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The Enlightenment. Enlightenment. Age of reason philosophical movement built off the achievements of the scientific revolution . The believed that reason could be used to solve human problems ( all aspects of society, government, religion economics, and education .
Enlightenment • Age of reason philosophical movement built off the achievements of the scientific revolution . • The believed that reason could be used to solve human problems ( all aspects of society, government, religion economics, and education .
Thomas Hobbes The Leviathan (1651) • He believed that absolute monarchy was the best form of government • Natural lives were “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”
John Locke • People were born equal with natural rights ( Life, liberty, and property ) • The purpose of government was to protect peoples rights . • 1690 Two Treaties on Government
French philosophes • Salon – Gatherings in a home of the wealthy
Voltaire • Spoke out against the government and the church • He believed in the religious toleration • Deist – believed the world was like a clock that God set according to natural laws Common sense is not so common. Voltaire If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. Voltaire
Denis Diderot • He created the encyclopedia in 1751
Jean – Jacques Rousseau • Social contract- believed that all good governments were formed by the people “General Will” ( Direct Democracy )
Montesquieu • Separation of powers as well as checks and balances
Mary Wollstonecraft • Equal rights for women
Adam Smith • 1776 The Wealth of Nations • Laissez-Faire – Capitalism
John Wesley • Methodism
Music • Handel, Hayden, Bach, Mozart
Enlightened Despots • Prussia – Fredrick II • Russia – Catherine The Great • Austria – Maria Theresa and Joseph II