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n. STATUS OF MICE. m. p. MICE. The International M uon I onization C ooling E xperiment. Overview. MICE has essentially recovered from a major hiccup (Project manager resignation)
n STATUS OF MICE m p MICE The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
Overview • MICE has essentially recovered from a major hiccup (Project manager resignation) • and associated collateral damages (PSI solenoid, lapses of communication, delays in refurbishment of quads etc...) thanks to the dedication of many MICE collaborators, and Ken Long and Chris Nelson in particular. The collaboration is holding together. • -- aim to have beam in the MICE hall in fall 2007 has vanished. • -- Priority #1 is to ensure that full beam line is ready for step I data taking at the end of the Christmas shutdown (20 January) • -- A cosmic test will be organized in bldg. R12 in November-December with a good fraction of detectors (DAQ, Tracker, CKOV, TOF0 and TOF1, KL) • -- shakedown of the detectors and practice of DAQ • -- avoids work pileup in February 2008 • -- Much progress has been accomplished in the MICE beam line and Hall construction • Main technical uncertainties concern the target, and the PSI solenoid • -- thanks to the staging of MICE, damage to the overall schedule is limited • -- Funding has made substantial progress (especially in the USA) and the construction process for Phase II elements has begun
MICE Schedule as of August 2007 m January 2008 STEP I STEP II April 2008 UK PHASE I STEP III July 2008 UK PHASE II STEP IV Delivery of 1st FC ~May 2009 STEP V >summer 2009 STEP VI end 2009 (or 2010)
-- NEWS -- • Since March 25, Malcolm Ellis is keeping a MICE NEWS page. • http://hep04.phys.iit.edu/cooldemo/news/weeklydigest.html • MICE Installations/commissionning/operations group MICO is now operational. (last meeting on 13 September). Still dominated by locals rather than northern UK or other countries. Weekly MICE installation and • MICE planning meetings • 3. Fermilab has launched a Muon Collider Task Force for muon collider studies and R&D with funding at similar level as NFMCC • 4. EUROnu Design study proposal has been approved. • 5. Project management (replacement of Paul Drumm) is now agreed and ready to go
Project management (replacement of Paul Drumm) is now agreed and ready to go
Towards phase I 1. Target 2. In-vault beam line 3. Decay solenoid 4. In-hall beam line 5. Beam optics, the matrix, alignment, correctors, collimators 6. Hall preparation, shielding, safety 7. TOF0, TOF1 8. CKOV1 9. Tracker 10. Spectrometer Solenoids 11. Diffuser 12. DAQ and monitoring 13. Software and analysis 14. Run plan 15. Common fund and shifts
MICE Target Mechanism developed to dip Ti target into ISIS beam in the last ms of ISIS cycle (Sheffield) -- 80 g acceleration achieved reliably -- 1 Hz rate -- Tested with 3.7M actuations in 12 weeks picture of a former target in ISIS
Target (Sheffield; C. Booth and P. Smith) • Target mechanism functioning reliably – 3.7 M actuations without drop • over 12 weeks. • this is what we expect from ~1/2 year of operation of MICE • ISSUE is dust released from guiding mechanism into the vacuum pipe • This would be unacceptable to ISIS. • Bearing wear is considerably reduced with use of leaded bronze, • and seems to have reduced with usage. • however, this material has unfavorable radiation properties • Further studies to be done • with Diamond-like Carbon (started now) • Discussions with ISIS ongoing • Various solutions studied to deal safely with the dust • and understanding of beam loss monitors
Leaded bronze bearings after 1.5 M pulses Dust at bottom of housing (after 1.5 M operations)
MICE Beam Line Upstream beam line: magnets installed still need services, alignment and beam line monitors • 1 Spill / second • 1ms Spill duration • 600 muons / Spill • Muon beam momentum between 140 to 240 MeV/c • Diffusers allowing from 1p to 10p mm rad beam
Shielding in MICE Hall largely finished <-- here with the expansion tank for the beam 'PSI' solenoid Leak was found in PSI solenoid and required opening. understood – came from human error at PSI repair effected with help from W. Gloor (PSI) still needs pressure test and cooldown -- November 07. Still a substantial uncertainty.
