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Lymphatic System and the Respiratory System

Lymphatic System and the Respiratory System. BIO 1004 Flora. Blood Plasma. 45% of blood volume consists of cells suspended in a substance called plasma Plasma consists of salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, and plasma proteins Plasma proteins are divided into 3 groups:

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Lymphatic System and the Respiratory System

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  1. Lymphatic System and the Respiratory System BIO 1004 Flora

  2. Blood Plasma • 45% of blood volume consists of cells suspended in a substance called plasma • Plasma consists of salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones, and plasma proteins • Plasma proteins are divided into 3 groups: • Albumins – regulate osmotic pressure/blood volume • Globulins – fight infection • Fibrinogen – aid in blood clotting

  3. Red Blood Cells • Also called erythrocytes • These cells transport oxygen • Get their color from hemoglobin which is a protein that binds to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to tissues throughout the body • Produced in bone marrow • Old RBC’s are destroyed in the liver and spleen

  4. White Blood Cells • Also called leukocytes • Produced in the bone marrow and contain nuclei • Guard against infection, fight parasites, and attack bacteria • Lymphocytes – special class of WBC that produce antibodies that destroy pathogens (bacteria that cause a disease)

  5. Platelets and Blood Clotting • Blood has the ability to clot • Using plasma proteins and cell fragments (platelets), the clotting is possible • Some large cells in bone marrow can break into pieces surrounding themselves with a cell membrane and are called platelets • Platelets release clotting factors that convert plasma protein into mesh filaments that stop bleeding • Ex: Hemophilia

  6. Lymphatic System • Is a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that collect fluid lost by the blood and returns it back to the circulatory system • About 3 liters of fluid leak out of the circulatory system PER DAY!! • This fluid is known as lymph • Lymph is returned to the superior vena cava • Lymph nodes act as filters – trapping bacteria and other microorganisms • Absorb fats and vitamins from digestive tract • Spleen – cleanses the blood and removes damaged cells before returning to the circulatory system • Disorder - Edema

  7. Respiratory System • Respiration – means “gas exchange” • Function is to bring about exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the blood, air, and tissues. • Structures of the respiratory system: • Pharynx – passageway for both air and food • Trachea – windpipe – transports air to lungs • Epiglottis – tissue that covers the trachea when swallowing

  8. Cont. Structures of the Respiratory System • Cilia – sweep trapped particles and mucus away from the lungs toward the pharynx • Larynx – top part of the trachea that contains vocal cords • Diaphragm – flat muscle that contracts allowing the ribs to expand and fills the lungs with air

  9. The Bronchi/Gas Exchange • Bronchi – passageway at the end of the trachea that transports air to the lungs • Bronchus are then divided into bronchi that divides into bronchioles • Bronchioles then divide into alveoli which are tiny air sacs • Capillaries connect to alveoli allowing gas exchange • Disorder • Cilia paralysis

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