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Forging Strategic Partnerships in Environmental Systems, Biotechnology and Agricultural Research

Forging Strategic Partnerships in Environmental Systems, Biotechnology and Agricultural Research for Space Applications. A working meeting held at North Carolina State University September 25, 2002 Hosted by the North Carolina Space Initiative. University of Florida

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Forging Strategic Partnerships in Environmental Systems, Biotechnology and Agricultural Research

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  1. Forging Strategic Partnerships in Environmental Systems, Biotechnology and Agricultural Research for Space Applications A working meeting held at North Carolina State University September 25, 2002 Hosted by the North Carolina Space Initiative

  2. University of Florida North Carolina State University UNC – Office of the President NC A&T State University UNC-Charlotte UNC-Chapel Hill UNC-Pembroke Winston Salem State University Research Triangle Institute NC Technology Development Association University of Tennessee - Knoxville Participating Institutions

  3. Purpose of Today’s Meeting • To explore mutually beneficial collaborations among researchers in Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee in the context of two programs: • Environmental Commercial Space Technology Center (ES CSTC) • Space Biotechnology and Commercial Applications Program

  4. Today’s Agenda • Welcome and Opening Remarks – Chris Brown • Overview of NASA Research in NC – Chris Brown • Overview of NASA Research at UF – Peggy Evanich • Environmental Systems Commercial Space Technology Center • Program Overview – Bill Sheehan • Solid Waste Recovery – Bill Sheehan • Air Revitalization and Water Recovery – David Mazyck • Other UF Research with ESCSTC Applications – Richard Yost • Break

  5. Today’s Agenda • Space Biotechnology and Commercial Applications Program • Program Overview – Peggy Evanich • Center for Space Agriculture and Biotechnology Research and Education (SABRE) – Rob Ferl • Integrated Smart Nanosensors for Space Biotechnology Applications – Toshikazu Nishida • Commercial Applications and University Partnerships for Space Biotechnology – Bill Sheehan • Lunch • Potential for Collaborations – All • Reconvene and Adjourn

  6. north carolina space initiative a program of the kenan institute for engineering, technology & science

  7. Goals of the NC Space Initiative • To establish networks to facilitate collaborative projects • Fundamental and applied space research • Education in space science, engineering, business, and policy • Outreach and engagement • To compete for NASA / other funding • To apply space technology to issues of concern to our state and region • To attract space-related industry to our state and our region To Make NC a Leading Space State

  8. Overview of Selected NASA Programs in North Carolina • North Carolina State University • North Carolina A&T State University • University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill • Duke University • Research Triangle Institute

  9. North Carolina State University • National leader in Science, Engineering and Technology • Land Grant University founded 1887 • Centennial Campus established 1984 • 28,000+ students, 1,600 faculty, 10 colleges • 105,215 acres (1,877 in Raleigh) • Federal research expenditures FY01- $90M • Total R&D expenditures - $300 million • 35% Engineering 7% Textiles • 20% Ag and Life Sci 5% Education • 20% Physical/Math Sci 3% Other • 10% Vet Medicine • Number of patents since 1992 – 350 • Top ten for industry sponsored research • Ranked 17th nationally for licensing revenues and patents • Ranked 4th nationally for spinning off start-up companies Red Wolf Moreland/Brown

  10. NC State and NASA • From FY97 - FY01, NC State awarded $13.2M in NASA grants 1997 - $2.8M 1998 - $2.7M 1999 - $3.1M 2000 - $2.3M 2001 - $2.3M • In 2001, NCSU had 43 competitively awarded NASA grants and contracts STS 89, Jan 1998 Bell Tower at NCSU Moreland/Brown

  11. SeaWiFS NC State involved with 4 NASA Strategic Enterprises and Education Examples: • Biological and Physical Research – Plant gravitropism: A transgenic approach (Perera, Boss - Botany) • Aerospace Technology –Uninhabited aerial vehicle Testing (Chokani, Hall, Heinzen - Mech. Aero. Engr.) • Earth Science – SeaWiFS data from the Indian Ocean (Morrison - Marine, Earth and Atm. Science) • Space Science - X-ray emission and dynamics of supernova remnants (Reynolds - Physics) • Education - Space biology lectures in digital format (Brown - Kenan Institute and Botany) Moreland/Brown

