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Discover the fascinating world of poultry - chickens, turkeys, ducks, and more! Explore different breeds, egg variations, and key terms to know in poultry farming. Learn about broiler and layer production processes. Click through for an informative journey.

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  1. EGG-CITED ABOUT POULTRY Georgia Department of Education

  2. Poultry • domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese.

  3. CONTENTS PREVIOUS NEXT Instructions: Click on a topic of interest below or go through the entire presentation by clicking on the arrows. • What is poultry used for, what types of poultry are there? • Breeds of Chicken. • Differences Between White and Brown Eggs. • Poultry Terms to Know. • Broiler Production. • Layer Production.

  4. Bird Flu • Killer Flu of 1918 in the US • Similar to the Bubonic Plaque in Europe • Last Big Outbreak: Mexico

  5. PREVIOUS NEXT What do we use poultry for? Thanksgiving Turkey Eggs- Angel Food Cake Chicken Nuggets Feathers-Fish lures Feathers-Down pillows Eggs-Medicine

  6. What types of poultry are there? Turkeys Ratites-Ostriches, Emus Chickens Geese Game Birds Ducks

  7. PREVIOUS NEXT The pigeons are released and use their “homing” instinct, to return home to their “lofts”. Pigeons are also known as “Thoroughbreds of the Sky” Pigeons Are Also Poultry There is a hobby called Pigeon Racing and hobbyists take it very seriously!

  8. Chickens PREVIOUS NEXT • Chickens make up the largest sector of the poultry industry. • Consumption of chicken in the U.S. is rising every year. Why? • Chicken is LOW in fat, HIGH in protein and LOW in cholesterol when compared to meats such as pork and beef. • There are several breeds of chicken used to produce different products and types of eggs.

  9. Breeds of Chicken PREVIOUS NEXT White Leghorns Used for egg production and produce white eggs

  10. Breeds of Chicken PREVIOUS NEXT Barred Plymouth Rocks Used for meat and eggs, produce brown eggs

  11. Breeds of Chicken PREVIOUS NEXT New Hampshire Reds Used for meat and eggs, produce brown eggs

  12. Breeds of Chickens PREVIOUS NEXT White Plymouth Rocks Used for meat and eggs, produce brown eggs

  13. What’s the Difference Between Brown Eggs and White Eggs? PREVIOUS NEXT • White and brown eggs taste the same and have the same nutritive value. Brown eggs are not healthier! • The color difference is due to the breed of the hen. • You can tell what color egg a hen will lay by looking at her feathers and ear lobes. • A hen with WHITE earlobes and feathers will lay WHITE eggs. • A hen with RED feathers and matching earlobes will lay BROWN eggs. • The difference is purely cosmetic….usually, people in the North prefer brown eggs while people in the South like white eggs.

  14. Poultry Terms to Know CLICK PICTURES TO ENLARGE PREVIOUS NEXT Broiler- used mainly for meat. A broiler is a chicken is 6 to 7 weeks of age and weighs 4 pounds when it is sent to market. Layer-a mature female chicken that produces eggs. Most can lay 300 eggs/year. Pullet- a young female chicken

  15. Poultry Terms to Know CLICK PICTURES TO ENLARGE PREVIOUS NEXT Capon- a male chicken that has been neutered/castrated, usually 5 to 7 months of age and weigh about 6 pounds. By castrating these males when they are 3 weeks old, their meat is more tender and more flavorful when the bird matures. Rooster- a mature male chicken Cockerel- a male chicken that is less than 1 year old Spent hen- a hen that is no longer laying

  16. Poultry Terms to Know Photos courtesy of USDA Vertical Integration-raising, processing, and distributing poultry is now one continuous chain. A large company is composed of smaller companies that carry out all the processes from manufacturing to distributing. For example, Con Agra is one large company, but they hire growers, hatcheries, distributors, and processors. 1. Hatchery 2. Growout 3. Processing 4. Distribution

  17. Broiler Production PREVIOUS NEXT Broilers are raised for their meat and they make up most of the chicken products that we eat. A Broiler’s Story: I was born in a hatchery…then I was placed in an open chicken house where I ate and drank at free will. The chicken house is big, warm, and well ventilated. I ran around on a big open shavings floor. I was fed a diet that made me grow as efficiently as possible so that the grower wouldn’t waste money on me. My diet has yellow corn, soy, other grains, minerals, vitamins, and medicine to keep us from getting sick. My brothers, sisters, and I were all kept very healthy. When I turned six weeks old and weighed 4 pounds I was sent to market so you can enjoy chicken nuggets and other chicken products.

  18. Broiler Production PREVIOUS NEXT Which three states in the U.S. lead in broiler production? • Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas • Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida • Arkansas, California, and Michigan A B C

  19. Broiler Production PREVIOUS NEXT Most farmers grow chickens on a contract. What does growing on contract mean? Grower The Grower Supplies: House Utilities Labor Shavings Cleaning Supplies Company (Con Agra, Perdue,etc.) The Company Supplies: Chicks Feed Medicine Expertise

  20. PREVIOUS NEXT Layer Production Eggcellent!!!!

  21. Layer Production PREVIOUS NEXT Did you know? A layer hen in production can lay almost 300 eggs/year and this number is rising! In 1900, hens only laid 100 eggs/year! Are the eggs you buy in the store fertilized or unfertilized? They are unfertilized! Hens do not need a rooster to lay eggs. Can you name some foods that have eggs in them? Angel food cake, mayonnaise, egg nog, bread, and noodles are just a few products with eggs!

  22. Layer Production PREVIOUS NEXT What are the parts of an egg?

  23. Layer Production PREVIOUS NEXT EGG GRADING Eggs can be Grade AA, A, or B And Small, Medium, or Large Eggs that are misshapen, cracked, or dirty are not sold to the consumer. These eggs are sold to the food industry.

  24. COMMON CHICKEN ILLNESSES AND TREATMENTS Serious illness is unlikely in a backyard flock, especially if you vaccinate the chickens. All the same, it’s good to be aware of them in case you ever are wondering, is my chicken sick? Diseases can spread from wild birds and pests, so keep an eye out during your daily health checks for the symptoms listed below. COMMON CHICKEN DISEASES AND TREATMENTS -Serious illness is unlikely in a backyard flock, especially if you vaccinate the chickens. - Chickens in large scale productions can spread disease quickly. -Diseases can spread from wild birds and pests to chickens

  25. Avian Pox/Fowl Pox: Symptoms: White spots on skin; combs turn into scabby sores; white membrane and ulcers in mouth. laying stops; all ages affected. How contracted: Viral disease; mosquitoes, other chickens with pox Treatment: warm dry quarters, soft food; many birds with good care will survive. Vaccine available: Yes; recovered birds are immune and do not carry the disease.

  26. Botulism: Symptoms: Tremors quickly progressing to paralysis of body, including breathing; feathers pull out easily; death in a few hours. How contracted: Caused by a bacterial byproduct and by eating or drinking botulism-infected food or water Treatment: Antitoxin available from vet but expensive. If found early try 1 teaspoon Epsom salts dissolved in 1 ounce warm water dripped into mouth Vaccine available: None; locate and remove source, usually decaying carcass, meat near water, or insects that fed on the meat or the water the carcass is in.

  27. Chicken Anatomy

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