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Network management IEX8175 RF Electronics

Explore robust network management strategies for modern communication networks, emphasizing high reliability, security architecture, and dynamic control mechanisms. Leveraging advanced models and tools for efficient topology and configuration management.

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Network management IEX8175 RF Electronics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Network managementIEX8175 RF Electronics avo.ots@ttu.ee avots@lr.ttu.ee

  2. DARPA ISAT • Beyond traditional "tactical" which is voice/human user oriented • High reliability delivery • Beyond traditional ad-hoc networks

  3. Modern communication network Densely connected heterogeneous network

  4. Good network graph topologies • Good for benign scenarios • Mostly circulant graphs • Only few Moore graphs actually exist.

  5. Robust Dynamic Network (space-ground) robust networks Capability currentnetworks Stress level Security architecture for all layers and across-layers Architecture good for multiple generations of technologies

  6. Measure, Model, and Control Network Management Models, tools, scripts, databases Knobs Dials Offered traffic Changes to the network Topology/ Configuration measure control Operational network

  7. Algorithm For Setting the Knobs • Random Early Detection (RED) • Several tunable parameters • Min and max thresholds on queue length, max probability, queue weight Probability Average Queue Length

  8. Traffic engineering • Forward traffic in inverse proportion to path costs • Leads to polynomial-time optimization problems 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 5 4 3

  9. Policy-based Network Management

  10. Architecure • QoS service is provided through a policy server • The edge routers consult the policy server to perform admission control • The core routers accept resource configurations from the policy server to implement QoS requirements

  11. Is management really that important?


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  15. Lingid http://www.gfi.com/landing/nsmnw.asp?adv=69&loc=83&adclickid=15114702 http://www.rawflow.com/ http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/M.Handley/papers/fragmentation.pdf

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