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FY09 Cultural Health Index & Building Safety Plan SYSTEM PLANNING ALL HANDS MEETING

FY09 Cultural Health Index & Building Safety Plan SYSTEM PLANNING ALL HANDS MEETING November 25, 2008. RP&SF CHI Follow-Up Survey Results. HIGHLIGHTS Survey results are representative of all RPSF employees since there was a 100% response rate.

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FY09 Cultural Health Index & Building Safety Plan SYSTEM PLANNING ALL HANDS MEETING

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  1. FY09 Cultural Health Index & Building Safety Plan SYSTEM PLANNING ALL HANDS MEETING November 25, 2008

  2. RP&SF CHI Follow-Up Survey Results • HIGHLIGHTS • Survey results are representative of all RPSF employees since there was a 100% response rate. • Employees feel that both their workgroups and RPSF generally perform well as a team when required. • The job is generally NOT a major source of stress in employee’s lives. • Most employees feel that their contributions and efforts are recognized and appreciated regularly so the current level of the gift card program and other employee recognition is adequate. • HARDSPOTS • Employees have general frustration with assignments being given too close to deadlines; some of this is preventable and some is not. • There is a feeling that the division of workload across RPSF is unfair. • While employees feel that their ideas and opinions are considered when decisions are made within their workgroups, they do not feel like they are considered when decisions are made within RPSF. • Communication on a PS&F level considered adequate, but more written communication is requested on System Planning level

  3. RP&SF CHI Action Plan

  4. TPD CHI Follow-Up Survey Results • HIGHLIGHTS • 95% response rate • TPD employees feel they have good coworkers • Work is challenging, meaningful, varied • Flexible work schedules are appreciated • Micro-management does not happen, this is appreciated • HARDSPOTS • Employees want better communication • Vacancies need to be filled to relieve workload • Provide advancement opportunities within the department • Improved PRD ratings for hard workers

  5. TPD CHI Action Plan

  6. FY09 TVA Cultural Health Index • Next CHI Survey: December 1, 2008 • Only one survey for all TVA employees in FY09 • Format: 31 questions grouped into three job categories • Alignment – Do you know what is expected from you? • Capability – Do you have the tools you need to do your job? • Engagement – Do you have motivation to do your job? • Identifying your Strategic Business Unit • SBU – Power Supply & Fuels • BU – System Planning • Please participate in the survey and take time to write comments

  7. Building Safety MR-3 South & MR-5 North Emergency Routines

  8. Emergency Personnel MR-3 South Missionary Ridge Building Emergency Coordinator Patrick Howell 751.8527 Patrick leads BERP, coordinates emergency response, decides when to evacuate, maintains staff, prepares reports. MR-3 South Floor Captain Tracy McCrory 751.8125 Tracy maintains emergency contact with BEC, staffs team, makes assignments, verifies evacuation, assists special needs evacuees, directs emergency responders. MR-3 South Team Members Darlene Smyth 751.7434 Darlene enables evacuation, monitors third floor work areas, restrooms, exits, and entrances, assists special needs evacuees. Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  9. Emergency Personnel MR-5 North Missionary Ridge Building Emergency Coordinator Patrick Howell 751.8527 Patrick leads BERP, coordinates emergency response, decides when to evacuate, maintains staff, prepares reports. MR-5 Floor Captain Chris Palmer 751.7618 Chris maintains emergency contact with BEC, staffs team, makes assignments, verifies evacuation, assists special needs evacuees, directs emergency responders. MR-5 Team Members Leigh Anne Hancock 751.3904 James Normansell 751.4654 Mathew Gant 751.3359 Leigh Anne, James, and Mathew enable evacuation, monitor fifth floor work areas, restrooms, exits, and entrances, assist special needs evacuees. Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  10. Access TVA’s InsideNet • Navigate to the Emergency link on the lower left side of the page. Emergency Contact Numbers Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  11. Access TVA’s InsideNet • Select “Organizations” • Select “Facilities Management” • Select “Emergency” Building Emergency Plans and Policy Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  12. Building Evacuation MR-3 South • Upon evacuation announcement: • Quickly gather essential items (medicine, vehicle keys, mobile phones, etc.) • Safely travel down proper evacuation route. The preferred route is the SE Stairwell. Either the NW or NE Stairwells may also be used. • Urgently move to the assembly area away from building • Keep clear of hydrants and hoses • Patiently remain quiet in assembly area until instructed otherwise by emergency personnel Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 ***Avoid use of monumental stairway and elevator***

  13. Building Evacuation Routes MR-3 South N North Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 elevators NW Stair-well atrium NE Stair-well SE Stair-well

  14. N Building Evacuation Route MR-3 South Missionary Ridge Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 Assembly Area- Public Sidewalk between Blue Ridge Place and 12th St.

