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Performance Manager. 2013 Training. Introduction. Performance Manager (PFM) is a web-based program used to complete the annual performance evaluation process electronically. All performance appraisals (self, peer, employee & manager) are completed in PFM
Performance Manager 2013 Training
Introduction Performance Manager (PFM) is a web-based program used to complete the annual performance evaluation process electronically. All performance appraisals (self, peer, employee & manager) are completed in PFM PFM can be accessed from any computer with internet access. AAHS has been using PFM since 2010
User Registration Every employee will need to register the first time they login to Performance Manager, otherwise just login using employee ID and password created previously. Step One: Launch Performance Manager Click on the Performance Manager link on the AAHS Intranet page OR Open an Internet Explorer Window In the URL address line, enter https://pfm.healthcaresource.com/performance/aahs
User Registration Step Two: Register or Login if already registered • Click the Register link • Enter your First Name • Enter your Last Name • Enter your Employee Id (no leading zeros) • Click the Next button • In the Username Field you will see your Employee ID Number, this is your Username (you will not modify anything on this screen) • Click the Next button
User Registration • In the Password Field, Enter your desired password (Password should meet the specifications on the screen) • In the Re-enter Password field enter the same exact password entered above 10. Click the Next button 11. In the Question Field, click the down arrow for a selection of Security Questions (must complete all questions) • Enter the corresponding answer in • the Answer field • 13. Click the Next button • Click the Complete Registration • button
Log-in If you forget your password after registration please click “Forgot Password” on the Performance Manager login screen and you will be asked your security questions so you can retrieve your password. Employee ID #
Home Page Overview • When a manager logs into the system, they will see four tabs, My Folder, Employees, Reports and Job Description • My Folder – contains all tasks that need to be completed • Employees – contains information on a manager’s employees • Reports – contains the reports that a manager can run • Job Description – contains a library of all job descriptions in the organization
Home Page Overview, cont. Quick Views “All Tasks” is your default view and shows all of your tasks. “Tasks About Me” is your personal task list. This includes only tasks where you (the logged in user) are the employee that the task is about. “Routed Tasks” is your pending task list. “Past Due Tasks” all tasks with a due date prior to today’s date. “Alerts” is a list of all the tasks, relevant to your employees that are past due. Click on any of the headers to sort the list. Click on the envelope icon to send an e-mail message to your employee regarding that task.
My Folder There are 2 tasks that will appear in your personal task list. • Review Job Description Click on the task “Review Job Description” Scroll down the description as you read it and click “Sign” 2. Self Appraisal Click on the task “Self Appraisal” Complete the self-rating in the first section and enter comments. Select N/A for sections that do not apply to your self appraisal. At the end of the appraisal screen, you can enter summary comments . When your self-appraisal is complete Click to send it to your supervisor NOTE: youcannot change your evaluation after you send it.
Appraisal Instructions • The appraisal form you receive will have sections that you complete and sections that do not apply to you (i.e. if you are a peer only complete the peer section, if you are a subordinate only complete the subordinate section) and be sure to select N/A for all sections that are not applicable to you. • Pay attention to the RED instructions. These instructions tell you which sections to complete and which sections to select N/A. • For example, if you are completing an appraisal for a peer (leader at the same level as yourself) then only complete the sections that read Peer and select N/A for the sections that read Subordinate because that does not apply to you.
Appraisals for Your Staff AAHS Human Resources will schedule the master annual performance review dates in the system. As a leader FOR EACH APPRAISAL you will: • Assign a Self Appraisal to each employee who reports to you and set the due date • Assign Multi-rater Appraisal and due date • Complete the Appraisal for each employee • Meet with your employee to review their final appraisal. • Save and Send the completed appraisal to the employee for their electronic signature
1. Assign Self-Appraisals To begin assigning self-appraisals, go to My Folder and click the “tasks” button then click the “Send Self-appraisals” button. A new window display lists all employees for whom the user has appraisal tasks. To assign self-appraisals, select the employees’ names using the check box controls on the rows, or select all rows by clicking the check box in the column header and then click "Assign Selected".
1. Assign Self-Appraisals Cont. You will then be prompted with a confirmation message. Clicking “OK” will generate the corresponding self-appraisal tasks. Make sure to communicate with your employee that they have a self-appraisal assignment in PFM. Note the due dates set for 2013 in the timeline and watch for e-mail communication on this every year.
2. Assign Multi-rater Appraisal • For each of your management employees, send a multi-rater appraisal to at least 3 of their peers and to each of their subordinates. • For example, Melissa VP will select and send John Director’s Peers and Subordinates each a multi-rater appraisal through the system. • Another example, John Director will select and send Tom Manager’s Peers and Subordinates each a multi-rater appraisal through the system. • For staff employees the multi-rater appraisal is optional to be used for input from other staff employees. Staying in My Folder under the Tasks section, start this step by clicking “Appraisal”
2. Assign Multi-rater Appraisal, cont. Once you click “Appraisal” you will see this screen. Check each box. • Self-appraisal (if you haven’t sent already) • Management due date: September 6th • Staff due date: October 23rd • Multi-rater Appraisal: • Management: Select each of the Manager/Director’s peers and subordinates that will complete a review of your management employee. • Staff Employees: the multi-rater appraisal is optional to be used for input from other staff employees if you prefer. • Note: Multi-rater appraisals will send an exact copy of the appraisal to the employees selected as multi-raters for them to give input on the employee being evaluated. The leader that originally assigned the task will see the multi-rater comments and scores as they complete the appraisal. Multi-rater name and comments will not appear to the employee.
