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Overview of Knowledge Required in Far East Degree Programmes 20 th July 2010. ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July, Damascus, Syria. Sing Lee 1,2,3* and Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 1 INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia
Overview of Knowledge Required in Far East Degree Programmes20th July 2010 ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July, Damascus, Syria Sing Lee 1,2,3* and Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 1INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia 2Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, 32 Oakpark Drive, Chadstone, VIC 3148, Australia 3Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore 637616 e-mails: leesing@optusnet.com.au; sorheoh.saw@newinti.edu.my
Content • Introduction • Programme Rationale • Programme Objectives • Programme Outcomes • Programme Structure/Specification • Knowledge Required- examples applicable across engineering disciplines
Introduction – 1/5 • Engineering Education has a critical role in the development and continuous advancement of a nation and the world • different primary roles for underdeveloped, developing and developed countries Therefore • different challenges in training qualified and internationally recognised engineers
Introduction – 2/5 • Engineering Education must prepare engineering graduates: • to be able to solve problems in society which is constantly advancing with new technologies, expanding globally, increasingly diverse cultures, growing environmental concerns • to consider the moral and ethical implications of any solutions they provide • to be resourceful, innovative, creative and cooperative in seeking solutions to engineering problems which are increasingly multidisciplinary and complex
Introduction – 3/5 • Engineering graduates need to be able to • communicate and work effectively in any team • utilise systems approach to design and evaluate operational performance • use modern engineering tools • undertake lifelong learning
Introduction – 4/5 • Engineering programmes need to meet specified criteria and learning outcomes stated by regulatory/accrediting bodies such as: • UK QAA & EC – UK-Spec • US ABET-EC2000 • MAL MQA & BEM-EAC2007
Introduction – 5/5 • The first step begins with establishing clear statements for the roles of Engineering Education • what is the position of the institution/nation • what the institution/nation wants to achieve • the constraints and limitations to overcome • what policies, systems, resources needed to be in placed
Programme Rationale • Statements describing the reasons driving the development of the programme establishing the needs for the programme • There may be obvious learning gaps of entrants for the programme which are necessary to be stated including actions taken to address it (such as bridging courses/ remedial courses) • It can also include any distinct features/medium to long term plan of the programme
Programme Objectives • Statements of specific goals consistent with the vision and mission of the IHL and expressed interest of stakeholders • Describe the expected achievements of graduates a few years after graduation • Lead to the stated programme outcomes
Programme Outcomes Statement of expected achievement of engineering graduates by regulatory/professional/accrediting bodies such as: • UK-SPEC (QAA & EC, UK) • EC2000 (ABET, US) • EAC2007 (MQA & BEM, Malaysia)
Programme Structure – 1/5 EAC2007 (MQA & BEM, Malaysia) • Entry level into programme • Bridging/remedial courses • Duration of the programme • Credits of programme • Component courses per level
Programme Structure – 2/5 EAC2007 (MQA & BEM, Malaysia)-continue • Entry level into programme • STPM/A-level/Foundation/Equivalent • Bridging/remedial courses • English/Mathematics/Sciences • Duration of the programme • 4 years
Programme Structure – 3/5 EAC2007 (MQA & BEM, Malaysia)-continue Credits of programme • 120 credits hour (or 30 credit hours per level/year) • 80 credit hours for engineering sciences and engineering design/projects • 40 credit hours for general education component (e.g. mathematics, computing, languages, general studies, Co-curriculum, management, law, accountancy, economics, social sciences etc)
Programme Structure – 4/5 EAC2007 (MQA & BEM, Malaysia)-continue Credit hours is based on a 14 week of study per semester, one credit hour is defined as: • 1 hour per week of lecture • 2 hours per week of laboratory or workshop • 2 hours per week of supervised and compulsory tutorial session, subject to a maximum of one credit hour per course • 3 hours per week of activities involving other modes of delivery such as PBL, e-learning, discovery learning, projects
Programme Structure – 5/5 EAC2007 (MQA & BEM, Malaysia) Credit hours is based on a 14 week of study per semester, one credit hour is defined as: (continue) • 3 hr per week of activities for final year project up to a maximum of 12 credit hours and a minimum of 6 credit hours • 2 weeks of industrial training up to a maximum of 6 credit hours and with a minimum of 2 months continuous training
Examples of Knowledge/Skills Required across many of the engineering disciplines (extracted from UM, NTU, INTI Engineering websites)
Communication Skills-learning outcomes: to be able to • Ask & answer questions in correct manner • Hold a meeting and discussion • Write technical reports and formal letters • Give presentations using visual equipment • Use correct language in writing and speaking
CREATIVE THINKING e.g. Applied to DESIGN • Creative and visual thinking. Generation of ideas. Problem solving. Introduction to design process. Design elementsand principles. Product presentation. Development of design. Visual design. Virtues of design. Related projects.
