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Situation of disabled persons living in the EU countries. Wojciech Bąba European Economic Integration Chair Cracow University of Economics. Main fields of analysis:. medical aspects: causes of disability, number of accidents, health care systems, labour market position of disabled persons,
Situation of disabled persons living in the EU countries Wojciech Bąba European Economic Integration Chair Cracow University of Economics
Main fields of analysis: • medical aspects: causes of disability, number of accidents, health care systems, • labour market position of disabled persons, • social protection and social benefits for disabled persons, • education and vocational training of disabled persons, • knowledge based society and modern information technologies: influence on the situation of disabled persons.
Base of the analysis: • European Community Household Panel (ECHP): 1996, EU14, • Eurobarometer 2002.1: NMC10, • Labour Force Survey 2002, ad hoc module on disability: EU25, • Reports on Measures to Combat Discrimination in the 13 Candidate Countries: 2003, NMC10, • National Action Plans on Social Inclusion: 2004, EU25.
What makes analysis difficult?Problems with gathering and comparing the data. • each Member State enforces it’s own definitions and criteria for determining disability, • there is often more than one definition of disability in particular country (for use in health care, education, employment policy), • the number of disabled persons living in particular country, determined in accordance with local definitions, is often different than the number of persons self-reporting disability.
Main results • strong connection between disability and ageing; ECHP survey proved that more than 60% of persons reporting disability was older than 45, • small differences in the incidence of disability by gender, • disabled people have a relatively low educational level compared with non-disabled people, • disability has a negative effect on labour market participation and on unemployment; In most Member States the unemployment rates* of disabled people are visibly higher than in general population; At the same time, participation rates are substantially lower. *Unemployment rate = (unemployed / (employed + unemployed))*100 Participation rate = ((employed + unemployed) / working-age population)*100
Employment of disabled persons • low level of participation in labour market, observed in population of disabled persons means, that these persons are dependant on social benefits, provided by the country, • low level of education leads to a situation, when most of disabled persons are employed in professions, requiring only basic level of qualifications, • the growth of modern information and telecommunication technologies can have both positive and negative impact on employment of disabled persons. To find a job in such branch, high level of education is required (threat). On the other hand, such technologies lead to better participation of disabled persons in daily life (e-learning, e-governance, e-work) (opportunity).
Percentage of population aged 16-64 (working age population) stating that they have a long-standing health problem or disability (LSHPD) (EU25 countries, 2002) Source: Employment of disabled people in Europe in 2002. Eurostat, Statistics in Focus, Population and Social Conditions, 26/2003.
Social benefits for the function disability in EU-25 countries (per head of population [PPS], 2001) Source: EUROSTAT: Population and Social Conditions.
Social benefits for the function disability in EU-25 countries (as a % of GDP, 2001) Source: EUROSTAT: Population and Social Conditions.
ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) • ISCED 0-2: includes all persons withlower secondary education or second stage of basic education, • ISCED 3: includes persons with (upper) secondary education, • ISCED 4-6: includes persons with post-secondary non-tertiary education or tertiary education.
Knowledge based society and modern information technologies • no data regarding population of disabled persons available, • indicators analyzed in general population (households & enterprises): level of Internet access, utilization of Internet for interacting with public authorities, utilization of Internet in relation to training and educational purposes, • conclusion: such indicators are not directly dependant on level of economic development.
Sources not included in analysis(published after October 2005): • Council Directive establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation (2000/78/EC): stipulates EC’s report on implementation of this Directive, based on the data, that should be provided by all Member Countries by 2 December 2005 at the latest and every 5 years thereafter. First report not available yet. • Communication of the Commission: Equal opportunities for people with disabilities: A European Action Plan, COM650 (2003): stipulates EC’s biennial report on the overall situation ofpeople with disabilities in the enlarged EU. First report published on 28 November 2005 as: European Action Plan 2006-2007.
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