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Trident introduces the Integrated Plant Health (IPH) technology to improve plant health and reduce susceptibility to diseases. Formulated with Zinc, Copper & Silicon, it enhances plant immunity and reduces harmful residues, fostering a healthier plant growth. With various trials and research data to support its effectiveness, Trident is a unique micro-nutrient solution for modern agriculture practices.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Orion FT……..The Future has arrived Trident A new and unique Tri action zinc copper silicon micro-nutrient Complexed with naturally occurring malic/citric polymer Chelate.

  2. TRIDENT- “IPH”INTEGRATED PLANT HEALTH Trident contains Zinc, Copper & Silicon – essential elements for plant health and is formulated with Orion’s proprietary “INHIB” Technology For reduced susceptibility to fungal and bacteria diseases. Also with some eradicant effect

  3. TRIDENT- “IPH”INTEGRATED PLANT HEALTH • Trident’s ”INHIB”technology combines the essential elements – Zinc, Copper & Silicon with naturally occurring acid Chelate polymers to • Energize the plant through improving photosynthesis , Chlorophyll production and sugar formation. • Regulate water movement • Aids the production of enzyme to improve Protein synthesisImproves Auxin development. • “reduces plant susceptibility to disease” • This results in a healthier plant, enhancing the plants natural immune system to “reduce plant susceptibility to disease” Trials have shown Trident can reduce susceptibility Powdery/Downy Mildew, Phytophthora and bacterial diseases without the harmful residues that can exist when using traditional chemicals.

  4. Trident • A new and unique Tri action zinc copper silicon micro-nutrient • Complexed with naturally occurring malic/citric polymer Chelate.

  5. Analysis Copper 2% w/v Zinc 4% w/v Silicon 2% w/ v

  6. Features of Trident • Improves rooting • Improves the plant’s ability to withstand stress. • “Reduces plant susceptibility to disease” • Strengthens tissue and thus reduces lodging. • Enhances uptake of other products that are tank mixed with Trident • Effective against Bacterial rots and botrytis.

  7. Trident Reduces • plant susceptibility to: • Downy mildew • Powdery mildew • Botrytis • Phytophthora • Pythium • Bacterial diseases such as erwinia and pseudomonas

  8. Trial Results

  9. Downy Mildew on roses a b b Kenya 2011

  10. Powdery Mildew on Roses a b c Kenya 2011

  11. Botrytis on Roses a b c Kenya 2011

  12. Effect of treatments on Botrytis in Lettuce * Denotes statistical significance Dr Glynn Percival Reading University 2013

  13. Effect of treatments on D. Mildew in Lettuce * Denotes statistical significance Dr Glynn Percival Reading University 2013

  14. Effect of treatments on P.Mildew in Cucumber * Denotes statistical significance Dr Glynn Percival Reading University 2013 Severity Scale 0-5

  15. Effect on Botrytis on Strawberries Dr Glynn Percival Reading University 2014 * Denotes statistical significance

  16. Effect on calabrese spear rot Dr Glynn Percival Reading University 2014 * Denotes statistical significance

  17. Effect on Powder mildew Apples Dr Glynn Percival Reading University 2014 * Denotes statistical significance

  18. Effect on Powdery Mildew Courgette Dr Glynn Percival Reading University 2014 * Denotes statistical significance

  19. Trials 2015 Spain. Strawberries

  20. Effect of Trident against Botrytis on strawberry leaves Variety. Fortuna Huelva Spain May 2015

  21. Effect of Trident against Botrytis on strawberry flowers Variety. Fortuna Huelva Spain May 2015

  22. Effect of Trident against Botrytis on strawberry fruits Variety. Fortuna Huelva Spain May 2015

  23. Effect of Trident on powdery mildew in Strawberries. Variety. Lusa Huelva Spain May 2015

  24. Effect of Trident on powdery mildew in Strawberries. Variety. Lusa Huelva Spain May 2015

  25. Trident Rates of Use

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