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Los Verbos Reflexivos. Por Rosita Spergel. Uses of Reflexive Verbs (pg. 109).
Los VerbosReflexivos Por Rosita Spergel
Uses of Reflexive Verbs (pg. 109) • Reflexive Verbs are conjugated with reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, and se) which represent the same person as the subject. In other words, reflexive verbs are used to indicate that the subject is performing the action on or for him- or herself. • Me cortolasuñas a menudo. I cut my nails often. • Juan se acostótemprano. Juan went to bed early. • Note that in Spanish, when using reflexive verbs with parts of the body or articles of clothing, the definite article is used in place of the possessive adjective used in English.
Uses of Reflexive Verbs (pg. 109) Some verbs change meaning when they are used reflexively. Some common verbs are… Acercarseto approach Acordarseto remember Irseto go away, leave Negarse (a) to refuse (to) Parecerse (a) to look like Probarseto try on Volverseto turn around • Acercarto bring near • Acordarto agree • Irto go • Negarto deny • Parecerto seem • Probarto taste • Volverto return
Other uses of the reflexive construction (pg. 110) • The reflexive construction is also used to express mutual or reciprocal action, that is, to indicate that the subjects are performing the action to or for one another by using the plural reflexive pronouns (nos, os, se). • Nosotrosnosencontramosen el We meet (each other) in the parkparquetodoslos días. every day. • Se abrazancuando se ven.They hug when they see each other. • Hacetressemanasque no nosWe have not written to each other escribimos. for three weeks. • El uno al otroor los unos a los otrosmay be added if there is a need to clarify the reciprocity of the action. • Ellosse miran al uno al otro. They look at eachother.
Other uses of the reflexive construction • The reflexive construction is also used with the verbs hacerse, ponerse, and volverse to express the equivalent of the English “to become” Each one of these verbs expresses a different type of change: • When conscious effort is involved in the change, use the construction hacerse + noun (or adjective). • Julio se hizomédico. Julio became a doctor. (through effort) • Esosartistasse hicieronThose artists became famous. famosos. (through effort) • When no conscious effort is implied and the change is physical, mental, or emotional, use the construction ponerse + adjective. • Yome pusemuynerviosoI became very nervous when the cuando el director entró. principal entered. (involuntary emotional change) • When the change is involuntary, sudden, and violent, use the construction volverse + adjective. • Misamigasse volvieronlocasMy friends became crazy when they found out. Cuando lo supieron. (sudden, often violent, change)
131 Actividad A • Nos despertamos/se despierta/me despierto/se despiertan/te despiertas • Se prepara/me preparo/nos preparamos/se preparan • Se lavan/se lavan/se lava/se lava/nos lavamos • Se queda/te quedas/nos quedamos/me quedo/se quedan • Se acuesta/nos acostamos/se acuestan/se acuesta/te acuestas
131 Actividad B • Lava, se lava • Viste, se viste • Nos quitamos, quitamos • Se peina, peina • Acuesta, se acuesta • Se bañan, bañan
132 Actividad C • Mi papá está afeitándose en su cuarto de baño. • Mi hermano está lavándose la cara. • Mi abuelo está cepillándose los dientes en el baño. • Estoy peinándome delante del espejo. • Mi mamá está vistiéndose en su cuarto.
Pg. 114 Act. H • Ella se pusonerviosa • Él se hizo rico • Él se volvió agresivo • Ellos se hicieron abogados • Él se volvió loco
TeHubierasIdo AntesporJulionAlvarez • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syVmUYqFmI0