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AP World History Bell Ringer 12/12/18. A Spanish religious court on heresy was called? A. Nuremberg Trials B. Warren Commission C. Inquisition D. Council of Trent 2. Who was known as the “Most Catholic King”?
AP World History Bell Ringer 12/12/18 • A Spanish religious court on heresy was called? A. Nuremberg Trials B. Warren Commission C. Inquisition D. Council of Trent 2. Who was known as the “Most Catholic King”? A. Henry IV B. Phillip II C. George V D. Louis III 3. How did Spain try to bring England back to Catholicism? A. Religious court before the Pope B. Glorious Revolution C. Economic incentive D. Naval armada/invasion
Question • What is the difference between a Monarch and a Absolute Monarch? Power – an absolute Monarch has total control of the country • How does a person gain that much power? Military control National identity Religious authority
Louis XIV (Bourbon) [1643-1715] • Becomes King in 1643 at age 5 and rules for next 72 years • 1st Characteristic of Absolute Monarchy: 1 person rules until death • He felt he was the source of light for his people, so he was called the “Sun King” • 2nd Characteristic of Absolute Monarchy: Rigid social order (class system) • Legacy(Events/Actions): 1. France became most powerful country in Europe 2. Created strongest army (involved in 4 wars during his reign) 3. Persecuted Protestants 4. Created Palace of Versailles
Palace of Versailles • Went from a small hunting chateau to the center of French government • Louis XIV had the entire French government moved here (to keep an eye on them) • 3rd Characteristic of Absolute Monarchy: Monarch has complete control of people and government (has military backing) • This became the palace that all other palaces were compared to • 2000 acres, 230 acres of gardens, palace 720,000 square feet with 700 rooms
Russia Czars and Emperors
Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) [1547-1584] • First Russian ruler to take the title of Czar (Caesar in Russian) • Ivan turned Russia into an empire by building its armies and expanding • Brought the first Printing Press to Russia • Reformed the Russian language (Cyrillic) • Had St. Basil’s Cathedral built
Why was Ivan so Terrible! • Legend has it that he blinded the 2 architects who built St. Basil’s Cathedral so they could not build anything more beautiful • In his paranoia began killing nobles who he felt were plotting against him • Built a secret police who swept across Russia killing anyone who displeased Ivan • In 1570 destroyed the entire town of Novgorod killing the 60,000 citizens because he suspected them of Treason • Killed his own son, the royal heir in a fit of rage • Many scholars feel that either due to genetics or his abusive upbringing and with his mental instability was most likely a paranoid psychopath
Peter the Great (Romanov)[1682-1725] • Peter made Russia back into a major power in Europe after the 100 years of chaos after Ivan’s death • He modernized Russia’s army and navy • Adopted Western culture and made others do so as well • Modernized the Russian language • Opened a seaport (St. Petersburg) to the West and he made it his capital • 4th characteristic of Absolute Monarchy: Divine Right of Kings- God chose them to rule (religious/noble backing)
Catherine II (Catherine the Great)[1762-1796] • Continued the policies of Peter the Great • Expanded the boundaries of Russia • Continued strong central control of the government and people • 5th characteristic of Absolute Monarchy: control is passed down by bloodline Ex. Bourbon’s, Romanov’s & Hapsburg’s
England • Did England have an Absolute Monarchy? Why or Why not?
Assignment • Translate the sentence on the board from Russian into English