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Welcome to Fourth Grade

Welcome to Fourth Grade. Ms . Sorenson Ms . Watson. Language. Narrative, Informational, Opinion, Response to Sources (taught with homeroom teacher) Sitton Spelling Grammar Academic Language Wordly Wise for Word Study Novels/Core Literature

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Welcome to Fourth Grade

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to Fourth Grade Ms. Sorenson Ms. Watson

  2. Language • Narrative, Informational, Opinion, Response to Sources (taught with homeroom teacher) • Sitton Spelling • Grammar • Academic Language • Wordly Wise for Word Study • Novels/Core Literature • Wonders Anthology and workbook • Accelerated Reader

  3. Mathematics • Math in Focus: Concrete/Pictorial/Abstract • balances conceptual understanding, visual learning, and problem solving • Test Prep – assessing skills obtained during the chapter (Chapter Test) • Student are expected to not only have consistency and accuracy with foundational skills, but also be able to APPLY a variety of skills and strategies. • Students are expected to have mastery of their facts; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division upon entry to 4th grade • Multiplication is used in almost every unit of study this year. • Students are taught multiple strategies, so they have options to pull from their “tool box”. • Yes! You may help your child at home, just be sure to explain “why”.

  4. Social Studies California History • Our Golden State (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) • INTERACT Simulation Games – action based learning Tell me, I forget Show me, I may remember Involve me, I understand • Note-taking skills • Collaborative group projects

  5. Science • Units of Study: • Energy-how energy is transferred • Waves-amplitude and wavelength of waves • Structure, Function, & Information- how plant & animal structures support survival and growth; how different types of information is received through the senses, processed in the brain, and responded to in different ways • Earth’s Systems-changes overtime; effects of weathering; patterns of Earth’s features • Engineering Design • S.T.E.M. Lab (weekly) • S.T.E.M. Modules – Energy and Energy Conversions

  6. HOMEWORK – IT TAKE 8 WEEKS TO MAKE “A 4TH GRADER”!!! • Students will write daily homework assignments in agenda books in class with teacher model. • Daily assignments will be on my Edliolunadabay.pvpusd.net • Students should be spending no more than an hour a day on homework. (If students are taking longer than this, please write me a note.) • Students will receive a weekly printout of work turned in on time and complete EVERY THURSDAY.

  7. Organization • Each fourth grader is responsible for his or her own belongings. This includes books, materials, and personal items. • Each fourth grader is expected to get themselves and their things to rotation on time and in good order. Remember it will take 8 weeks!!

  8. Responsibility • Each fourth grader is expected to get his/her work completed on time. • They are responsible for cleaning up in every classroom that they are in during the day. • Students are responsible for their homework, schoolwork, and materials in class. • Students are responsible for their actions and their choices. Remember it will take 8 weeks!!!!

  9. The Basic Behavior Plan

  10. BEHAVIOR PLAN • Your child will receive a stamp each day if they have met grade level behavior standards. • If your child has already received a warning for behavior, their Weekly Behavior Chart will be marked with a number. • This is a way to communicate to the parents about what is happening at school, and it’s a reminder to the kids about their behavior. • We ask that you initial the Behavior Chart each night including Friday.


  12. Absences • Work missed due to absences can be obtained through accessing Edlio or in an Absent Folder. Absent folders can be picked up at 3 pm. • If a planned absence will exceed 5 days, please contact the office for an independent study contract at least a week in advance so the school and your child gets credit.

  13. Questions????? • If you or your child have a question about a procedure or assignment in a class taught by a teacher other than your child’s homeroom, please contact that teacher directly. • Overall concerns should be addressed to your child’s homeroom teacher.

  14. Looking forward to a great year! • We are available if you need to set up a meeting with us either before or after school. • Please be aware that if you “drop in” before or after school with questions or concerns, we may not always be available. • Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions or concerns and we will get back to you ASAP. sorensonn@pvpusd.net Ext.17212 watsonc@pvpusd.net Ext.17211

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