3. Complete the Appraisal Use the input from the Self and Multi-rater appraisals to complete the final review. Scroll through the Job Description until you reach the first Evaluation criteria Use your mouse to click on the rating for each item and then enter comments to support your rating. You will see the Self Appraisal and Multi-rater feedback if these appraisals have been completed To make a comment on a specific item, click the Note Icon ( ) If the Note Dialog box expands automatically, a comment is required.
3. Complete the Appraisal, cont. Remember to click the Save button on the right side of the page periodically. Your updated information will then save until you return to complete your work.
4. Meet with your Employee Enter any comments you may have into the Appraisal Comments box. Meet with your employee to discuss and review their performance appraisal according to the AAHS performance review timelines. Management = October 5th-24th Staff = December 20th-January 30th Then enter the Date Reviewed with employee and click the Save and Send button. The appraisal will be sent to the employee for review and electronic signature. Once Sent and Signed by the employee, the appraisal will be converted to a PDF and cannot be edited by their manager UNLESS an employee makes a comment before they sign. If the employee makes a comment, the manager will receive a task and could reject the appraisal to edit or sign off if final. Click the Save button if you are not ready to send to the Employee
5. Appraisal Signed by Employee After you “save and send” the appraisal to the employee they will see a task to “Review Appraisal”. Instruct your employees to scroll through the review, add summary comments, then click Then you and your employees can view the completed evaluations at any time by clicking on the appraisals folder.
Self-Appraisal FAQ’s Q: How do I know if my employee has been assigned to perform the Self Appraisal? A: In your task list, expand the arrow to the left of the appraisal task row and the employees name will be listed along with the status of the appraisal
Self-Appraisal FAQ’s Q: How does the Self Appraisal process work (start to finish)? A: See Self Appraisal details below • Scheduler sends task to Manager’s My Folder/Tasks • Manager opens Appraisal Task, Clicks Self Checkbox, clicks Assign button to send to Employee • Employee receives task in My Folder • Employee completes Self Evaluation, comments, clicks sign button (Employee can Save work in progress) • Manager will see a green checkmark next to employees name to indicate the employee has completed the Self evaluation • Manager completes evaluation, comments, clicks Save and Send • Employee receives (Review Appraisal) task in My Folder, reviews managers comments – Employee can add additional comments, click sign • If comments are made, manager receives task in My folder to review • Manager Signs Appraisal • Appraisal is converted into PDF and stored in Employee’s electronic file
Setting Goals Want to set and track goals for your employees? Performance Manager allows you to create goals with your employees and will automatically follow up throughout the year for status updates. You can use these goals as guidelines for rating the ‘Goals and Accomplishments’ sections of the FY14 Evaluation. Begin using the Goals function now so goals are recorded and saved for next year’s evaluation. By setting goals in this electronic system you are ensuring they are not forgotten and not left incomplete.
Goals Instructions From your “Employees Tab” click “Goals” next to the employee you wish to add a goal(s). Then click “Add Development Goal” and complete the sections: Type, Title, Details/Measure, and due date. Click Save or Save and Send and the employee will receive a task to complete this goal by the due date and provide a status, comments and signature.
Documenting Feedback Want to capture feedback for your employees throughout the year? Remembering all the details of each employee at appraisal time for the past year can be challenging. Performance Manager allows you to document feedback you have shared with your employees throughout the year. During your annual appraisals you can review these “Manager Notes” and use it directly in your evaluations. Begin using the Feedback function this year so feedback is documented and saved for next year’s evaluation. By tracking feedback in PFM you are ensuring that the appraisal is representative of the entire year.
Feedback Instructions From your “Employees Tab” click “Feedback” next to the employee you wish to add feedback. Then click “Add New” . In the Type section, select “Notes.” Then type in your notes and click “Save & File.” Type (Select “Notes), Title, Details/Measure, and due date.
PFM Reports Managers have the ability to run reports for their departments. Simply click on the Reports tab and then pick the report you need to run.
Click the links below to access additional material.These can also be found under the global share drive in the “Performance Appraisals 2013” folder. • 2013 Management Timeline • 2013 Staff Timeline • FAQs Guide • Conducting Effective Appraisals • PFM Drop-In Class Schedule
Conclusion Be sure to follow the 2013 appraisal timelines. For assistance contact: Jennifer Recla 443-481-1970 jrecla@aahs.org OR Joyce Kroneberger 443-481-1974 jkroneberg@aahs.org