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Protective Behaviours

Jane Firth – Community School Health Nurse Chas Cassey - Chaplain. Protective Behaviours. What is protective behaviour?. Protective Behaviours are preventative life skills, which can help you out when you are in a difficult, unsafe or abusive situation. The Protective Behaviour themes.

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Protective Behaviours

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  1. Jane Firth – Community School Health Nurse Chas Cassey - Chaplain Protective Behaviours

  2. What is protective behaviour? Protective Behaviours are preventative life skills, which can help you out when you are in a difficult, unsafe or abusive situation


  4. Feelings Early Warning Signs: These are involuntary, physical sensations which we feel in our bodies when we do not feel safe, or when we are in an exciting or challenging situation! Our body signals alert us to let us know that something is going on for us and that we may be feeling unsafe

  5. Activity 1 What are your Early Warning Signs? On the diagram, label the areas of the body where you get your Early Warning Signs

  6. Early Warning signs: Goosebumps Hair stands on end Dry mouth Shaky Butterflies in stomach Sick in stomach Heart pounds Sweaty palms Jelly knees Wet your pants

  7. Safety – Choice and Control Feeling safe is something we don’t think much about - until the feeling goes away! Other people may feel safe when you feel unsafe - or unsafe when you feel safe Everyone does not feel safe in the same situation or for the same reasons Every individual has the right to make their own decision about what feels safe and unsafe

  8. Safety Continuum Safety = Choice, Control and Time Limit Unsafe Safe Control Fun to Feel Scared Risking on Purpose EWS Control EWS

  9. Safe

  10. Fun to Feel Scared

  11. Risking on Purpose

  12. Unsafe

  13. Activity 2 Look at the pictures and decide if you think they are: Safe Fun to feel scared Risking on purpose Unsafe

  14. Safe and Unsafe Secrets This is the sharing of information solely with someone we trust. Safe Secrets (Choice and control about telling) • Can be kept for a short time (can always be told eventually or to someone) • Usually have a happy outcome • Are not kept between 1 adult and 1 child or 1 adult and a group of children Unsafe Secrets(No choice and control about telling) • Someone says “You mustn’t tell” (only the adult and child know the unsafe secret) • Involve a threat that something bad will happen if you tell • Last a long time (sometimes forever) • You feel sad, uncomfortable, unsafe • Give you Early Warning Signs

  15. Unsafe Internet Secrets 50% of children surveyed by Net Alert had been approached on line by someone they didn’t know and asked to meet in real life (Net Alert 2007) Of those that did meet only 10% asked permission from their parents (Net Alert 2007)

  16. Cyber Bullying • 200 million children around the world are being hurt by their peers • In 57% of cases face to face bullying stops within 10 seconds when peers help out • 41% of young people report it is easier to bully over the internet or mobile phone than face to face • Almost 90% of young people do NOTfind websites that make fun of other students funny • 80% of young people who are bullied online are bullied offline

  17. Contact from strangers • 33% of 14-15 year olds, and 39% of 16-17year olds have received a photo of someone they haven’t met in person • 30% of 14-15 year olds have had IM requests to be friends with someone they hadn’t met in person • 91% of Australian students (10-15 years) have access to a computer with an internet connection at home; 66% in study; 44% in living room; 27% in their bedroom

  18. Facebook Bullying • Teenager is first to be jailed for Facebook bullying • District Court Judge Bruce Morgan stated in his decision…’Bullies are by their nature cowards, in schools and society’

  19. Mobile Phones • Save the evidence • Annoying calls or messages – contact your service provider • Threatening calls or messages – contact the Police and your service provider

  20. Cyber Bullying and the Law • Police have an Online Exploitation Squad • The Police have the skills to retrieve Anything and Everythingyou post online, or send/receive on your mobile • It is important for you to understand if you do the wrong thing in cyber space there are consequences • Criminally responsible from 10 years old

  21. Top Tips • Save the evidence • Block the person who is cyber bullying you • Social Networking Site (SNS) profile set to private • Try to find out who is cyber bullying you and why maybe you accidentally upset him/her • Seek advice from your good networks

  22. Body Ownership Private and Public Protective Behaviours encourages the use of accurate and correct terminology for all body parts Private body parts can be identified as the parts that are covered by bathers – including the mouth. They are private parts because no one else is allowed to see them or touch them without obtaining permission first Private / Public Body Parts Private / Public Clothes Private / Public Places Private / Public behaviours

  23. Assertiveness The Stages of NO: No – is a manners No (e.g. No thank you) No – is a firm assertive No (e.g. NO you can’t) NO - is an angry No (e.g. NO I don’t want to) NO – is an EMERGENCY / DANGER NO (eg NO leave me alone!!!)

  24. Activity 3 Safe and Unsafe On the sheet handed out, write down in the boxes: I feel safe when..... I feel unsafe when ..... “WE ALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO FEEL SAFE AT ALL TIMES”

  25. Networks “WE CAN TALK WITH SOMEONE ABOUT ANYTHING, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS” It is healthy to talk about our feelings to someone we trust A good network person is someone: • Who will listen • Who will believe • Who is available • Who will take action if necessary

  26. Activity 4 Who is on your network? Create your own personal network

  27. Network Review A network needs to be checked regularly and updated so that everyone on it still meets the job description!! Do you still feel comfortable confiding in this person? Are these people still accessible and able to be contacted? Is there someone new I want to add to my network?

  28. Other helpful contact details • Kids Helpline – www.kidshelp.com.au – 1800 551 800 • The Station Youth Centre Rockingham – 9528 8690 • Sexual Assault Resource Centre – 9340 1828 • Women's Domestic Violence – 1800 007 339 • Crisis Care – 1800 199 008 • Police Non Emergency – 131 444 • Alcohol / Drugs Info Line – 9442 5000 For any EMERGENCY call 000

  29. Any Questions? Thank you for listening!

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