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Talent and Motivation

Talent and Motivation. The Talent Code Daniel Coyle. Basic Idea. Tapping into neurological mechanism by which talent is constructed Skill = neural circuits. Neural Circuits. Neural Circuits. Basic Idea. Tapping into neurological mechanism by which talent is constructed

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Talent and Motivation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Talent and Motivation The Talent Code Daniel Coyle

  2. Basic Idea • Tapping into neurological mechanism by which talent is constructed • Skill = neural circuits

  3. Neural Circuits

  4. Neural Circuits

  5. Basic Idea • Tapping into neurological mechanism by which talent is constructed • Skill = neural circuits • Automated circuits yield highest skill levels • Building a Skill Circuit • Reach beyond current ability • Make many mistakes • Use feedback from mistakes (learn from errors) • Repeat

  6. The Role of Myelin Myelin – insulation around axons

  7. The Role of Myelin • Myelin • Insulation around axons • Enhances neural transmission (impulse speed) • Decreases Refractory period (recovery period) • Activating neural circuits grows myelin • Enriched environments • Enhanced performance • More myelin • Deep Practice • Maximizes myelinization

  8. Principles of Deep Practice • Chunking • An Example: Chess • Chunking changes perception, learning and memory • Chunking develops through practice • Break skill into components • Master individual components • Integrate components

  9. Principles of Deep Practice • Repetition • Limit 3-5 hr • Pick a target • Reach • Evaluate gap between where you are and the target • Repeat • 10,000 Rule

  10. Principles of Deep Practice • Learn to ‘Feel it’ • Sense errors • Flow • Automate

  11. Principles of Deep Practice • Critical Role of Motivation • Effort not ego • Optimism • Hotbeds • Ignite motivation • Engage in Deep Practice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq0pHpNy6bs

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