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B I O D A T A NAMA : Y.BAMBANG TRIYONO PANGKAT/GOL : Pembina-IV/a JABATAN : Widyaiswara ALAMAT : Jl.Karonsih Timur V No.101 Ngaliyan ,
B I O D A T A NAMA : Y.BAMBANG TRIYONO PANGKAT/GOL : Pembina-IV/a JABATAN : Widyaiswara ALAMAT : Jl.KaronsihTimur V No.101 Ngaliyan, Semarang. 50181. Telp. 024 7620305 Mobile: 08122801382 Email: baamtri@yahoo.com PENDIDIKAN : Strata-2 KajianBahasaInggrisUniversitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES), 2003 PENGALAMAN KERJA : ◊Penyiar Radio SiebraSmg, 1983-1986 ◊Penyiar RRI Semarang, 1986-1990 ◊Penyiar/Reporter/RedakturBahasaInggris RRI Semarang, 1990-1999 ◊KonsultanSeksi Indonesia Radio Korea Internasional (RKI-KBS) Seoul Korea Selatan, 1999- 2001 ◊StafSeksiMasalahAktual RRI Semarang, 2001-2006 ◊ StafPengajarFakultasSastraUnversitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang, 2003-2007 ◊WidyaiswaraPuslitbangdiklat LPP RRI Jakarta, 2007.
☻MOTTO FOR BROADCASTERS Radio is all about intimacy, the human voice reaching the airwaves and engaging with a single person
BAB I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background/Latar Belakang Why is English important? The answer may vary: ●It is a need for both private and government employees ● Even everybody says that English is very important ● Leaders should properly speak, write, and comprehend English ● You will improve your self-confidence ● You will build wide communication with international community ● You will get more friends ● You will get more money So, Don’t be lazy to speak up. Be talkative with true English.
1.2 Deskripsi Singkat Mata ajar Bhs Inggris ini membahas identifikasi permasalahan yang muncul ketika mempelajari bahasa Inggris terutama mengenai ucapan dan tekanan kata-kata bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya. Peserta juga mempraktekkan dialog bahasa Inggris yang sudah dipersiapkan. 1.3 Kompetensi Dasar Peserta diklat diharapkan mampu mengidentifikasi masalah yang muncul dan mampu mengatasinya sehingga termotivasi untuk belajar bahasa Inggris lanjut. 1.4 Indikator Keberhasilan Peserta diklat diharapkan dapat mempraktekkan kata-kata dan kalimat bahasa Inggris terutama yang ejaan dan ucapannya berbeda (non phonetic) secara baik dan benar.
1.5 Pokok Bahasan Pokok bahasan dalam bahan ajar ini adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Bab I Introduction/Pendahuluan 2. Bab II Problem in the Language Learning 3. Bab III English Pronunciation Problem atau ucapan bahasa Inggris dan unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhinya 4. Bab IV Speaking Practice 5. Bab V Penutup
BAB IIPROBLEM IN THE LANGUAGE LEARNING 2.1 Identifying Problem Here are some problems that you may encounter when studying English. Please indicate how important each of them for you. For each problem, check either the yes or the no column, then write a brief explanation of your response in the reason column.
2.3 Phonetic symbols for English This is the standard set of phonemic symbols for English (RP and similar accents).
2.4 Difficult Sounds (Vowels) This is a long i that Indonesians never say it with a little bit long duration. They may say it with a long i but they do not recognize this symbol i: Indonesian does not recognize this symbol except short a. English recognizes the a: like in the word father / fa:ðə(r) /. ɑ: This is a long ə. Remember, however, that these two symbols do not have relation. Compare 3: in bird / ’b3:d/ and ə in ago / ə’gəu/ ɜː
This symbol is similar to e like in the word pen, but when pronouncing this sound you should make your mouth wider, just like the word bag. Compare these two words:pen /pen/ and bag /bæg/ æ Do you find this symbol in Indonesian? Forget it but try to recognize this symbol in English words, like in hair /’heə(r)/ ; pair /’peə(r)/, etc. eə This sound is never/seldom spoken by Indonesians. That is why, they often mispronounce the words open /‘əupən/; over /’əuvə(r)/; go /’gəu/; know /nəu/, etc. əʊ
The sound /ð/ is a voiced fricative sound. The words they / ðei/; father /fa:ðə(r)/ and mother /ma:ðə(r)/ will help you to make the /ð/ sound easily. ð This symbol does not exist in Indonesian. This is a voiceless fricative sound. This is voiceless sound of t. To make it easy to understand, compare these two words: thin / θIn/ and tin /tIn/; three / θrI/ and tree /trI/ θ This sound is similar to c in Indonesian, just like in the word of cara /cara/. Compare to this English word: church / t∫3:t∫/. so t∫ is exactly the same as c. t∫ This is a voiced fricative sound. It is produced the same way as /∫/, but that / / is voiced. To make clear, pronounce the word vision /viʒən/; television /teliviʒən/ ʒ
2.4.1 English is non phonetic We do not always say a word the same way that we spell it. Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation, for example: I like to read /ri:d/ I have read /red/ that book My favourite colour is red /red/ He will present/prI’sent/ his paper tomorrow He will give her a present /‘presənt/ in her birthday party.
