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Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys MICS3 Regional Training Workshop. Anthropometry. Children’s Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE. Background. Child malnutrition is a major contributor to child mortality and morbidity. Children’s Questionnaire ANTHROPOMETRY MODULE. Goals
Multiple Indicator Cluster SurveysMICS3Regional Training Workshop Anthropometry
Children’s QuestionnaireANTHROPOMETRY MODULE Background • Child malnutrition is a major contributor to child mortality and morbidity
Children’s QuestionnaireANTHROPOMETRY MODULE Goals World Fit for Children Goal: Between 2000-2010, reduction of child malnutrition among children under 5 years by at least one third
Children’s QuestionnaireANTHROPOMETRY MODULE Indicators % under fives who are • Underweight (low weight-for-age, <-2 SD) and severely underweight (<-3 SD) • Stunted (low height-for-age, <-2 SD) and severely stunted (<-3 SD) • Wasted (low weight-for-height, <-2 SD) and severely wasted (<-3 SD)
Children’s QuestionnaireANTHROPOMETRY MODULE Purpose • Assess prevalence of malnutrition in children under 5 years Eligibility • All children under 5 years in all countries
Children’s QuestionnaireANTHROPOMETRY MODULE Preparation Equipment • Weight scales • Height/length boards Training • In class • Standardization exercise • Pilot test
Children’s QuestionnaireANTHROPOMETRY MODULE Issues • Recommended equipment available or purchase new equipment? • Light clothing, remove shoes, socks, hats • Weighing children • Do not weigh children with missing limbs or casts • If child cannot stand, mother holds child • If child can stand, stands on scale
Children’s QuestionnaireANTHROPOMETRY MODULE • Issues • Length/height of children • Do not measure children with certain deformities • <2 years (if age unknown, <85 cm), lying down (2 survey personnel needed) • >2 years (if age unknown, >85 cm), standing up