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Parts of a Cell. Notes. COMMON CELL TRAITS. A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions. CELL WALL. protects the cell gives shape is made of cellulose A cell wall is found in plants , algae , fungi , & most bacteria but NOT in animal cells.
Parts of a Cell Notes
COMMON CELL TRAITS • A cell is the smallest unit that is capable of performing life functions.
CELL WALL • protects the cell • gives shape • is made of cellulose • A cell wall is found in plants, algae, fungi, & most bacteria but NOT in animal cells.
CELL MEMBRANE • Outer covering, protective layer around ALL cells • For cells with cell walls, the cell membrane is inside the cell wall • Allows food, oxygen, & water into the cell & waste products out of the cell.
CYTOPLASM • gelatin-like substance found inside the cell membrane • constantly flows • Most all cell activity occurs here. • aka protoplasm • Found in both plant and animal cells.
NUCLEUS • Directs all cell activities • Contains instructions for everything the cell does • These instructions are found on a hereditary material called DNA • Usually the largest organelle • Found in both plant and animal cells
NUCLEAR MEMBRANE • separates nucleus from cytoplasm • controls movement of materials in & out of nucleus
NUCLEOLUS • Aka “little nucleus” • Found in the nucleus • Where chromosomes are made.
CHROMATIN (Chromosomes) • contains genetic code that controls the cell • made of DNA & proteins
CHLOROPLASTS • Green organelles that make food • found only in plant cells
CHLOROPHYLL • A green pigment that gives leaves & stems their color • Captures sunlight energy that is used to produce food called glucose • Glucose is a type of sugar
MITOCHONDRIA • Organelles that release energy from food • This energy is released by breaking down food into carbon dioxide • AKA the powerhouse b/c they release energy from food • Found in both plant and animal cells
RIBOSOMES • Make proteins • Float freely or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) • Ribosomes are made in the nucleolus • Found in both plant and animal cells.
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM • A series of folded membranes that move materials (proteins) around in a cell • like a conveyor belt • Smooth ER – ribosomes are not attached to ER • Rough ER – ribosomes are attached to ER • Found in both plant and animal cells.
VACUOLES • Large water-filled sac • Stores food, water, and waste • Found in both plant and animal cells, however plants contain only one large one taking 90% of the cell space.
LYSOSOMES (LI suh sohmz) • The word "lysosome" is Latin for "kill body." • The purpose of the lysosome is to digest things. • Lysosomes break down food molecules, cell wastes & worn out cell parts (when a cell dies) • Found in animal cells rare in plant cells.
GOLGI BODIES (GAWL jee) • Stacked flattened membranes • Sort and package proteins
FROM CELL TO ORGANISM Tissue Group of cells working together Organ Group of tissues working together Organ System Group of organs working together Organism Any livingthing made of 1 or more cells