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TRIDENT. * Provides Network Measures which quantify how network parameters including topology and routing techniques effect the reliability of a given system

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  1. TRIDENT * Provides Network Measures which quantify how network parameters including topology and routing techniques effect the reliability of a given system * Provides Computer Measures which quantify how parameters such as task allocation, scheduling, check pointing and fault recovery algorithms affect the system’s reliability * GUI part of simulator allows user to draw the topology and specify the task sets * Output of the simulator is presented in the form of graph between various parameters

  2. Calculating Computer Measures for Robotics Application Simulator is running now Loading environment file for robotics application Graphs indicating computer measures are produced

  3. Computer Measures for Robotics Application Minimum Deadline vs. Surge size for various number of processors Recovery Time vs. Surge size for various number of processors

  4. Computer Measures for Robotics Application System Recovery Time vs. Surge Orientation Processor for various number of processors Processor Recovery Time vs. Processor ID for various number of processors

  5. Calculating Network and Computer Measures for Avionics Application Graphs indicating network measures are produced Simulator is running now Simulator is running now to get computer measures Graphs indicating computer measures are produced Loading environment file for Avionics application

  6. Network Measures for Avionics Application Diameter vs. Link Failure Probability for various networks Probability of Disconnection vs. Link Failure Probability for various networks

  7. Network Measures for Avionics Application Node Pair Distance vs. Link Failure Probability for various networks Frequency of failure and component size vs. Link Failure Probability for various networks

  8. Computer Measures for Avionics Application Minimum Deadline vs. Surge size for various Tasks sets Recovery Time vs. Surge size for various Tasks sets

  9. Computer Measures for Avionics Application System Recovery Time vs. Surge Origination Processor for various Tasks sets Processor Recovery Time vs. Processor ID for various Tasks sets

  10. Summary The new measures can be used to evaluate the effect of * Task Allocation algorithms * Scheduling algorithms * Interconnection topologies * Communication protocols * Failure recovery mechanisms on real-time dependability Our tool, TRIDENT, calculates the new dependability measures and presents in graphical form

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