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RFCC Module Cost and Schedule Overview

Detailed analysis of RFCC module cost and schedule, including funding profiles and procurement options for timely completion. Critical path considerations and estimated total cost provided.

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RFCC Module Cost and Schedule Overview

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  1. RF Cavity / Coupling Coil Module Steve Virostek Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Phase II Cost and Schedule Session June 12, 2007

  2. Cost and Schedule Analysis • A bottom-up, WBS based cost estimate and schedule for completion of two RFCC modules has been developed (task list of ~300 items) • Assumes the MuCool and MICE Coupling Coils will be designed, fabricated and tested at HIT/ICST • Required funding profile obtained based on RFCC module (2 each) completion by the end of FY09 • RF cavity fabrication is on the critical path • No contingency included in the cost estimates Steve Virostek - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  3. RFCC Module Cost/Schedule Summary Total cost for two modules: $3.50M Steve Virostek - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  4. Funding Profile Options • Nominal profile: non-critical path items procured as late as possible & still meet end of FY09 date • Early purchase: all items are procured as soon as design specification is complete (end FY09 done) • Late purchase: short lead, non-critical items procured early in FY10 • One module: schedule adjusted to complete one module by end FY09 with available funding Steve Virostek - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  5. Nominal Funding Profile Steve Virostek - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  6. Early Purchase Funding Profile Steve Virostek - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

  7. Late Purchase Funding Profile Steve Virostek - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

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