THE DIPOLE B2 in place (recess position)
MICE detectors TRACKER: Completion of planes for two complete trackers + three stations mechanical completion of first final tracker expected 15Oct07 VLPC readout: expect to ship from Fermilab at the end of Oct. Arrive RAL 02Nov07 will be installed in Cosmic stand in R12 ready to take data 09Nov07
CKOV Parts of the first (of 2) detector have arrived at RAL (+ L.Cremaldi and David) Customs overcome with 'magic words'! Aerogel, box, mirrors (from USA) and phototubes (from Trieste) will be ready in September second CKOV could be there for November. Support frame being built (under supervision by Oxford) TOF0/1 Being built in Milano, delivery at RAL mid-November with laser calibration system Common CKOV/TOF0 support. Slowed down by admin in Italy. KL being built in Rome. Delivery at RAL in November -- ibid. DAQ Adoption of DATE software from ALICE experiment at CERN Test stand developed by Geneva delivered at RAL July 15 and installed in R12. --> Interface to tracker was worked out. Already used for test beam at Frascati in 2006 Integration of detectors within DAQ framework will be crucial milestone. Controls and Monitoring task (Daresbury): Target control, beam magnets, safety
DAQ -- Installation @ RAL In R12 (East) 2 VME Crates - 2 Interfaces - 2 Trg Receiver - TDC V1290 - Scaler V830 - fADC V1724 1 PCs 2 NIM Crate 1 Network Switch 2 Scint. + PMT from IC
KL calorimeter L=90 60 65 L=60 tracker SW calorimeter Spectrometer solenoid TOF and shielding
Extrusion provided by Fermilab and mechanical assembly, gluing etc. at INFN Trieste Photo-multipliers recuperated in Geneva (save $$$) Estimated cost 50-100k$ Essential for full precision (10-3) of the experiment over full momentum range (see next slide)
Example Bias on emittance due to muon decays Would be ~0.5% (i.e. 5% error on cooling meast) Reduced to <<0.1% by SW+ tracker (This uses tracker & TOF info and PID signals +Neural Network) Preparing for PHASE I : software, analysis 1. Basic simulation and reconstruction of MICE is complete for the various steps Both G4MICE and ICOOL are used. 2. Putting it all together to do analysis (particle reconstruction, particle ID algorithms Single particle amplitude and emittance calculations, etc…) is ongoing. Will aim at running online! 3. Real life test will take place in Cosmic run in November 4. Shortage of hands (general in MICE) is particularly felt here.
Spectrometer Solenoid (LBNL) the cold mass for the first magnet had its cover plates welded on last week (photo) - final assembly of the magnet is expected to begin in early to mid October - the fabrication of the support stand and vacuum vessel end walls is under way - the cold mass supports for both magnets are complete - winding of the second magnet is about 50% complete - 300 A power supplies ordered --First magnet complete by November/December07 -- magnetic measurements at FNAL January-February08 Arrive RAL in March08 Begin step II in April-May08
this shows cable routings, control room etc... and was sent to all MICE for verification
Goal: Establish beam match and whether we have all knobs necessary to draw emittance vs. transmission curve. Measure emittance Run plan -- steps I and II m STEP I February 2008 STEP II April-June 2008 Runnng time: Take 200-400 muons per 1ms spill once per second In steps I-IV 1% (0.1%) emittance meas. will take <1 (<100) minute 10 times longer in steps V and VI where phase matters. preliminary estimate STEP I requires 60 shifts (20 days of running) beam line commissionning, target tuning (rates), DAQ and detector shakedown STEP II requires 150 shifts (50 days, during 2008) Alignment of beam x,x’,y,y’, (Lack of) dispersion, check range of transverse emittance, and range of momenta measure emittance and… publish first paper total for steps I & II: 70 days
Preparing for phase II LH2 Absorber (UK, US, Japan) AFC module (UK) RF R&D (MuCool-NFMCC) RF power (LBNL+ CERN Daresbury lab RAL) Coupling Coils (LBNL,Harbin ICST) SW calorimeter (GVA-FNAL-Trieste) The main technological uncertainty for MICE phase II is: stable operation of the 201 MHz cavities at 8MV/m in the magnetic field of the MICE cooling channel. By the end of the calendar year, the MuCool program hopes to test the prototype 201 cavity in a magnetic field that approximates what the cavity will see in MICE. A more complete test of the cavity will occur when the coupling coil being fabricated for the MuCool program by ICST/Harbin arrives at Fermilab in early 2009.
