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THE CANCER. Manuel Paz Luis Fernández Sergio Lodeiros Pablo Jhanen 3ºD. INDEX. Causes of cancer . Risk of cancer increases with age . Agents that produce cancer . How is the disease in humans ? The stages of colon cancer . Symptoms of the disease .
THE CANCER Manuel Paz Luis Fernández Sergio Lodeiros Pablo Jhanen 3ºD
INDEX • Causes of cancer. Risk of cancerincreaseswithage. Agentsthat produce cancer. • Howisthedisease in humans? Thestages of colon cancer. • Symptoms of thedisease. • Severity of thedisease. Factorsthatinfluenceontheseverity. • Diagnosis. • Cancertreatment. • Prevention of cancer. • Anyotherfactsaboutthedisease. Developed and in developingcountries.
Causes Some cancers are caused by things that people do: • Smoking increases the chances of developing lung cancer , mouth, esophagus ... • Excessive alcohol use also increases probability that liver or stomach cancer occurs.
How is the disease in humans? Cancer is a disease caused by a group of cells that divide uncontrollably and independently, locally and remotely invading other tissues. More than 200 different types of cancer are known, the most common are skin, lung, breast and colorrectal. The cancer malignancy is variable, depending on the aggressiveness of their cells and other biological characteristics of each tumor type. In general, the behavior of cancer cells are characterized by a lack of reproductive control that requires its original function , losing its original characteristics and acquiring others that are not theirs.
Symptoms of the disease Although each type has its own set of characteristics, there are some cancer symptoms that occur in many types of cancer. • Persistent Fatigue. • Unintentional Weight Loss. • Pain Typically.
Fever: A fever is a very non-specific symptom of many mild to severe conditions, including cancer. • Bowel Changes: If you experience constipation, diarrhea, gas, thinner stools, or just a general overall change in bowel habits, see your doctor.. • Chronic Cough.
Severity of thedisease2007 wasone of thelatestyearsregistrated, and 7.9 millions of personsdiedbecause of thecancer. Thisnumberwillincreaseuntil 11,5 millons in theyear 2030.
FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE ON CANCER • Canceris curable en the 50 % of thepacients.Theymainfactorsthattakepart in thisprocess are: • Findtheprimarycancer. • Theextension of thedisease. • Theage of thepacient. • The funcional state of thepacient.
Cancer treatment Cancer treatment is based on three pillars: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery. Radiotherapy. Chemotherapy.
Preventation of cancer • Smoking • Regular physical activity • Alcohol consumption • Infectious agents • Environmental pollution of air, water and soil • Ionizing radiation Ultraviolet radiation
Facts about cancer • In 2012 cancer caused 8.2 million deaths. • Cancers that cause more deaths are lung , liver, stomach , colon and breast . • The most frequent types of cancer differ in men and women.
Approximately 30% of cancer deaths are produced because five factors of behavioral and dietary. • Cancer begins with the transformation of a single cell. • 70% of all cancer deaths in 2012 occurred in Africa , Asia, Central America and South America.
BIBLIOGRAPHY http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A1ncer#Pron.C3.B3stico_del_c.C3.A1ncer Http://www.who.int/cancer/prevention/es/ http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/spanish/ency/article/001289.htm http://www.who.int/cancer/about/facts/es/ https://www.aecc.es/sobreelcancer/elcancer/paginas/posiblescausas.aspx
INDEX Introduction. Causes of waterpollution. Types of contaminants. Principal pollutants. Eutrophication. Factsaboutthecontamination of water. Ecologicaleffects Short termecologicaleffects. Long termecologicaleffects. Measuresbeingtakentocorrecttheproblem. Example of a wellknown case (China´s eco-crisis).
Introduction The pollution of the water is a modification of this one, generally provocated by the human , who turns it improper or dangerous for the human consumption, the industry…
EUTROPHICATION • Eutrophication is an increase in the concentration of chemical nutrients in an ecosystem to an extent that increases in the primary productivity of the ecosystem.
PRINCIPAL POLLUTANTS • Waste water and other oxygen-demanding wastes. • Chemicals including pesticides. • Oil. • Minerals and inorganic chemicals.
Facts about the contamination of water 1.The vast majority of our water is in the oceans. Only 2.5% of available water is fresh water on the planet. 2. In only China, 320 million people lack access to clean drinking water. 3. 40% of China's surface water is contaminated. 4.20% of groundwater used as drinking water in urban areas in China are polluted. Sometimes contains chemicals that are carcinogenic. 5. Some toxic substances break down into carcinogens when released into rivers worldwide.
Measures being taken to correct the problem • Dispose of cooking oils in a plastic container that can be transported to a local landfill or grease bin. • Properly dispose of household cleaning products, paints and polishes. Retain in a plastic bag and then transfer to a landfill or recycling center. • Dispose of tampons, sanitary napkins and other non biodegradable items in the trash and not in the toilet.
Collect waste and trash from local lakes and water streams. • Learn about the flow of water. Water from households goes into sewage systems and then into treatment facilities in communities. • Examine your habits. Use of pesticides means that when it rains on the lawn or garden, chemicals wash into the storm sewers. • Pick up pet waste. This is also a form of water pollution we can prevent.
China’s eco-crisis: 60% of underground water polluted At least 60 percent of China’s underground water resources have “very poor” or “relatively poor” quality, which means these water can’t be used for drinking directly, says a new report, showing a deep environmental crisis in the country.
BIBLIOGRAPHY http://www.greenpeace.org/espana/es/Blog/en-el-da-mundial-del-agua-10-hechos-que-debes/blog/44444/ http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contaminaci%C3%B3n_h%C3%ADdrica https://www.google.es/search?q=google+imagenes&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=w3ZrU5eBA_DH7Abz4oDQBw&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=933#q=contaminacion+del+agua&spell=1&tbm=isch http://rt.com/news/154268-underground-water-china-polluted/