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Welcome to SeaDataNet Technical Task Team Meeting + a few basic questions that the co-ordinator expects to get a preliminary answer before the Kick-Off. Catherine MAILLARD, Gilbert MAUDIRE IFREMER, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, May 18-19 2006. Tasks organization (Technical Annex).
Welcome to SeaDataNet Technical Task Team Meeting + a few basic questions that the co-ordinator expects to get a preliminary answer before the Kick-Off Catherine MAILLARD, Gilbert MAUDIREIFREMER, Issy-Les-Moulineaux, May 18-19 2006
Role of the Technical Task Team(Technical Annex) • The Technical Task Team will design, develop and install the common software components of the system, and make recommendations for its further evolution and sustainability.
Main Questions for the TTG Software Development Validation of the development plan to insure the interdependant activities: • Delivery time of the ODV-SDN1 software to enable the preparation of the first Training workshop and data QC • Delivery time for the on-line system for the second Annual Meeting, the Data conference, the on line access • Agreement upon basic standards + delivery time of the key standards, which are needed for all activities: • Software specifications (Infrastructure Development JRA2-3) • Data Management (Infrastructure Exploitation NA, TA) the Steering Committee and the consortium
Key Questions for common TTG and DM Meta-data standards • JRA1.3: ISO 191XX based vocabularies & Ontologies: • parameters codes and correspondances (i.e. Observation/Quantity/Variable/Parameter, algorithms for unit changes) • JRA1.5: ISO191XX based XML schemes to exchange CSR, EDMED,CDI (validated/extended from SEASEARCH) + EDMERP, EDIOS • Common reference tables (Ships, parameters, ..) <-> JRA1.2 ? • Common laboratory codes for EDMED, EDIOS, EDMERP, CDI • Synchronization between local catalogues and seadatanet information system
Questions for Data Standards Adoption of a unique common DM proctocol is better, but in case of incompatibility with the existing systems, basic items should at least be compatible with major international programmes like ARGO and MERSEA • JRA1.2: QC protocol, QC flags, Unique tagging system • QC protocol and flag scale minimum specifications: • The data extracted of the system for dissemination and products preparation should pass the QC procedure • The results of the QC by different systems should be coherent and compatible : the same data should be selected of rejected by the QC procedure, independently from the responsible DC • Protocol/tagging system for handling of the duplicates: preferred method = do it at national level, the national source platform detaining the master copy, any other copy = alternate – the unknown datasets from Real Time/GTS will be tagged and have the master copy at the Coriolis DC – correspondence between RT tags and DM tags – • JRA1.4: in Common protocols to exchange observational (profiles + times series) and gridded data, necessity of defining Exchange FORMATS • at least accept one existing widely used format: • Observations: Argo/MFS, MEDATLAS, ODV, BODC +?. • Gridded data: ARGO, MODB. +?
Have a good meeting • Coffee Breaks 10-10h30 & 15-15h30 • Dinner at 20h