The complete cell of the study II cooling channel is composed of two RF coupling-coil modules with an absorber-focus pair module in the middle This corresponds to step VI. Permits study of -- flip between two modules and longitudinal emittance growth . The complete MICE project extends to step VI (MICE needs two RFCC modules and three AFC modules)
RF power system completion of test stand in 2007 (Daresbury Lab) relationship with CERN & phase 2 FC Module Tender responses in hand vendor selection by November Hydrogen System Vendor selected design issues being resolved Safety review and HAZOP for H2 system have been passed. Metal hydride storage tank with capacity of 20 m3 of hydrogen
Summary of funding situation (I) -- UK: PhaseI = 9.7M£ (OST+ rolling grants + CCLRC contributions) -- UK Phase II bid submitted in July 2006. Peer review positive; recommended 100% of support for engineering 2 + option for 3d focus pair modules support for exploitation Merge of CCLRC and PPARC into STFC leads to general review during next year one year funding OK, following years subject to review. Focus Coil module(long lead item) isin tendering process expected delivery date May 2009 – defines MICE Step IV schedule
Summary of funding situation (II) -- USA (Tracker, Spectrometer solenoid, RF cavities, Absorber windows, Coupling coils (not to mention RF power amplifiers and the experiment and RF cell concepts!) Funding from the NFMCC (DOE baseline scenario 4.125M$) + 4MW RF source (in kind) + NSF grant (IIT) 300k$ + MRI grant (tracker + tracker solenoid) 750k$ (NB tracker part was reduced substantially by D0 electronics deal) +DOE suppl. for MuCool coupling coil 300k$ in '06 and for RFCC modules 630k$ in '07 + Fermilab 800k$ (MOU) + 50/75k$/year + NSF tracker proposal by Pr G. Hanson 399 k$ (postdocX3 years, also UNH with Ulisse Bravar)(+ equal amount 400k$ of UC-Riverside startup funds) + NSF MRI for CC (+RF) was approved for 798k$ ==> Thanks to DOE and NSF support, US situation is very positive!!! Final design process of coupling coil for MuCool R&D and for MICE started RF cavity construction will be launched later this year • Had another positive MUTAC review • “For the last three years it has been the opinion of this committee that funding levels substantially above the FY05–07 levels could be used effectively to advance the goals of NFMCC. The committee recommends that the funding agencies make every effort to provide ~$1M to fund the coupling coil as soon as possible. In addition, the agencies should increase the annual funding to the NFMCC. The scale of the needed incremental resources is at least $500K per year.”
Summary of funding situation (III) -- Japan: (tracker, H2 absorber bodies) Very important contribution by Osaka and KEK was interrupted in 2006 Bids have been resubmitted for US-Japan coll. and Japan funds No effect on tracker. Affects absorber bodies and controls and very precious collaboration with S.Ishimoto (KEK) -- China: (MICE coupling coils) proposed to build first coupling coil with US funding (MuCool coupling coil) + two MICE coupling coils (shared with US) (requires NFMCC to purchase the conductor, cryocoolers and power supplies) MOU written and signed ==> addendum to MOU to cover CC fabrication being negotiated now between LBNL and HIT.