2.4.2 Exercises Compare the sound i: and I in the following words: feel / fi:l / fill / fIl / heat / hi:t / hit / hIt / S(ame) D(ifferent) 1. sick- seek ……… ……… 2. real- real ……… ……. 3. slip-sleep ………. ……… 4. reach-rich ………. ……… 5. sin-sin ………. ………
Let’s practice the dialog with sentences you have got in your hand. • Respond sentence A with sentence B, so that the dialogs make sense.
BAB IIIENGLISH PRONUNCIATION PROBLEMEnglish pronunciation> word stress in English 3.1 Word Stress Native speakers of English use word stress naturally. Non native speakers, who speak English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two problems: 1. They find it difficult to understand native speakers, especially those speaking fast. 2.The native speakers may find it difficult to understand them. 3.2 Why is Word Stress Important in English? English uses word stress. English speakers use word stress to communicate rapidly and accurately, even in difficult condition if, for example, you do not hear a word clearly, you can still understand the word because of the position of the stress.
3.3 English Pronunciation Tips Tip 1 Do not confuse pronunciation of words with their spelling! For example, ‘threw’ and ‘through’, although spelled differently, are pronounced the same. Tip 2 Imagine a sound in your mind before you say it. Try to visualize the positioning of your mouth and face. Think about how you are going to make the sound. Tip 3 Listen to and try to imitate the instructor. Listening for specific sounds. Pay attention to pauses, the intonation of the instructor’s voice and patterns of emphasis.
The English language has many different dialects, and words can be pronounced differently. It is important, however, that you pronounce words clearly toensure effective communication.Tip 5You must practice what you are learning!Remember:You are teaching your mouth a new way to move. You are building muscles that you do not use inyour own language.It is like going to the gym and exercising your body.Exercise your mouth a little bit each day. Tip 4
BAB IV SPEAKING PRACTICE Listening You start listening to learn a new language After listening new sounds, you try to imitate what you just listened by pronouncing them Speaking When you have been able to speak, you are sent to school to learn writing Writing Going to school for some years you will be able to read to open your mind and eyes to see the world Reading
4.1 Broadcast Management Let’s learn English through Broadcast Management or learn Broadcast Management through English. Hello, I am Leo Saifudin I am a Broadcast Manager I’ve been working for RRI for more than 20 years
Oh ye, what makes you proud of being a broadcast manager? I am proud of it. My job as a broadcast manager is different from other jobs because it make us close to the people. It makes us responsible before the audience and the society
May a senior broadcast manager have a variety of objectives and how about the basic mission? Senior broadcast managers may have variety of objectives. The basic mission of the managerial team should be the same. That isto make quality programs for selected target audiences.
Is a manager also a leader ? Yes, of course s/he is also a leader because s/he has to lead subordinates/staff. Manager should have a good leadership, which at simplest level means leading a team, whether large or small
What are good leaders like? Real leaders do not need clutter. They must have self-confidence to be clear, precise, to be sure every person understands. (Jack Welc)
What are the qualities required for good leaders? Many ! They are among others: ◦Self-confidence, self-belief and self-motivation ◦Strong personality to lead a team ◦A vision of what the management job should be ◦Having a strategy to fulfill the mission ◦Interpersonal skill ◦Excellence in administration ◦Creative in thought and deed ◦Last but not least – commitment to broadcasting
4.2 The Broadcasting Environment Could you please mention three different types of broadcasters emerged from political scenarios? Certainly I could: . 2. The public broadcasters Which first emerged in Europe as a cultural entity 3.The commercial broadcasters, for Which the US free Marketphiosophy was initial driving 1. The state broadcaster where the governments control the media
In case of RRI/TVRI’s status, who is the paymaster, the government, the advertiser, or the audience? In these circumstances, managers find it extremely difficult to determine who the paymasters are. This rarely leads to an encouraging working environment. Changing the name to a public corporation is often meaningless. While the development of Public Service Broadcasting is problematic, there are signs of the growth of Public Service Programs on a variety of channels. The broadcasting environment is improving in the developing world slowly and painfully, offering very different challenges to managers at all level.