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Goal 4. The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor. Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Mormons Forced to move west to escape religious persecution Killed by an Anti-Mormon mob. Joseph Smith. Moved the Mormons to Salt Lake City, Utah after the death of Joseph Smith.
Goal 4 The Great West and the Rise of the Debtor
Founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Mormons Forced to move west to escape religious persecution Killed by an Anti-Mormon mob Joseph Smith
Moved the Mormons to Salt Lake City, Utah after the death of Joseph Smith Brigham Young
Mormons • Religious group • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints • “LDS” • Polygamy = having more than 1 wife • Illegal today / caused controversy
Homestead Act • 1862 • Law to encourage small farmers to settle the West • Given 160 acres of land = farm it for 5 years = free
Roles of Women • Worked side by side with the men • More equality in the West • Given the right to vote in the West years before it was legal back East
Roles of African Americans • Exodusters = former slaves that moved to Kansas • Cowboys • More opportunities (land ownership—Homestead Act) • Less discrimination / more equality
Roles of Chinese • Worked to build the Transcontinental Railroad • Many came to US with the Gold Rush • VERY DISCRIMINATED AGAINST
Roles of the Irish Factory workers Railroad workers Discrimination & Stereotypes NINA = “No Irish Need Apply”
Dawes Act • Made ASSIMILATION the official policy in dealing with Native Americans • Educate them in white/ Christian schools • Dress them in “American” style clothes\ • Make them land-owning farmers
Assimilation:Trying to “Americanize” Native Americans-education-religion-farming
Chief Joseph Nez Perce Chief—wanted peace with the whites Nez Perce were a peaceful tribe of the Pacific Northwest After the Nez Perce War of 1877 they surrendered and were forced to live on a reservation “I Will Fight No More Forever”
-Chief Joseph--Nez Perce Chief • —wanted peace with the whites • Nez Perce were a peaceful tribe of the Pacific Northwest • After the Nez Perce War of 1877 they surrendered and were forced to live on a reservation
Warrior / Spiritual Leader & Medicine Man Americans wanted the Black Hills of South Dakota b/c of gold George Armstrong Custer & The 7th Calvary were sent to take the land They were massacred at the Battle of Little Big Horn by the Sioux 1876 Sitting Bull
Sitting Bull • Warrior / Spiritual Leader & Medicine Man of the Sioux • Americans wanted the Black Hills of South Dakota b/c of gold • George Armstrong Custer & The 7th Calvary were sent to take the land • They were massacred at the Battle of Little Big Horn by the Sioux 1876
Sitting Bull • Sioux surrendered • Forced to live on a reservation • He was feared b/c he supported the Ghost Dance movement. • He joined Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show • Killed on the reservation by Sioux Police
Battle of Little Big Horn = Custer’s Last StandCuster & his troops were killed by Crazy Horse & his warriors
1864 Col. Chivington attacked the Cheyenne & Arapaho at the Sand Creek Reservation Killed over 150 (mostly women & children) Charges were brought against him but he was not punished. Sand Creek Massacre
Sand Creek Massacre (1864) • Col. Chivington attacked the Cheyenne & Arapaho at the Sand Creek Reservation • Killed over 150 (mostly women & children) • Charges were brought against him but he was not punished.
Battle of Wounded Knee • 1890—the 7th Regiment rounded up and killed over 350 starving, freezing Sioux • This was the official end of the Indian Wars
1881 -- Century of Dishonor Injustice, ruthlessness & immorality in US dealings with American Indians Similar to Harriet Beecher Stowe & Uncle Tom’s Cabin Helen Hunt JacksonCentury of Dishonor
Helen Hunt Jackson • 1881 -- Century of Dishonor • Injustice, ruthlessness & immorality in US dealings with American Indians • Similar to Harriet Beecher Stowe & Uncle Tom’s Cabin
1860s Regiments of African American soldiers that fought the American Indians Buffalo Soldiers
Goal 4.04 • Innovations in agricultural technology and business practices and their impact on the West
Technological Improvements • Steel plow, reaper, windmill • Make farming easier • Increase production • Increase profits for farmers
Changing nature of farming as a business • Bonanza Farms • Large scale farms • Professional managers • Paid laborers
Increased Dependence on the Railroads • Farmers had to rely on the RRs to ship their crops back east to market • RRs seriously overcharged farmers • Farmers could do nothing about it b/c had to use RRs
Brought an end to the open range of the west Barbed Wire—Joseph Glidden
Made it possible to transport meat and other perishable foods Swift Meat Packing Company Refrigerator Car
Used for irrigation J.S. Risdon Windmill
Farmers’ Cooperatives • Farmers working together to improve farming methodology, technique, technology
Invented by John Deere Steel Plow
Vertical Integration • When 1 company controls the entire market by owning all of the resources that go into a product • Example: Car factory • Owns paint co. • Rubber plantation for tires • Steel mill • Etc.