Harbin Collaboration (1) Overarching MOU has been signed by both institutions
Harbin Collaboration (2) MOU Addendum being developed must include Procurement Subcontract to transfer funds and components • Issues: • Import/export (permission and duties) • Technology transfer • Ownership
Summary of funding situation (IV) -- Switzerland: PSI solenoid Uni-Geneva+SNF (DAQ, trigger + TOF0 PMTS + 2PhD+1RA ~ 1200 kCHF so far) essentially complete. Will now begin contribution to SW calorimeter +Bulgaria collaboration (travel, PID electronics) (74kCHF granted) -- CERN:1 RF station providing 4MW (173kCHF or 110k€ + 0.3 FTE) agreed on 3 Nov 2006: Maurizio Vretenar charged of execution -- Netherlands:(Mag probes) -- Italy:(TOF, Calorimeter) 500 k€ from INFN + 200 k€ from RAL end-of-year 2006 to completion still some issues with distribution of funding to Milano and Roma. MICE is now a recognized INFN NTA project (New Techniques of Acceleration) limited budget and travel money has been allocated.
Summary of funding situation (V) Missing but requested: 1. UK: Phase II bid completion 2. Japan: Absorbers bodies and controls 3. SW (INFN+Gva+Fermilab) + everywhere: manpower Globally the funding situation has improved to the point where we have reasonable confidence in having resources for the MICE hardware to be completed end of 2009. Also: 1) we should now begin the collection of common fund 2) support for collaborators at RAL should be discussed
Common fund -- Mice common fundproposal was approved at the collaboration board .. £3000 per Ph. D holder .. first installment due October 1, 2007 this is likely to represent a contribution of order 150-200k£ per year .. MICE PM to set up account and to establish invoices to institute leaders (pending) CLARIFICATION: This represents commonly incurred costs in operating and running the experiment. --ensures authorship on MICE publications This is not a 'lab tax!' ISIS beam delivery is acknowledged to be a welcome contribution of the host lab The muon beam line electricity will be a major source of the expenses and MICE would like to request that this be covered by the host lab
Access to MICE by collaborators from abroad It has become more and more evident that running MICE will require people on the site at RAL for extended periods of running. O(6 mo/year) This is beyond the scope of the MICE-UK project. For EU partners there exists the possibility of Transnational Access support by EU Such a proposal is being developed for the next "CARE" proposal (OMIA?) For other collaborators bilateral collaboration agreements should be established. Explicit request has been made in this direction by Chinese colleagues.
Transnational Access (In EU-OMIA) Transnational access for the MICE facility will ensure: -- 1) presence of European partners in MICE at the experiment while it takes data -- 2) access to data, analysis tools, internal communication. and aim at -- 3) attract new European partners Needs: -- 1) travel and subsistance, contribution to running cost and common expenses of facility -- 2) facilitator (to ensure good communication among systems) -- 3) incentives to welcome new collaborators/experiments
VERY preliminary assessment of request to EUas shown by P. Kyberd to OMIA meeting 11/09/07 T. Medland and RAL financial service promised to make precise proposal by end sept07 notes: *) this represents a small fraction of the general service jobs **) this represents about 50% of the costs likely to be needed by presentMICE-{EU but non-UK} collaborators – more could be used! ***) total running cost estimated to 600k€/year = 2.4 M€ in 4 years
Conclusions In spite of difficulties, MICE has been making considerable progress. Still on schedule to demonstrate ionization cooling by 2010 Funding is essentially complete for Phase I and II (BUT: UK Phase II, Japan, SW) Common Fund will begin to be invoiced Travel and subsistance of MICE collaborators at RAL is an issue. Funding request to support subsistence at RAL of collaborators from EU is being prepared with framework of OMIA MICE muon test facility represents a beautiful scientific investment!
Final Comment -- Beyond Phase II Once PHASE II is completed, the MICE hall remains a facility with -- spectrometers, TOF and PID able to measure emittance to 10-3 -- 8 MW of 201 MHz RF power -- 23 MV of RF acceleration -- Liquid hydrogen infrastructure and safety system MICE can become a facility to test new cooling ideas Time scale for such experiments being 2011-2012, proposals will come in the near future