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How you can help our learning at home.
How you can help our learning at home The most important thing you can do is talk. Talk about what life was like when you were growing up, and when your parents were young. Share stories and enjoy books, pictures and films. Ask lots of questions and try to find out the answers. Use the internet and visit the local library to find interesting facts which you can then share with your class. If you think you might have some suitable materials or role play items that you would like to share with us, or if you have any skills, expertise or knowledge you would like to share please pop in and see your child’s class teacher. KS1 Creative Curriculum Quest Autumn 2013 Welcome back! We hope you have had a good summer holiday and have enjoyed the break. The KS1 team are keen to get busy with our new topic entitled ‘Back to the Future’, which will see us become time lords exploring distant lands and time, past and present. Key Dates and Events Why time machines? • These are provisional dates which may change during the term; we will let you know of any changes closer to the time. Please do not hesitate to come and see your child’s teacher with any queries. • Tuesday 10th September = KS1’s new quest begins! • Friday 13th September = KS1 Decades disco for all the family • 6.00pm – 8.00pm • Thursday 19th September= KS1 trip to @Bristol • Tuesday 1st/ Wednesday 2nd/ Thursday 3rd October = Rural Life Museum trips for Ash/Rowan/Willow classes • Tuesday 22nd October = Parent and child time machine workshops in all classes 1.30pm – 3.00pm • Tuesday 22nd/ 23rd October = Parents Evenings 3.30pm – 6.30pm • Wednesday 23rd / Thursday 24th / Friday 25th October = School closed due to INSET training • Thursday 7th November = KS1 trip to Carymoor • Friday 15th November = Wells CLP sports festival at the Blue school for Ash Class all afternoon • Friday 22nd November = KS1 museum & workshop event for parents in the afternoon (details to be confirmed) • Tuesday 10th December @ 5.30pm = Nativity performance • Wednesday 11th December @ 5.30pm =Nativity performance • Friday 13th December @ 2.00pm = Nativity performance. • Friday 20th December = FS and KS1 Christmas party all afternoon. • Friday 20th December = Last day of term…Happy Christmas! • Our inspiration for this topic came from the following JK Rowling quote ‘Shh! Listen! Someone’s coming! I think — I think it might be us!’ We began to wonder. If we could travel anywhere in time what would we see? How do things change with time? How has our future been affected by our past and how might the future be shaped? Through the use of a time machine we intend to embark on a journey of discovery; discovering past events that have shaped the world today and exploring the future, predicting what changes might happen. Whilst we travel together, our journey will provide unique opportunities for all without boundaries. • Our ambition is for us all to become ‘the hopers of far-flung hopes and the dreamers of improbable dreams’ (The Eleventh Doctor). • Throughout all our topics we aim to: • Create challenging learning opportunities across all areas of the curriculum • Encourage children’s natural curiosity about the world, and show an interest in historical events. • Provide opportunities for expression and creativity. • Motivate through unique experiences. • Embrace ‘learning without limits’ through dedicated child-led learning.
R.E Exploring people and places will help children develop an international mindset understanding the beliefs of others whilst developing awareness of their own nationality and beliefs. They will have many opportunities to show respect for themselves and of others. Art, Music, Dance and Drama In art lessons we will be exploring landscapes. We will be learning about the work of artists who capture the mood of time travel e.g. Van Gogh’s ‘Starry night’. Then, using our bodies and senses we will create compositions to demonstrate our understanding of various periods in time, both past and present. Our time machines will be completed with sound effects to suit our passage through time. Design and Technology and ICT We will be planning, designing and creating our own time machines which we can use to travel to many places. On return from our travels ICT will help us research the lands and time we visit and will help us create images of the future worlds we see. Literacy In literacy we will continue to follow the Read Write Inc. programme and support children in developing their confidence with phonics, reading and writing. We will also use literacy within our topic lessons to ensure that all children are given wider reading and writing opportunities linked to our theme. P.E and outdoor learning Children will develop a range of gross and small motor skills within PE lessons through gymnastics, swimming and games. All classes will be taught for one session per week by a sports coach. Rowan Class will be swimming on Thursdays. We will promote learning through play and outdoors whenever possible. Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school at all times. Science We will be exploring suitable materials to protect us inside our time machines. And once we take flight we will be learning about forces, (particularly pushes and pulls) and discovering our senses and how sound travels. History and Geography As Geographers we will be learning to read maps, globes and atlases to find out about the countries we may visit in our time machine. We will be drawing maps and plans of our travels and thinking to the future of how we might travel. As Historians we will be learning about significant events in our past. Beginning with our own family history we will journey through time, discovering what is was like when dinosaurs roamed and understanding how innovative the Victorians were. Using what we know about our past will help us to predict what might happen in the future. Numeracy We will continue to practise our mental maths by completing daily maths and Olympic maths challenges and putting mathematical understanding into practise by solving everyday problems – Please see separate sheet for further details. PSHCE Whilst on our travels we will consider what different people think about our past and our future prospects and how values can alter over time. A lot of our activities will involve the children working as a team to solve problems and we will be teaching skills to enable this and to create and foster independent and interdependent learning. We look forward to sharing our learning with you each step of the way! KS1 Team