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Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 19 Topic : 1.5 Anatomical Terminology Essential Question :

1.5 Anatomical Terminology. 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules. Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 19 Topic : 1.5 Anatomical Terminology Essential Question : Write complete sentences correctly using each of the 14 anatomical terms on the bottom 2/3 of pg. 18.

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Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 19 Topic : 1.5 Anatomical Terminology Essential Question :

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  1. 1.5 Anatomical Terminology 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 19 Topic: 1.5 Anatomical Terminology Essential Question: Write complete sentences correctly using each of the 14 anatomical terms on the bottom 2/3 of pg. 18 • Write complete sentences correctly using each of the 14 anatomical terms on the bottom 2/3 of pg. 18

  2. Anatomical Terminology Anatomical Position – standing erect, facing forward, upper limbs at the sides, palms facing forward Palms out Draw a small picture to remind you next to your definition

  3. Superior vs. Inferior Superior:Top. Or part that is above another part; closer to the head Ex: The Kidneys are superiorto the bladder Inferior: Bottom. Or part that is below another part; toward the feet Ex: The bladder is inferiorto the kidneys

  4. Anterior vs. Posterior Anterior:Front Ex: The liver is anteriorto the stomach Posterior: Back Ex: The stomach is posteriorto the liver

  5. Medial vs. Lateral Medial:Imaginary midline (middle) dividing the body into equal right and left halves. Anything “toward the middle”. Ex: The chest is medialto the arms Lateral: Side. Toward the right or left side of the midline. Ex: The arms are lateralto the chest

  6. Types of Lateral Ipsilateral:Same side Ex: The appendix is ipsilateralto the gallbladder Contralateral: Opposite side Ex: The gallbladder is contralateralto the stomach

  7. Intermediate Intermediate:Being between or in the middle of two structures Ex: The heart is intermediateto the lungs

  8. Proximal vs. Distal Proximal:Closer to the trunk of the body than another part Ex: The elbow is proximalto the wrist = The elbow is closer to the trunk than the wrist is Trunk Distal: Farther from the trunk of the body than another part. Ex: The fingers aredistalto the wrist = The fingers are farther from the trunk than the wrist

  9. Superficial vs. Peripheral Superficial: toward or on the surface of the body (shallow) Ex: The epidermis is superficialto the dermis Deep:Describes the parts that are more deep Ex: The dermis is deepto the epidermis

  10. Body Sections In What ways can we cut a body or organ?

  11. Sagittal: Lengthwise cut that divides the body into unequal right and left portions Midsagittal: cut that divides the body into equal right and left portions

  12. Transverse: Horizontal cut. Divides the body into superior (top) and inferior (bottom) portions

  13. Coronal: Refers to a section that divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) portions

  14. 1. 2. 3. Name the planes

  15. Sagittal 1. Coronal 2. Transverse 3. Name the planes

  16. Coronal Sagittal Transverse Which cuts are these?

  17. EQ: Anatomical Term Sentences • Superior • Inferior • Anterior • Posterior • Medial • Lateral • Ipsilateral • Contralateral • Intermediate • Proximal • Distal • Superficial • Peripheral • Deep • Complete your EQ with a partner • On the bottom 2/3 of pg. 18 Ex: The head is superior to the knees.

  18. Please turn in your organ system essay directions • Make sure your NAME and PERIOD are on the top

  19. Classwork • Complete the Anatomical Terminology and Planes Worksheet • Test next Wed 9/18- memorize terms! • Answer All EQs and Cornell Questions • Notebook check Wed 9/18

  20. intermediate The heart is ____________________ to the lungs. The large intestine is ____________________ to the stomach. 3. The thumb is ______________ to the wrist. 4. The kneecap is _________________ to the ankle. 5. The nose lies on the ________________surface of the body. 6. The eyes are located ____________to the nose. 7. The ears are situated _________________to the head. 8. The upper arm muscle is _____________to the skin. 9. The spine is located __________________. 10. The hamstrings are located_______________ to the quadriceps. 11. The brain is ____________to the heart. 12. The index finger is ___________________ to the thumb and middle finger. inferior distal proximal anterior lateral superficial deep medial posterior superior intermediate

  21. contralateral • The right arm is ____________________ to the left arm. • The large intestine is ____________________ to the stomach. • 3. The thumb is ______________ to the wrist. • 4. The kneecap is _________________ to the ankle. • 5. The nose lies on the ________________surface of the body. • 6. The eyes are located ____________to the nose. • 7. The ears are situated _________________to the head. • 8. The upper arm muscle is _____________to the skin. • 9. The spine is located __________________. • 10. The hamstrings are located_______________ to the quadriceps. • 11. The brain is ____________to the heart. • 12. The index finger is ___________________ to the thumb and middle finger. inferior distal proximal anterior lateral superficial deep medial posterior superior intermediate

  22. 1. Superior 3. Proximal 10. Superficial 9. Deep (Body Hair) (Heart) Distal 4. 5. Anterior (Knee) Medial 8. 7. Lateral 2. Posterior Inferior 6. (Heel)

  23. Parasaggital Coronal Midsaggital Transverse

  24. Complete these sentences using the terms superior and inferior. • The hands are ________________to the feet • The knees are ________________ to the waist. • The elbow is ________________ to the wrist. • The calf muscle is ________________to the ankle. Complete these sentences using the terms anterior and posterior. • The heel is ________________ to the toes. • The shin is _____________ to the calf. • The nose is ____________to the crown of the head. Complete these sentences using the terms lateral and medial. • The arms are _______________to the midline. • The neck is ______________to the arms. • The shoulders are ___________to the midline. Anatomical Terminology Class Practice

  25. Complete these sentences using the terms superior and inferior. • The hands are ________________to the feet • The knees are ________________ to the waist. • The elbow is ________________ to the wrist. • The calf muscle is ________________to the ankle. Complete these sentences using the terms anterior and posterior. • The heel is ________________ to the toes. • The shin is _____________ to the calf. • The nose is ____________to the crown of the head. Complete these sentences using the terms lateral and medial. • The arms are _______________to the midline. • The neck is ______________to the arms. • The shoulders are ___________to the midline. superior inferior superior superior posterior anterior anterior lateral medial lateral

  26. Draw this diagram: Match the correct terms with their meanings. Place the correct letter in the empty column toward the middle toward the sides

  27. Draw this diagram: Match the correct terms with their meanings. Place the correct letter in the empty column C F toward the middle G D H B A E toward the sides

  28. Body Sections

  29. Abdominal Subdivisions

  30. Body Regions

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