ENGINEERING INNOVATION AND DESIGN (EID) • Practical-based:Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Engineering (CAE). Design for assembly. Innovative product design. Design modeling. Engineering analysis. Appreciation of manufacturing processes. Pneumatic control. Mechatronics design and assembly. Material selection. Introduction to Business planning, and Project management. Practice in generating creative products, technology and innovative engineering solutions.
Engineering Drawing and CAD-knowledge required • Graphics communication, sketching and text, engineering geometry, multiviews and visualization, auxiliary views, pictorial projections, section views, dimensioning and tolerancing practices; introduction to AutoCAD, 2-D and 3-D solid modelling using AutoCAD, multiview drawing using AutoCAD, pictorial and section drawings in AutoCAD, dimensioning in AutoCAD, creating 2-D drawings from 3-D models.
Engineering Drawing & CAD-learning outcomes- to be able to: 1. Clearly identify and control mental images. 2. Graphically identify technical designs, using accepted standard practices. 3. Apply plane and solid geometric forms to create and communicate design solutions. 4. Analyze graphics models, using descriptive and spatial geometry. 5. Solve technical design problems, using traditional tools or CAD. 6. Describe graphically, using sketches, traditional tools and CAD. 7. Apply technical graphics principles to engineering problems
Computer Programming- knowledge required • Basic computer organization and the process of computer programming via a language such as C-language. Basic programming tools and programming procedures. Development of computer code to solve mathematical, science and engineering problems. Running of complete code on PC; including use of a program to solve a particular problem.
Computer Programming-learning outcomes • Recognize the basic computer organisation and the needs for programming in engineering work. • Translate problem in science and/or engineering into program-development process. • Built up program codes using e.g. C-language, repetition, decision, array and demonstrate good programming practices. • Demonstrate and test running program with meaningful input and output. • Develop running program solving engineering problems incorporating subprograms and • Define parameters related to problems and to analyse systematically by parametric variation • Discuss computer programming method in problem-solving and relate to other known methods; e.g. comparison with analytical methods.
Applied Engineering Mathematics- knowledge required • Ordinary differential equation, various types of equations, order and applications. Partial differential equation and its applications. Laplace transformation and its applications. Fourier series and transformation. Applications of Fourier series. Statistics and applications.
Applied Engineering Mathematics-learning outcomes • Apply ordinary differential equations (ODE) in engineering problems. • Solve first order and higher order ODE in homogenous and linear equations. • Explain the concept of ODE in integral & Euler equations. • Apply Partial Differential Equation (PDE) in engineering problems. • Apply PDE for partial derivatives and linear equation. • Recognize and apply Laplace transformation for engineering problems • Explain the applications of Fourier series and transformation for engineering problems. • Apply statistical concepts in engineering applications
Strength of Materials- knowledge required • Stress, strain and elasticity. Bending and shearing stresses in beams. Torsion. Combined bending and direct stresses. Columns and struts. Slope and deflection of beams.