  12. NC State is home to >55 established research institutes, centers, laboratories, consortia and initiatives. Four of these are directly related to NASA missions: • NASA Specialized Center for Plant Gravitational Genomics • Center for Earth Observation • North Carolina Space Grant Consortium • North Carolina Space Initiative Arabidopsis Root Cap (Scott and Allen) These Centers are one way NCSU links with other organizations with like-minded goals Moreland/Brown

  13. An Advanced Technology Community for University, Industry and Government Partnerships Five multi-disciplinary R&D neighborhoods • Bioscience and Biotechnology • Advanced Materials • Pre-College Education • Environmental Technologies • Advanced Communications Technologies Moreland/Brown

  14. NC A&T STATE UNIVERSITY • Comprehensive Land Grant University in Greensboro, NC with an enrollment of 8,300 • Seven schools and colleges – Agriculture, Arts & Sciences, Business & Economics, Education, Engineering, Nursing, Technology • Undergraduate and Graduate programs with Doctoral programs in Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, and Industrial & Systems) • Top 5 HBCU’s in federal R&D obligations • Top 5 universities in NC in research productivity • Total program funding of $32M • Current portfolio of 277 projects at $129M Psalmonds

  15. NC A&T is involved with 4 NASA Strategic Enterprises Examples: Aerospace Technology – Investigation of aero servo structural interactions in aerospace applications Biological and Physical Research – Logistics in a food production system using intelligent agents Human Exploration and Development of Space – Performance modeling of a pilot in a free flight mode Earth Science – A web based visualization tool for 3D/4D imagery and geospatial information Psalmonds

  16. TECH TRANSFER, EDUCATION and PUBLIC OUTREACH • NASA Southeast Regional Technology Transfer Center (http://dor.ncat.edu/ottc/serttc) • Integration of NASA Research into Undergraduate Education in Mathematics, Science, Engineering and Technology • NASA Space Grant College and Fellowship Program • NASA Sharp Plus Program • Ronald E. McNair Graduate Research Fellowship Program • Undergraduate and Graduate Student Researchers Program Psalmonds

  17. Among the Leaders • Now 20th in federal science & engineering support, and the only N.C. university in the top 20 (NSF) • First among public universities in the south in NIH funding (13th overall) • Among the top four public research universities in the nation (Lombardi et al., 2000) • 9th nationally in federal funding for fellowships, traineeships, and training grants • 42 of our graduate programs in the top 25 • 11th in faculty members in national academies (35) Lowman

  18. Collaborationin science and education Lowman

  19. Left: Carbon nanotubes Below: Otto Zhou’s lab Research to understand carbon nanotubes, understand their intercalation chemistry, and evaluate them as potential energy storage devices. Lowman

  20. Medical Science has been Important to NASA • Since 1989, NASA has supported Professor Mitsuo Yamauchi in the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Dentistry • Studies have included biochemical changes of bone in a model of weightlessness and bone matrix changes during skeletal unloading and reloading Lowman

  21. NASA Research Activities at Duke • Prebreathe Reduction Protocol (PRP) Trials • Effects of Precipitation Variability and Desertification on Water Dynamics in Arid Lands: A Patch and Landscape Modeling • The Impacts of Land-Use/Land-Cover in Amazonia on Hydrometeorological Processes at Different Spatial and Temporal Scales • The Influence of Irrigation on Warm Season Precipitation in the Great Plains • Modeling of Unsteady Three-Dimensional Flows in Multistage Machines • The Mechanics of Flapping Flight • An Investigation of the Geometrical Scaling Properties of Inflatable Structures Used for Space Solar Power Generation Hall

  22. Research Triangle Institute RTI is an independent, non-profit research organization of 1950 individuals in 115 disciplines dedicated to improving the human condition Winfield

  23. NASA/RTI Technology Commercialization Contract Winfield

  24. Forging Strategic Partnerships in Environmental Systems, Biotechnology and Agricultural Research for Space Applications A working meeting held at North Carolina State University September 25, 2002 Hosted by the North Carolina Space Initiative

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