  15. Tornado Evacuation MR-3 South • Upon evacuation announcement: • Quickly gather essential items (medicine, vehicle keys, mobile phones, etc.) • Safely travel down proper evacuation route to the basement. The preferred route is the NW Stairwell. The NE Stairwell may also be used. • Urgently move to the tornado shelter area (marked) away from stairs • Patiently remain quiet in assembly area until instructed otherwise by emergency personnel Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 ***Avoid use of monumental stairway and elevator***

  16. Tornado Evacuation Routes MR-3 South N North Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 elevators NW Stair-well atrium NE Stair-well

  17. Fire Extinguisher Locations MR-3 South N North Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 elevators atrium

  18. Floor Map MR-3 South N Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  19. Building Evacuation MR-5 North • Upon evacuation announcement: • Quickly gather essential items (medicine, vehicle keys, mobile phones, etc.) • Safely travel down proper evacuation route. The preferred route is the NW Stairwell. The NE Stairwell may also be used. • Urgently move to the assembly area away from building • Keep clear of hydrants and hoses • Patiently remain quiet in assembly area until instructed otherwise by emergency personnel Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 ***Avoid use of monumental stairway and elevator***

  20. Tornado Evacuation MR-5 North • Upon evacuation announcement: • Quickly gather essential items (medicine, vehicle keys, mobile phones, etc.) • Safely travel down proper evacuation route to the basement. The preferred route is the NW Stairwell. The NE Stairwell may also be used. • Urgently move to the tornado shelter area (marked) away from stairs • Patiently remain quiet in assembly area until instructed otherwise by emergency personnel Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 ***Avoid use of monumental stairway and elevator***

  21. Evacuation Routes MR-5 North Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 NW Stair-well

  22. N Building Evacuation Route MR-5 North Assembly Area- Republic Parking lot on North Side of Eleventh St. Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911 Missionary Ridge

  23. Fire Extinguisher Locations MR-5 North Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  24. Boss. You. Buddy. Boss & Buddy To facilitate accounting for all MR–3 South and MR-5 North staff members during an evacuation, always ensure that your Boss and a Buddy know of your schedule and whereabouts. Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  25. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  26. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  27. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  28. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  29. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  30. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  31. To Report a Bomb Threat: • Access TVA’s InsideNet • Navigate to TVA Forms on the left side of the page. • Under TVA Form Search, type “bomb”. • Select the Bomb Threat Checklist • Complete the form TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  32. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  33. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  34. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  35. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  36. TVA Occupant Emergency Plan For Employees Emergency 911 TVA Police 8911

  37. Heart Attack Cheat Sheet: CALL 9-1-1 Cardiac Arrest Heart Attack • Symptoms / Warning Signs • Chest discomfortthat feels like pressure, fullness, or a squeezing pain in the center of your chest. It lasts for more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back • Pain and discomfortthat extends beyond your chest to other parts of your upper body, such as one or both arms, back, neck, stomach, teeth, and jaw • Unexplained shortness of breath,with or without chest discomfort • Other symptoms,such as cold sweats, nausea or vomiting, lightheadedness, anxiety, indigestion, and unexplained fatigue • Symptoms / Warning Signs • Cardiac arrest strikes immediately and without warning. • Sudden loss of responsiveness(no response to tapping on shoulders). • No normal breathing(the victim does not take a normal breath when you tilt the head up and check for at least five seconds). If these signs of cardiac arrest are present, tell someone to call 9-1-1 and get an AED (if one is available) and you begin CPR immediately. If you are alone with an adult who has these signs of cardiac arrest, call 9-1-1 and get an AED (if one is available) before you begin CPR.  Use an AED as soon as it arrives. • MR 2N Commercial Ops Center • MR 1 – Behind Kiosk by Elevators • MR/SP Connector 3 4 5 – On Column • Lookout Place Lobby & 3rd Floor • Monteagle Place Lobby • Livewell Chest pain and discomfort are the most common heart attack symptoms for both men and women. But, women are more likely than men to also experience other symptoms, too. These might include shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting, unexplained extreme fatigue, and neck, shoulder, upper back, or abdominal pain. AED Locations • Recognize an Emergency Exists • Call 9-1-1 • Early CPR: Pump & Blow • Early Defibrillation: Use the AED! • Early Advanced Care Chain of Survival All unresponsive victims will benefit from activating the “Chain of Survival”

  38. Questions

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