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Qualification of French NPPs equipment. Summary. Internal hazards considered in FA3 design General rules for Internal Hazards Pipe rupture Internal Flooding Internal Missiles L oad drop. Sollicitations to be taken into account. Ageing
Summary • Internalhazardsconsidered in FA3 design • General rules for Internal Hazards • Pipe rupture • InternalFlooding • InternalMissiles • Load drop Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Sollicitations to be taken into account Ageing All the effects of ageing due to normal operationuntil the end of life of the components (the accident issupposed to occurafter) temperature, radiation Vibrations Wear due to operation (eg valves) Environmental conditions Environmental conditions during PCC and RRC-A events (RRC-B events for EPR) : Thermodynamical conditions : pressure, temperature, humidity Radiation Verification to severe accident conditions = determination of the limits of operation of existing equipment during SA Qualification = prooth of the ability of a component to ensure its specified mission during SA Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Sollicitations to be taken into account Earthquake (SSE) For equipment required in PCCs For equipment required in situations possibly induced by an earthquake (certain RRC-A situations, fire, flooding) For equipment required in SA (EPR only) Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Component being qualified in the French NPPs Electricalequipment motors cables, splice boxes sensors Active mechanicalequipment valves1 pumps fans, screening components of the pumping station Otherequipment blocking devices of the SGs seals of personal air locks and of the equipment hatch paintings inside the RB (to avoid the clogging of the sumps after a LOCA) lubricants of valves Nota 1 : the function to qualify is specified (opening, closure, regulation…) Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Loading in pressure, temperature, humidity Depends on the building RB Main steam and water valves compartments Hall of the Fuel Building Safeguard Buildings (EPR) Profiles in P, T in the RB Elaborated from the analyses of masses and energy released during : a LOCA a SLB A TLOCC (EPR) Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Profile in pressure (EPR) Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Profile in temperature (EPR) Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Ambience families in the RB • Determination for each component of the RB of an ambience family based upon the accidental situation in which it is required SLB LOCA Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Ageing radiation dose in the RB Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Accidental dose in the RB Calculation of accidentalradiation dose Penalizing assumptions (large break LOCA) : 100 % of clad rupture (existing NPPS), 10 % of clad rupture (EPR), 50 % of Iodine and Cesium released in the confinement (existing NPPs) Penalizing assumptions regarding radio-chemical elements (I, Ce) 100% remains in the confinement, for qualification of components above the sumps 100% diluted into the sump water, for qualification of components of the Safety Injection System and of the Spray System (existing plants) Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Accidental dose in the RB The accidental qualification dose is calculated using : the ambience family of the equipment its location in the confinement itssensitivity to and rays Often a standard (ageing + accidental) radiation dose isused 50, 100, 300, 500 kGy (existing NPPs) 50, 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 450 kGy (EPR) Accidental doses for EPR Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Particular loads High Energy Line Breaks For a few components (valves, check valves) required to isolate the HELB Loaded and active water For components conveying water loaded by debris and activity due to LOCA : valves, check valves, heat exchanger (could be clogged) pumps (possible erosion of the wheel reducing the flow rate) The components of the Safety Injection System and of the Spray System (existing plants) shall be qualified to loaded and active water Thermal shock For Fuel Pool Treatment System and Reactor Heat Removal System pumps (when put into service) For the Safety Injection System and of the Spray System pumps of existing plants (7°C : aspiration in the FPTS tank / 120°C : aspiration in RB sumps during a LOCA) Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Qualification methods By test One or several samples of the component are submitted to a conventional sequence of tests simulating its conditions of use By analysis (reasoning) Analogy : test already realized on a similar component + analogy rules Calculation with a validated code Operating experience Mixed methods Combination of the two above mentioned methods Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Sequences of qualification tests This sequence comes from the French practise (RCC-E) Other practises are acceptable : KTA (Germany), IEEE (US) The order of the sequences is imperative Nota 1 - Arrhenius law : 950 hours at 135°C <=> 40 years at 50°C Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Thermodynamical test of the RCC-E Conditionning phase Accidental phase Post-accidental phase Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Seismic qualification Seismicloading (SDD = SafeShutdownEartquake) Determination of the maximum credible historical earthquake (SMHV) Maximum safety Eartquake (SMS) = SMHV + 1 (in MSK scale) Design earthquake (SDD) = envelope of the SMS of all the sites of the same standard Determination of a ground spectrum and of floors spectrums Requirement of seismic qualification of mechanical components Passive equipment (pipes, heat exchangers) : requirements of integrity, functional capability Active equipment (valves, pumps, fans) : requirement of operability Requirement of seismic qualification of electricalcomponents They have a requirement of operability Qualification Qualification No qualification Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Seismic qualification Damping coefficient of the component Frequency Horizontal spectrum all levels – 1300 MW Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
Maintenance of qualification In fabrication The manufacturer has to provide a standard model in accordance to the qualified model : Maintenance of a Reference file by the manufacturer Audits by the plant operator on the manufacturer’s site, including qualification tests In operation Compliance with the prescriptions of maintenance of the qualification for mounting and modification Maintenance Procurement and storage of components and spare parts Taking into account of the qualification in the preparation of the interventions on site and in the training of workers Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
On-going qualification Goal The initial qualification was performed for a lifetime of the plant of 40 years : this duration was taken into account in the ageing qualification An extension of the qualification is necessary if : the lifetime of the plant is increased (40 yr -> 60 yr) Or the qualified life is lower than expected : the conditions in operation have been more severe than expected The operating experience has showed that the ageing is more significant than expected (case of some components made of polymers – cables, connectors) Main methods Comparison between real conditions in operation and conditions taken into account in the initial qualification -> possible extension of qualified duration Monitoring of parameters of the components characteristic of the ageing Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014
On-going qualification Main methods (following) Change of the environmental conditions, protection or moving of the component Extension of the qualification by a sequence of qualification tests on : a new component a component taken on the site Replacement of the component Choice of the method Governed by the technical feasibility or economical considerations On French plants Not foreseen at the design of French existing NPPs, but used for : Paintings of the RB of all existing Cables taken from a RB in 2003 Foreseen from the beginning for EPR Qualification of French NPPs equipment- 12/06/2014