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Status of Derandomizer electronics

Status of Derandomizer electronics. E. Atkin / A. Kluev (MEPhI). Outline. Status of the de-randomizer electronics development Progress on chip design and plans. De-randomizer (remake of the old slide of 2005).

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Status of Derandomizer electronics

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  1. Status of Derandomizer electronics E. Atkin / A. Kluev (MEPhI)

  2. Outline • Status of the de-randomizer electronics development • Progress on chip design and plans

  3. De-randomizer (remake of the old slide of 2005) Analogderandomizeris a unit performing neuron-like processing, but in an analog field. It is a deadtime free analog unit withn-inputsandm-outputs,n>m. Thus it allows to reduce the number of following ADCs. The derandomization procedure implies the skipping of empty channels and thus is indivisibly bound with data sparcification. Efficient processing of the randomly appearing signals by blocks, having a dead time, needs the choice of a proper architecture. CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  4. Status • 42 derandomiser prototype in UMC 0.18 um showed functionality • 12816 one is under development

  5. Crosspoint switch • 1 • 1 3 2 Two signals at the same time (full overlapping) Small delay between two signals (partially overlapped) • 1-comparators • 2-inputs • 3-outputs 4 --> 2 prototype CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  6. Crosspoint switch 4 signals (comparator outputs) 2 crosspoint switch outputs (after amplification) 4 --> 2 prototype CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  7. Development of the de-randomizer 12816 A. Klyuev(PhD student), M. Trubetskoy(diploma student) CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  8. Structure of analog de-randomizer (remake of the old slide of 2006) Crosspoint switch (NxM) 0x0y 1x0y Nx0y Arbitration logic Control Analog output m channels 0x1y 1x1y Nx1y “busy” signals from Output channels 0xMy 1xMy NxMy Address bus Analog derandomizer CMP CMP Analog input n channels n 0 Analog switch (address NM) CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  9. Two types of considered working conditions B A 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 t t The choice of de-randomization factor (d) strongly depends on working conditions of the system. Let's consider 2 types of working conditions: A. The most probable event – pulses occur NOT simultaneously, uniformly in all channels and have equal duration. The 1st prototype is based on this variant. The FSM for this case exists and can be scaled to other d (128->16, 64->40, 59->19, etc. It is better when the number of the channels is divisible by 2 however). B. The most probable event – many pulses occur simultaneously (T>>∆t). It is really typical for the detectors, taking into consideration the cluster nature of their pulses. For this case we have to modernize the existing FSM, so it will be able to commutate one channel per clock. 1->1 2->2 3->4(3rd output channel occupied at this time) 4->5 5->6 Etc. CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  10. Structure of new arbitration logic CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  11. Simulation of arbitration logic (RTL model) clk rst in_0 in_17 adr_0 adr_15 CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  12. Simulation of arbitration logic (synthesized netlist for UMC 0.18) CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  13. Structure of the last variant of arbitration logic CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  14. Simulation of the last variant arbitration logic (synthesized) CBM Collaboration meeting (September 25 - 28, 2007) @ FZD, Dresden

  15. Progress on chip design Main tasks since previous meeting: • Familirization with the N-XYTER (Simulations of critical blocks) (is under study by 2 diploma students). The test results of N-XYTER would be useful. • Development of a new release of derandomiser electronics (128  16 structure) (talk of A.Kluev) • Study aspects of improvements of radiation hardness (talk of A.Simakov/V.Shunkov) • Development of low power rad-tolerant ADC (talk of A.Gumeniuk)

  16. Plans We would like to: • Develop the following building blocks and participate with them in the UMC 0.18 um MPW run for: the CBM-XYTER:1)ADC2) front-end block the back-up solution:3)12816 derandomiser 4)some rad-hard test structures • Improve facilities for: chip design and measuring rad-hard tests

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