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Quick Update on the ESA “Climate Change Initiative” (CCI). PP Mathieu, ESA EO Science & Exploitation WOAP – Hamburg – 29-31 March 2010. CCI Rationale & Objective.
Quick Update on the ESA “Climate Change Initiative” (CCI) PP Mathieu, ESA EO Science & Exploitation WOAP – Hamburg – 29-31 March 2010
CCI Rationale & Objective The objective of Climate Change Initiative is to realize the full potential of the long-term global Earth Observation archives that ESA together with its Member states have established over the last thirty years, as a significant and timely contribution to the ECV databases required by UNFCCC. It will ensure that full capital is derived from ongoing and planned ESA missions for climate purposes, including ERS, Envisat, the Earth Explorer missions, relevant ESA-managed archives of Third-Party Mission data and, in due course, the GMES Space Component. CCI Programme following Ministerial Council in 2008, about 75MEUR over 6 years for about 20 ECVs Starting NOW
Expanding European EO Capabilities Earth Watch Missions • USER Driven OPERATIONAL • GMES Space Component • -Sentinel 1 (SAR) • Sentinel 2 (Multispectral Img) • Sentinel 3 (Glob Ocean / Land) • Sentinel 4 (Chemistry geo) • Sentinel 5 (Chemistry polar) Family of Sentinels 2011+ ENVISAT 2002 ERS 1 1991 ERS 2 1995 Earth Explorers EE7 SWARM ADM-Aeolus EarthCARE GOCE Mar 2009 SMOS Nov 2009 CRYOSAT 2 Apr 2010 Met Missions operated by EUMETSAT MSG+ MTG Post-EPS Meteosat 1977 MSG-1 2002 Metop-A 2006 10/2003 - 51
GOCE – Gravity field & steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer From Observed gravity gradients (e.g. Uxx) from 260+km altitude GOCE Main Objectives global ocean circulation and transfer of heat + physics of the Earth’s interior + sea level records, ice sheets and sea level change … to a global picture of the GEOID of unprecedented accuracy The Missing Link ..
SMOS – Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity From Brightness Temperature ………… to Soil Moisture (50km) & SSS (0.1psu, 200km) …. NRT exploitation by Met offices (e.g.Assimilation @ ECMWF) Watch out RFI! In L-band Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
CCI Scope: Satellite-based ECVs GCOS – 107 Systematic Observation Requirements for Satellite-Based Product for Climate Page 81
CCI Scope: Satellite-based ECVs Difficult Selection of sub-set of 11 ECVs (first step)! … GCOS – 107 Systematic Observation Requirements for Satellite-Based Product for Climate Page 81
CCI Steps: Value Chain & Feedback Loop INPUT FROM Long Term Archiving Programmes Multi-mission infrastructure Re-processing ex archive (e.g. calibration) Re-processing ex archive (e.g. calibration) Feedback Loop “Gather” ECV generation (e.g. validation & bias) DATA ALGO “Deliver” ECV assessment IMPACT FOR USER (e.g. evaluation models) OUTPUT TO “Exploit” International Climate Programmes EC & MS R&D Programmes IPCC Process, UNFCCC SCIENCE! Education & Awareness “Show”
Data from each sensor contributes to FCDR of several ECVs FCDR of each ECV requires data from several sensors ESA missions data => FCDRs => ECVs
CCI Precursor: GLOB projects Link with users (e.g. IGBP, Convention, Scientific Community,..)
The time Dimension - “baseline” data requirement per ECV Issue of continuity, consistency [jump], stability! …
Some Elements of the CCI Programme • Guidance: CSAB (Climate Scientific Advisory Board) • Production - 11 ECV Contracts - Call for Tender for Phase 1 [USER Consultation, Prototype Syst] (now closed) to prepared for Phase 2 (yr 4-5-6) [OPERATIONAL SYST] • Consortium including Science Leader, Project Manager, EO expert, System Engineering, User - Specialised Climate Research Groups. • Tasks including, user consultation, algo development [retrieval, merging], validation, round-robin comparison, system prototyping, error characterisation (from sensor to parameters), user assessment • Integration: Need expressed (e.g. ESAC, CSAB) + Value element of feedback. • CMUG contract (Climate Modelling User Group) [Met Office, ECMWF, MPI-M, MeteoFR] to place a climate system perspective at the centre of the CCI programme, and to provide a dedicated forum through which the EO Data Community and Climate Modelling Community can work closely together. • ESA Climate Office in Harwell (Technical role, e.g. Management of some ECVs + ScientificData Visu Tools [Exploitation], Interface Role, e.g. with EC, Int Coop)
ECV 1 global satellite data products for climate research Climate Modelling Users Group International climate modelling community ECV 2 ECV 3 An observing system to challenge, calibrate and verify Global Climate Models International EO community (CEOS) Specialized climate research groups Where we want to go… Specialized “EO data communities”
PRODUCTION INTEGRATION Specialised Clim Research Group 1 Specialised Clim Research Group 2 Specialised Clim Research Group 11 Climate Modelling Community GCOS User Communities PARTNERSHIP Climate Models Assimilation, Data toolboxes Algo + Fusion tech FEEDBACK CCI Project ECV 1 CCI Project ECV 2 CCI Project ECV 11 CMUG Forum CCI Climate Data Base Data Stream (e.g. FCDR, ECV, Level 1b) • Clim Res. • Data Package • Cal / Val Data • Climatology • ATBD Information (e.g. Requirements, Feedback) Tools (e.g. algorithms, models) ESA CEOS agencies Reanalysis In-Situ Level x INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ESA programme links with CEOS, SCOPE-CM, EU FP7, EUMETSAT, NASA, EEA…
Towards Enhanced Scrutiny .. Multi-ECVs Model Data (e.g reanalysis) Space, time Multi-type Obs (sensor, geophysical) Ancillary Obs data (e.g. climatology, in-situ)
Towards Enhanced Scrutiny .. Multi-ECVs Model Data (e.g reanalysis) Space, time Multi-type Obs (sensor, geophysical) Tools Visualisation, Statistics, Mining Tech Ancillary Obs data (e.g. climatology, in-situ) Describe (e.g. trends, variability) + Documents! Understand (e.g. error, consistency) Detect (e.g. Quality flag)
CONCLUDING REMARKS [Periodic] Re-processing Data Set [monitoring] e.g. Enhanced Scrutiny, Error Bar “Optimize” Observation e.g. Foster exploitation, model evaluation [CMIP5] Engage with User Community e.g. Dialogue with WOAP– Main Focal Point Invitation to CCI Session @ EGU [6 May 2010 15:30-16:15] organised by CMUG to gather requirements from Climate Modelling Community http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2010/session/3695