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Explore the architecture and mobility solutions of wireless broadband networks, from IP backbone to service network planes. Learn about multi-service user terminals and basic access network cells. Discover the IEEE 802.11 standards and network models for WiMAX technology.
IEX8175 RF Electronics Avo Otstelekommunikatsiooni õppetool, TTÜ raadio- ja sidetehnika inst.avo.ots@ttu.ee
Wireless Broadband Mobile Broadband Mobility
Internet IP backbone Managed IP Network Common Core Network Plane RANs Service NetworkPlane Multi-service User Terminal (MUT) Basic Access Network Plane Basic Access Network cells Architectural Layout
IP Subnet: 160.243.x.x BSS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS Link Layer Mobility • Handover is taken care of by the involved BSs (and BSS) of the RAN • Applicable only to the same RAN • Within IP sub-network • Transparent to the network layer • Care-of-Address is retained • No registration activity involved • BAN signaling not necessary
Root CCN /Internet Macro Domain/Region IP Core BSS BSS BSS BSS Micro Domain RAN IP Subnet: 160.244.x.x IP Subnet: 160.241.x.x IP Subnet: 160.242.x.x IP Subnet: 160.243.x.x BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS Subnets Micro and Macro Mobility in IP
IEEE 802.11 standards Network Architecture 802.11s ESS Mesh QoS and RRM 802.11 AP Functional Description 802.11 WNM Radio Resource Management 802.11k Radio Resource Measurements 802.21 Media-Independent Handover 802.11 802.11a/b/g/h/e/i 802.11r Fast BSS Transition Legend: Released standards 802.11 WIEN Interworking with External Networks Standards in progress Recently started Being defined Mobility and Inter-working
WiMAX Network Models Fixed 2005 Portable 2006 Mobile 2007/8+ Metrozone Fixed Outdoor Fixed Indoor Nomadic Backhaul Wi-Fi Hotspot Mobile
10 – 20 Km Fixed/Nomadic WiMAX • Geography:Typical in suburban and rural areas • Deployment pattern:Large-sized cells with maximum area coverage • Services:Traditional Wireless DSL data + voice • CPE types:Mix of outdoor and indoor CPEs
Links http://www.sa.ee/ http://www.wimaxforum.org/home/ www.ieee802.org/16/ http://usa.wimaxworld.com/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/802.11k http://www.networkworld.com/news/tech/2005/082205techupdate.html http://www.connect802.com/encyclopedia/enc-numbers.htm