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myc-, mycet-, myco-. fungi. myel-, myel-. marrow. necr-, necro-. death, corpse. new, strange. neo-. neph-, nephro-. kidney. neur-, neuro-. nerve. noct-, nocti-. night. nos-, noso-. disease. ocul-, oculo-. eye. tooth, teeth. odont-, odonto-. -oid. likeness, resemblance.
myc-, mycet-, myco- fungi
myel-, myel- marrow
necr-, necro- death, corpse
new, strange neo-
neph-, nephro- kidney
neur-, neuro- nerve
noct-, nocti- night
nos-, noso- disease
ocul-, oculo- eye
tooth, teeth odont-, odonto-
-oid likeness, resemblance
olig-, oligo- few, a deficiency
-oma tumor, swelling
onych-, onycho- nails
oo-, ovi-, ovo- egg
oophor-, oophoro- ovary
orth-, ortho- straight, normal
oscillo- to swing to and fro
bone, bone tissue oss-, osseo-, ossi-, oste-, osteo-
-ostomy create a mouth or opening by surgery
ot-, oto- ear
-otomy cutting into
ovar-, ovario- ovary
-oxia pertaining to oxygen
para- near, beyond, apart from, beside
path-, patho-, -pathy disease. abnormal condition
child, foot ped-, pedia-
-penia lack of
per- through, excessively
peri- around
-pexy fixation
phag-, phago- to eat, to ingest
-phagia, -phagy eating, swallowing
-phasia speech, ability to talk
to be fond of, to like -phil, -philic
phleb-, phlebo- vein
phob-, phobia- fear, dread, abnormal aversion
phot-, photo- light
pile-, pili-, pilo- hair, resembling hair
-plasty molding, surgical formation
pleur-, pleuro- side, rib, serous membrane covering the lung and lining of the chest cavity
-pnea air, breathing
pod-, podo- foot
making, forming -poiesis
polio- gray
poly- many
post- behind, after, following
pre- before, ahead of