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Chile. Aimea T. 23 octubre 2013 B 2. Location of country. Capital is Santiago It’s in S outh A merica It’s my the pacific ocean. Tourist Attractions. You can go to rodeos Best known for their poetry They have amazing food, for example Majar is a favorite bread there.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chile Aimea T. 23 octubre 2013 B 2

  2. Location of country • Capital is Santiago • It’s in South America • It’s my the pacific ocean

  3. Tourist Attractions • You can go to rodeos • Best known for their poetry • They have amazing food, for example Majar is a favorite bread there. • Soccer is the most popular sport • Dia De Los Muertes is a holiday that pays homage to their deceased love ones, and people across the country visit cemeteries.

  4. Climate and Geography • Arid deserts in the north and subarctic in the south. • Deserts, swamps, forests, Andes mountains, and beaches. • Territory of Chile is about 2,672 miles, and average with is about 112, miles.

  5. Typical Foods • Chileans eat main meal at midday and a lighter meal between 8 and 10 p.m. • Fish • Chicken • Beef • Potatoes • Eggs • corn

  6. Currency • Chilean peso (CLP) • Originally named of old Spanish dollar • It was called peso de oro when it was made of gold.

  7. Important people • Bachelet Michelle- First woman president in Chile • Nicanor Parra- A poet, received the highest literary honor. • Gabriela Mistral- A poet in 1945 • Pablo Nervda- Known for poetry in 1971

  8. Interesting facts • 87% profess a Christian faith, and 70% of the population are Roman Catholic. • Men tend to marry ages of 22 to 27 years old, and woman marry between 18 to 23 years old. • Abrazo is the most common greeting , it consists of a handshake and a hug. • In Chilean Spanish, avocado is palta rather than aguacate like in other speaking countries • Free public healthcare system, offers extensive coverage and is available to all citizens.

  9. Works Cited http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=chilean+peso&qs=RQ&sk=&FORM=QBIR&pq=chilieanpeso&sc=1-12&sp=1&qs=RQ&sk=#view=detail&id=8ECDBC085A2728714BC42BAF5E5A401435C3C523&selectedIndex=9 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=chilean+peso&qs=RQ&sk=&FORM=QBIR&pq=chilieanpeso&sc=1-12&sp=1&qs=RQ&sk=#view=detail&id=D29E737BF143936ECD75D1464F578E177C11C98B&selectedIndex=13 http://ts3.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4567320980095562&w=228&h=174&c=7&rs=1&pid=1.7 http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=bachelet+michelle&FORM=AWIR

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