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ROME. Geography. Geography played an important part in Rome’s development Alps Mountains- North Sea- East, West, South Easy to defend Important crossroads for trade. Roman Republic.

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  1. ROME

  2. Geography • Geography played an important part in Rome’s development • Alps Mountains- North • Sea- East, West, South • Easy to defend • Important crossroads for trade

  3. Roman Republic • Rome was a republic- form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and citizens have the right to vote • Divided themselves into 2 social classes • Patricians- great land owners • Plebeians- less wealthy land owners, craftspeople, and merchants • Only men could vote • Developed a Senate that made laws • Senators had term limits

  4. Roman Laws • Rome developed a series of laws known as the Twelve Tables • Set of criminal, civil, and religious laws • “equality under the law” • Later, they added the Law of Nations • Standard of justice that applied to all people • Innocent until proven guilty

  5. Punic Wars • Wars between Rome and Carthage • Fought over the island of Sicily • Rome won • Hannibal (Carthage) invaded Rome by crossing the Alps • Rome won…..AGAIN

  6. Roman Empire • Roman generals fought for control of the republic • 3 men ruled as a triumvirate • Julius Caesar took control and became dictator for life • Dictator- absolute ruler • He reformed the government and was assassinated • Caesar’s nephew, Augustus became the first emperor of Rome

  7. Get out Roman Republic Chart from Yesterday.

  8. PaxRomana • Augustus is responsible for the PaxRomana- Roman Peace • Lasted for 100 years • Romans saw themselves as superior • Roman Empire had a population of over 50 million • Covered 3½ million square miles

  9. Christianity • Original religion focused on gods and goddesses • Romans tolerated other religions • One religion that gained prominence was Christianity • Based on the teachings of a prophet named Jesus Christ • He believed his mission was to complete the salvation that God had promised Israel • Prominent Christian apostles (leaders) were Paul and Simon Peter

  10. Christianity • Holy Book- Bible (Old and New Testament) • Use of clergy- church leaders • Romans began to view Christianity as harmful • Romans eventually began to accept Christianity • Constantine became the 1st Christian emperor • Issued the Edict of Milan, which proclaimed official tolerance of Christianity

  11. Compare and Contrast • Write a short essay comparing the Twelve Tables with the Code of Hammurabi. • Homework: Christianity Reading

  12. Roman Culture • Architecture • Arch, dome, aqueducts, coliseum • Invented concrete and used for building • 50,000 miles of roads • Arts • Poetry and theater • Baths • Living in the city was crowded

  13. Roman Culture • Family Life • Family was headed by the paterfamilias- dominant male • Women had to have guardians • Slaves • Used foreigners and captives as slaves • Slaves build roads, public buildings, and farmed

  14. Assignment • Begin working on map of the Roman Empire

  15. Fall of Rome • Problems in Rome • Civil wars • Military government • Instability • Invasions- Huns, Goths, and Vandals • Plague • Economic Problems • Inflation- rapid increase in prices

  16. Fall of Rome • Division of Rome into two halves • East Rome (Byzantine)- capital= Constantinople • West Rome- capital= Rome • The Western half of the Roman Empire fell • The Eastern Roman Empire continued for another 1000 years

  17. Assignment • Finish map of Roman Empire • DUE AT THE END OF CLASS!!!

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