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Blood Components -93 % RBCs -6 % Platelets -1 % WBCs

Blood Components -93 % RBCs -6 % Platelets -1 % WBCs - Plasma (Liquid Component) PRP - 94 % Platelets and Plasma - 5 % WBCs. Leukocytes ; Infection Removal Bacteria Erythrocytes ; Oxygen Transport Platelets ; Blood clotting and wound healing.

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Blood Components -93 % RBCs -6 % Platelets -1 % WBCs

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  1. Blood Components -93 % RBCs -6 % Platelets -1 % WBCs -Plasma(Liquid Component) • PRP - 94 % PlateletsandPlasma - 5 % WBCs

  2. Leukocytes ; InfectionRemovalBacteria Erythrocytes; Oxygen Transport Platelets; Blood clottingandwoundhealing.

  3. Plateletsderivedfrommegokaryocytes • Important in Hemostasis/Clotting • Plateletsarenormallyactivatedduringthe inflammatoryphasetobeginhealing • Role in the normal healingresponseviathesecrection of localgrowthfactors • Growthfactorsreleasedbyplateletsrecruitreparativecellsandaugmentsoft-tissuerepair

  4. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. As a concentrated source of autologous platelets, PRP contains (and releases through degranulation) several different growth factors and other cytokines that stimulate healing of bone and soft tissue.

  5. OrthopedicandTraumatology • Maxillo-FacialSurgery • Plastic/ReconstructiveSurgery • CardiacSurgery • CosmeticSurgery • General Surgery • Sports Medicine • HairTransplantation • Skin Rejuvanation

  6. Sources Platelets,extracellularmatrix of bone, Cartilagematrix,activated TH cellsandnatural killer cells,macrophages/monocytes Andneutrophils. Platelets,macrophages,mesenchymalcells,chondrocytes,osteoblasts Platelets,macrophages,monocytes Platelets,endothelialcells Plateletsthroughendocytosisfromextra- Cellular environment in bone marrow. GrowthFactor TransforingGrowthFactor –Beta TGF-β Basic FibroblastGrowthFactor, bFGF EpidermalGrowthFactor EGF VascularEndothelialGrowthFactor VEGF ConnectiveTissueGrowthFactor CTGF

  7. Normal PlateletCount ConcentratedPlateletCount

  8. Easyto use • High concentrated PRP • Buffy Coat • Cost Effective • Simple Operation • No Contaminationby Pathogens • Convenient forOffice use


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