise be punished capitally. 6. If any one deceived by the devil shall have believed, after the manner of the pagans, that any man or woman is a witch and eats men, and on this account shall have burned the person, or shall have given the person's flesh to others to eat, or shall have eaten it himself, let him be punished by a capital sentence. 7. If any one, in accordance with pagan rites, shall have caused the body of a dead man to be burned and shall have reduced his bones to ashes, let him be punished capitally. 9. If any one shall have sacrificed a man to the devil, and after the manner of the pagans shall have presented him as a victim to the demons, let him be punished by death. 10. If any one shall have formed a conspiracy with the pagans against the Christians, or shall have wished to join with them in opposition to the Christians, let him be punished by death; and whoever shall have consented to this same fraudulently against the king and the Christian people, let him be punished by death. 18. That on the Lord's day no meetings and public judicial assemblages shall be held, unless perchance in a case of great necessity or when war compels it, but all shall go to the church to hear the word of God, and shall be free for prayers or good works. Likewise, also, on the especial festivals they shall devote themselves to God and to the services of the church, and shall refrain from secular assemblies. 19. Likewise, it has been pleasing to insert in these decrees that all infants shall be baptized within a year… 22. We command that the bodies of Saxon Christians shall be carried to the church cemeteries and not to the mounds of the pagans.
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Ruled most of W. Europe Revived Roman imperial title Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A)
***On Christmas day, 800, while celebrating mass in Rome, Pope Leo III placed a crown on Charlemagne’s head and declared him Roman emperor. Charlemagne’s attitude toward the imperial title is still a matter of debate among historians. Whatever his attitude, this act marked the beginning of the Holy Roman Empire in the West, an entity that would basically encompass what we now call Germany until Napoleon declared it defunct in 1806.
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Tried to revive Roman culture Ruled most of W. Europe Revived Roman imperial title Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A)
Carolingian Renaissance • Problems • Spoken vs. Written Word • Mangled Prayers • Errors
Carolingian Renaissance • Problems • Mangled Prayers • Errors • Spoken vs. Written Word • Agenda • Correct and Uniform Texts • Keep Clergy Loyal and Holy
Carolingian Renaissance • Problems • Agenda • Actions • Scholars • Texts • Schools
Carolingian Renaissance • Problems • Agenda • Actions • Results • Handwriting • “Death” of Spoken Latin • Preservation and Spread of High Culture
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Increasing defiance of king Reversion to land based economy Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Raids & invasions by Vikings from North, Magyars from East, & Arabs from South Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Attitude toward king? Reversion to land based economy Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Raids & invasions by Vikings from North, Magyars from East, & Arabs from South Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Increasing defiance of king Reversion to land based economy Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Raids & invasions by Vikings from North, Magyars from East, & Arabs from South Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Increasing defiance of king Econ based on what? Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Raids & invasions by Vikings from North, Magyars from East, & Arabs from South Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Increasing defiance of king Reversion to land based economy Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Ability to defend empire? Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Increasing defiance of king Reversion to land based economy Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Raids & invasions by Vikings from North, Magyars from East, & Arabs from South Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A)
FC.40 THE RISE OF THE FRANKS THROUGH CHARLEMAGNE (c.500-841) Alliance with Church and control of its lands & offices Increasing defiance of king Reversion to land based economy Carolingian family reunites & revives Fr. kgd. thanks to: Franks build large kgd. in Gaul at expense of other tribes Tried to revive Roman culture Raids & invasions by Vikings from North, Magyars from East, & Arabs from South Height of Fr. power under Charlemagne (768-814) Franks under Clovis convert to Catholic Christianity like their Roman Catholic subjects More popular than Arian Germans Ruled most of W. Europe Charlemagne’s emp. is split b/w 3 grandsons Civil wars Revived Roman imperial title Civil wars that tear Frankish kingdom into 3 parts W. Roman Empire overrun by Germanic tribes (FC.36) Most Ger. tribes convert to Arian Christianity & persecute Roman Catholics Unpopular with their Roman subjects(FC.38) Frankish kings, like other Ger. kings, split lands between sons (FC.41) Adoption of stirrup Better defense (FC.41) Influx of Muslim silver via Vikings (FC.40A) Growing milit. reliance on nobles (FC.41) Silver trade w/Muslims declines (FC.40A) Frankish Empire disintegrates into anarchy (FC.41)