Strength of Materials-learning outcomes • Determine the stresses, strains and deformation of members in simple one-dimensional elastic system. • Evaluate the values and distribution of bending and shear stresses in beam section. • Calculate the torsional stresses that results from the action of torsional or twisting moment acting about a shaft. • Determine the stresses in a section due to direct axial loads and externally applied moments acting together. • Deduce the buckling load of columns and struts with different end conditions. • Employ the Macaulay or moment area methods to determine the deflection and rotation of loaded beams.
Applied Mechanics-knowledge required • Applied mechanics using vector analysis approach; presentation of statics and dynamics. This approach leads to more concise derivations of the fundamental principles of mechanics. It also results in simpler solutions of three-dimensional problems in statics, and makes it possible to analyze many advanced problem in kinematics and kinetics, which could not be solved by scalar methods. The correct derivation and application of the principles of mechanics to the solution of engineering problems.
Applied Mechanics-learning outcomes • Explain fundamental concepts and principles of parallelogram law, transmissibility and Newton’s law. • Apply vector mechanics in forces such as: forces in plane, forces in space and rigid bodies • Evaluate forces in rigid bodies and equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions and three dimensions. • Evaluate distributed forces for centroids and centers of gravity. • Analyze structures, forces in beam and cables, friction and distributed forces: moment of inertia • Evaluate kinematics of particles and systems of particles • Investigate Kinetics of Particles: Newton's Second Law, Energy and Momentum and Rigid bodies
Thermodynamics of materials-knowledge required • Fundamental concepts of thermodynamics of materials. Treatment of the laws of thermodynamics and their applications to equilibrium and the properties of materials.
Thermodynamics of materials-learning outcomes • Relate thermodynamic activity to engineering practice • Discuss chemical equilibrium including Ellingham diagram • Calculate cell voltage and electrochemical potential using Nernst equation • Determine direction of reaction of electrochemical cell • Define partial molar quantity and application to entropy and enthalpy • Apply Gibbs-Duhem Relation to the regular and polymer solution • Apply knowledge of Gibbs phase rule for condensed systems • Illustrate cooling curves and ternary diagrams • Compute average velocity of gas molecules and Boltzmann distribution • Compute partition function and the entropy of mixing of polymer solutions
Fluid Mechanics-knowledge required Fluid mechanics and applications in engineering. Definition of fluid properties, Pascal law and pressure measurement. The underlying concept of fluid statics and dynamics, the relevant equations and their application. Analysis of flowing fluids in pipelines.
Fluid Mechanics-learning outcomes: to be able to: • Define fluid properties, Pascal law, and able to describe relationship between pressure and elevation. • Compute hydrostatic pressure and forces on submerged surfaces/objects. • Describe the fundamental equations of fluid dynamics, i.e. the continuity, Bernoulli, and momentum equations, and able to apply the Bernoulli and momentum equations for various problems. • Recognize the type of flow in pipelines, compute the energy grade line, and calculate the friction losses and minor losses, energy added and extracted. • Analyse and solve problems in simple and compound pipelines.
Electronic Materials and Devices-knowledge required • Quantum mechanics and crystal structure of semiconductor, semiconductor materials and their properties, energy bands, carrier transport phenomena, p-n junction, diodes p-n junction, optoelectronics devices, transistors, the magnetic properties of the semiconductor materials and its advanced fabrication technology. All these components are vital to the understanding of both the operation of present day devices and any future development in the field. Knowledge includes many mathematical calculations which are needed in designing the electronic component for low cost and low energy expenditure.
