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Pointing calibration plan

Pointing calibration plan. PACS PV phase review MPE, January 2008. Bruno Altieri (HSC). Pointing Working Group. A pointing working group was set-up early 2008, by the SciOps WG between Project, MOC (FD), HSC and ICCs. A pointing calibration plan was issued

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Pointing calibration plan

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  1. Pointing calibration plan PACS PV phase review MPE, January 2008 Bruno Altieri (HSC)

  2. Pointing Working Group • A pointing working group was set-up early 2008, by the SciOps WG between Project, MOC (FD), HSC and ICCs. • A pointing calibration plan was issued • T. Marston, HERSCHEL-HSC-DOC-1139, v1.0, 5/8/2008 • Herschel relies on PACS (blue) photometer for spacecraft pointing performance assessment • The plan was later de-scoped to only use Star Tracker 1

  3. Pointing calibration plan • Pointing cal. plan became part of PV phase to a large fraction, hence now in PACS PV plan • But time budget counted separately • Obviously must be scheduled as early as possible. • Preceded by in commissioning : • ACMS commissioning in CoP • Photometer bias set-up (BOLO_BIAS_2) • PACS search scan map (CoP) • Check of derived SIAM update (CoP) • Total estimated time : ~30 hours • In the PVPhotFPG program • Does not include 7.5 hours of spectrometer FPG.

  4. Pointing calibration CoP • Initial search map • 40’x40’ scan map: wide search to include STR structure bending, M2 misalignment .. • M51 ? ISO first light • Advantages: • Visible 23/04 – 09/08 • Hint about orientation • Drawback • Not point-like, but companion is ! • Derive SIAM • Check SIAM update • Standard PS mode • HIP 21479 (always visible) 140 Jy • Already a scan map at the end of BOLO_BIAS_2 ?

  5. Pointing calibration PV • Pointing cal. plan became part of PV phase to a large fraction, hence now in PACS PV plan • But time budget counted separately • Obviously must be scheduled as early as possible. • Preceded by in commissioning : • ACMS commissioning in CoP • Photometer bias set-up (BOLO_BIAS_2) • PACS search scan map (CoP) • Check of derived SIAM update (CoP) • Total estimated time : ~30 hours • In the PVPhotFPG program • Does not include 7.5 hours of spectrometer FPG.

  6. Pointing calibration • Stars sample selected by Markus Nielbock • PACS pointing calibration stars (PICC-MA-TN-003) • Measure APE statistically with “many” stars • 40 stars, 5mn AORs, for standard SAA range [-10,30] • Duration :~4 hours • Tune SIAM • Explore the full SAA range after a long stabilisation • [-20,-10] • [-30, -20] • SRPE measurement assessment, • Making use of on-ground gyro propagation

  7. Pointing observation plan (1)

  8. Pointing observation plan (2)

  9. Tests and CAP • SOVT-1: standard AORs • SOVT-2 • OD 60, 63 & 64 • Only looked at OD 60 so far • Dithering was not put (gain?) • SIMS-1 • OD 65 already delivered (standard AORs) • CAP from Dieter • Tested 2D gaussian fitting in dp-pacs • Though not as robust as in IDL

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