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10.30am AGM Welcome Address Michael Gelling OBE Chair of TAROE

Explore the impact of welfare reform on the poor and disadvantaged at the TAROE AGM 2012. Learn about cuts in benefits, bedroom tax, and tenant scrutiny. Discuss the role of landlords and housing associations amidst changing legislation and financial pressures.

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10.30am AGM Welcome Address Michael Gelling OBE Chair of TAROE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TAROE AGM 2012 10.30am AGM Welcome Address Michael Gelling OBE Chair of TAROE


  3. TAROE AGM 2012 Thank you DACP

  4. TAROE AGM 2012 Thank you Derby Homes

  5. TAROE AGM 2012 Opening remarks by Chair

  6. TAROE AGM 2012 Welfare reform and Housing Legislation Changes

  7. TAROE AGM 2012 Biggest changes to Welfare of the poor, disadvantaged and venerable since the abolition of the Poor Law by the National Assistance Act 1948

  8. Direct payments through a national computer system History of getting this wrong Child Support Agency National Health Service Air Traffic Control TAROE AGM 2012

  9. Cuts in benefits Withdrawal of local access points Necessity of having to have a bank account Necessity to be able to use a computer TAROE AGM 2012

  10. Payments one month in arrears Placing people in debt on day one No appreciation of where people are now Existing arrears Existing debt Existing weekly commitments Tomorrows crisis TAROE AGM 2012


  12. The voluntary, community and none for profit sector is being asked to do more for less and no light at the end of the tunnel Is this their role? TAROE AGM 2012

  13. Bedroom Tax 1 spare room £14.00 per week 52 weeks = £728.00 per year TAROE AGM 2012

  14. Additionality (paying for none housing management functions) Survey Results from our February Conference TAROE AGM 2012

  15. 77% of tenants do not know this happens 65% say they are not involve in such expenditure 96% of tenants say more openness and transparency is needed 91% say should not happen without their consent 98% say that TAROE should campaign on this issue TAROE AGM 2012

  16. We believe that between 0% to 15% of rent is used on additionality TAROE AGM 2012

  17. Up to two months rent £700 TAROE AGM 2012

  18. Shouldn’t landlords be trying to sustain tenancies before committing rental income to other agency responsibilities ? TAROE AGM 2012

  19. Shouldn’t landlords be reducing the rent or at least redirecting income to sustain a tenancy and an income stream Have they lost their way? TAROE AGM 2012

  20. An eviction through no fault of the tenant is a landlord failure TAROE AGM 2012

  21. Housing Associations have reserves this is prudent but in some cases reserves amount to £400 a dwelling!!!! TAROE AGM 2012

  22. What should our next step be? TAROE AGM 2012

  23. 4 National Tenant Organisation have developed Tenant Panels paper which promotes tenant scrutiny Options for Accountability TAROE AGM 2012

  24. Let us also remember that tenants have the right to and can openly challenge their landlords under this new scrutiny role Tenants rents can only be spent on tenant management activities TAROE AGM 2012

  25. What do we do for you our membership to get these messages across ? TAROE AGM 2012

  26. Attend Conferences Seminars Workshops TAROE AGM 2012

  27. Have regular meetings with Department for Communities and Local Government Homes and Community Agency Chartered Institute of Housing National Federation of Housing Associations TAROE AGM 2012

  28. Explain our position to our partners National Tenant Organisations HouseMark Mears Inside Housing Friends of TAROE and many more stakeholders TAROE AGM 2012

  29. Be assured that we will endeavour to represent your views as best we can in as many places as we have the opportunity of attending We are here to help and represent you Help us to make our future something to look forward to TAROE AGM 2012

  30. Thank you TAROE AGM 2012

  31. News about TAROE AGM 2012

  32. TAROE AGM 2012 Limited Liability Partnership Mears and TAROE

  33. TAROE AGM 2012 23 Employees Still working toward viability

  34. TAROE AGM 2012 61% are tenants 91% from unemployment

  35. TAROE AGM 2012 Developing an income stream for TAROE

  36. Thank you TAROE AGM 2012

  37. TAROE AGM 2012 Apologies

  38. TAROE AGM 2012 A minutes silence for colleagues passed

  39. TAROE AGM 2012 Election of Tellers

  40. TAROE AGM 2012 Minutes of 2011 AGM

  41. TAROE AGM 2012 Chairs Report

  42. TAROE AGM 2012 Vice Chairs Report

  43. TAROE AGM 2012 Company Secretary’s Report

  44. TAROE AGM 2012 Treasurers Report and receiving the Companies Accounts

  45. TAROE AGM 2012 Election Process

  46. TAROE AGM 2012 a. Recruitment Report

  47. TAROE AGM 2012 b. Presentations from Candidates

  48. ELECTIONS ONTO THE TAROE BOARD 2012 John Townend Barnsley

  49. ELECTIONS ONTO THE TAROE BOARD 2012 Clive Hartley Rotherham

  50. ELECTIONS ONTO THE TAROE BOARD 2012 Mike Weston Leeds

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