Electronics materials and Devices- learning outcomes • Recognize and explain of the basic properties of semiconductors and their conduction process. • Relate the theoretical and practical aspects of the major steps in electronic devices fabrication. • Explain the physics and characteristics of all major semiconductor devices such as p-n junction, diodes, transistors, integrated devices, laser, solar cell etc. • Conduct experiments to study the physical properties of semiconductor materials. • Produce and present an engineering report on the technology trends of the semiconductor device-based electronic industry and their future demand. • Evaluate all identified case studies to coupe with the rapidly growing of the electronic technology. • Employ and derive the basic governing mathematics equations for semiconductor device operation, and solve the engineering problems.
Environmental Engineering-knowledge required • Introduction to environment, standards and legislations and related issues in Malaysia. Water quality parameters, sources and characteristics of water and wastewater. Fundamentals of water and wastewater treatment processes, disposal of wastewater, sludge treatment, solid waste and hazardous waste management. Air pollution characteristics and control. Noise pollution characteristics and control.
Environment Engineering-learning outcomes • Identify environmental standards and legislations and related issues in Malaysia. • Describe important water quality parameters and their significance in terms of water treatment and river/stream analysis. • Estimate the characteristics and effects of wastewater on the river system. • Evaluate wastewater and water treatment units. • Determine the characteristics, sources and management of solid and hazardous waste. • Evaluate the types, sources, impacts and control strategies for air and noise pollution.
Safety Standards and Ethics- example of Biomedical engineering • Medical safety standard or safety codes to guide equipment manufacturers in the production of safe equipment, electrical hazards of medical instruments e.g macroshock and microshock hazards, physiological effects of electricity on human body, leakage current, devices to protect against electrical hazards, and an equipment safety programme. The various ethical problems and concerns, which arise in health care, medicine and biomedical engineering. Ethical issues related to biomedical engineering e.g. genetic engineering.
Safety Standards and Ethics-example of biomedical engineering; learning outcomes 1. Explain the medical safety standard (Malaysia, IEC, BS) 2. Evaluate the electrical hazard for medical equipment. 3. Determine the devices available to protect against electrical hazards. 4. Determine the regulatory requirement related to biocompatibility of implant/medical device. 5. Explain the ethical issues related to biomedical engineering.
Feedback from industry during a recent round-table discussion regarding additional knowledge/ skills that industries look for in engineers • In manufacturing, not so much the physical manufacturing level, but more of the value-added and higher end aspects like design, consultancy and project management • Construction Industry would like Integrated Project & Contract Management courses in both Project Development & Construction and facilities management. • Knowledge of law e.g. Malaysian Labour Law or basic principles of law. • Marketing & communication skills; desirability of foreign languages. • Financial management • Occupational Safety & environmental and Health Management • From this point of view it would be likely that a double major be preferred e.g. Engineering & law or engineering & marketing. • Industry also emphasize the importance of additional practical training and industrial experience. • Further emphases on soft skills, entrepreneurial skills, innovation and critical thinking.
INTI International University Degree Programme Structure Compulsory • 3 Soft Skills Courses:- • Entrepreneurship, Employability Skills, Personal Financial Planning Skills, Communicative Skills, Learning Skills and Critical Thinking Skills • Communicative Foreign Languages • Japanese, Mandarin, French and German • University Courses where possible • Technical Writing, Public Speaking, General Psychology, Introduction to Sociology, Art Appreciation and Introduction to Computing
Summary In this lecture an overview of Engineering Programme and knowledge required is presented with the following content: • Programme rationale • Programme objectives • Programme outcomes • Programme structure • Knowledge Required- examples applicable across engineering disciplines
Overview of Knowledge Required in Far East Degree Programmes20th July 2010 ASST Workshop on Engineering Education Present Status, Trends and Challenges 19-21 July, Damascus, Syria Sing Lee 1,2,3* and Sor Heoh Saw 1,2 1INTI International University, 71800 Nilai, Malaysia 2Institute for Plasma Focus Studies, 32 Oakpark Drive, Chadstone, VIC 3148, Australia 3Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education, Singapore 637616 e-mails: leesing@optusnet.com.au; sorheoh.saw@newinti.edu.my