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Falcon Precision Strike Cell (FPSC). Presented to Program Office 21 SEP 04 (Team 3). Angelfire, Inc. Company President: Preston Dunlop. Lead Systems Engineer – Equipment: Cris Cox. Marketing Manager/ Web Developer: Alexi Jonopulos. Lead Systems Engineer – Operations: Les Glosby.
Falcon Precision Strike Cell (FPSC) Presented to Program Office 21 SEP 04 (Team 3)
Angelfire, Inc. Company President: Preston Dunlop Lead Systems Engineer – Equipment: Cris Cox Marketing Manager/ Web Developer: Alexi Jonopulos Lead Systems Engineer – Operations: Les Glosby • Over 41 years of service, Joint, DOD and Coalition experience • Bringing the world’s best systems to the customer, on time and on cost • Pioneering new capabilities
Mission Needs Statement • Mission • From the sea, plan, task, and control the execution of Army, Navy, and Air Force assets and weapons in orderto ensure the destruction of enemy Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBM) Launchers on the ground.
CAOC CAOC CO XO «extends» C 1 C 6 FPSC Air, Ground, Human, and Sig Intel Precision Strike C 5 Cell C 2 «extends» «extends» Satellite Systems Database mngt Target acquisition BDA C 3 C 4 «extends» «extends» «uses» Support Control Admin Multiplexers «uses» Intel Planning Air Operations Tasking Communications Data Systems Comms Joint and Coalition Assets Ops «extends» «extends» «extends» Sup/ Log PAO/ FO VTC Voice Offense DSN Defense Support Candidate Architectures Architecture One CAOC «extends» Administration * Precision Strike Cell «extends» «extends» Architecture Two «uses» Intelligence * Supply and «extends» «extends» «uses» Logistics - End 4 «uses» Support Control C 4 ISR Capabilities - End 3 «extends» * Comm Systems * Current Ops Planning Air Operations Tasking Interfaces - End 1 «extends» «extends» * «extends» - End 2 Future Ops * Offense «uses» Defense Support Strike Forces at Sea «uses» «uses» AAA Capabilities Aerial Refueling SOF / Targeting Strike Forces Ashore Lasing Teams Architecture Three
CAOC «extends» Precision Strike Cell «extends» «extends» Satellite Systems «extends» «extends» «uses» Support Control Multiplexers «uses» Planning Air Operations Tasking Communications Data Systems «extends» «extends» «extends» VTC Offense DSN Defense Support Architecture Two:The Winner DATA SYSTEMS: - SIPRNET -NIPRNET -BICES -Link 11 -Link 16 -VoIP Telephones -GCCS Voice Systems: -VHF Nets -HF Nets -UHF Nets -Multi Channel Air, Ground, Human, and Sig Intel Database mngt Target acquisition BDA Joint and Coalition Assets Voice
Top Level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Level 1 Falcon Precision Strike Cell SE/ Pgm Mgmt Op group Interop group Data Mgmt System T&E Support Equipment Comm eqpt Crypto eqpt Facilities eqpt Sys Engineering Contract mgmt Scheduling Liaison with MMI Cost mgmt Documentation & training SW development Network dev/mod Engineering drawings Comm planning OO analysis Stds and spec mgmt Future upgrades Interface mgmt MMI SW integration Data fusion DB population and Maintenance IOT & E Beta test/eval Comms testing Coffee and donuts on Fridays
Concept/ Technology/ Integration Refinement SystemDevelopment Top Level Schedule Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 System Production SW / Interface testing Beta testing IOT & E Comms Interop Display / RAP Interop testing DTE/TD Development & Testing Procurement
Top Level Costing • Development, Test and Evalution/Technology Demonstration: • $800,000 • Systems Development • $1.2 M • System Production/Procurement • $2.2 M • Total: $ 4.2 M
Technical Performance Measurements • Risks • Comms breakdown between strike elements and the FPSC • Software Development Cost Overruns • Controls • Continual integration testing • Use case development of Software
Why us? Proven Performance!