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Insect Behaviours. Designing Robot Behaviours. Designing robot behaviours requires more imagination than knowledge. You have to “think like a cockroach”. Where have we heard a comparison of imagination and knowledge before?
Insect Behaviours Intro to Robots
Designing Robot Behaviours • Designing robot behaviours requires more imagination than knowledge. • You have to “think like a cockroach”. • Where have we heard a comparison of imagination and knowledge before? • In this chapter you will need to “think like a cockraoch” and a lot of other interesting beasts. Intro to Robots
Braitenburg Vehicles • 1984, Valentino Braitenburg published “Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology” • Imaginary vehicles with simple motor skills and simple control mechanisms but complex behaviour. • Trying to understand human and other animal brains. • Braitenburg connected simple sensors to simple motors to produce complex behaviours that humans would recognize as fear, aggression, love, logic and free will. • Is it “fear” when a robot avoids all obstacles? • What are you teaching your children when you tell them, “never talk to strangers”? Intro to Robots
Braitenburg’s Law • Uphill Analysis and Downhill Invention. • It is harder to guess internal structure from external behaviour than to build something that will exhibit such behaviour • It is harder to describe correctly the program that gives a robot a certain behaviour than it is to produce a program that will produce a specified behaviour. Intro to Robots
Vehicle 1: • One sensor connected directly to one motor (in the Scribbler case, one light sensor connected to both wheels equally). • Behaviour: More light, faster turn the wheels. Intro to Robots
Vehicle 1: • Problem: Light Sensors range from 0 (very bright) to 5000 (very dark) while motor speeds run from -1 (fast backward to 1 (fast forward). • We simplify the motor speeds by just considering forward motion (motor speeds in the range [0,1]). • We need a function that converts light intensity into motor speed as follows: • We call this process, normalizing the sensor readings. motor speed = f(light intensity) where f(0) = 1 and f(5000) = 0 Intro to Robots
d – b c - a y – d = (x – c) Normalizing Sensor Readings • The formula for a line that passes through two points, (a,b) and (c,d), is: s = 1 - i/5000 (s) (i) Exercise: Calculate this function for variables i and s. Intro to Robots
normalize(): • Problem with this formula: Instead of having the robot come to a complete stop when it is pitch dark, we would like it to stop in ambient light and move forward when the light is brighter than ambient. • Since ambient light might be in the 200 to 500 range we may still have the robot moving at 90% top speed in ambient light – too fast. def normalize(i): return 1 – i/5000.0 Exercise: show this to yourself. Intro to Robots
Final normalize(): • We first need to calculate the average ambient light (Ambient) and then use it to formulate a new normalize() function. • Exercise: Prove the robot stops in ambient light. • Problem: How to calculate the value of Ambient? • Take the average of left, right and center sensors • Have the robot make a 360 degree circle and measure ambient light in all directions; then take the average. def normalize(i): if i > Ambient: i = Ambient return 1 – i/Ambient Intro to Robots
Vehicle1.py • Let’s analyze the while-loop • It loops forever • To stop, execute stop() from the command line • Every time you execute forward() the speed changes. # Braitenberg Vehicle#1: Alive from myro import * initialize("com"+ask("What port?")) Ambient = getLight("center") def normalize(v): if v > Ambient: v = Ambient return 1.0 - v/Ambient def main(): # Braitenberg vehicle#1: Alive while True: l = getLight("center") forward(normalize(l)) Exercise: Modify thisprogram to use other values for Ambient. Intro to Robots
Vehicle 2a: • Two sensors, each one driving a different motor. • Behaviour: More light, faster turn the wheels. Intro to Robots
Vehicle2a.py: # Vraitenberg Vehicle#2a from myro import * initialize("com"+ask("What port?")) Ambient = sum(getLight())/3.0 def normalize(v): if v > Ambient: v = Ambient return 1.0 - v/Ambient def main(): # Braitenberg vehicle#2a: Coward while True: l = getLight("left") r = getLight("right") motors(normalize(l), normalize(r)) The method getLight()returns a list of readings(left,center,right). The function sum() can take a list as an argument andadd its contents. motors() drives both motors,the left and the right. Thereforeit takes two arguments. Intro to Robots
Exercises: • Implement the above program and observe the behaviour of the robot when shining a light on the various sensors – left, center and right. • How would you describe the vehicle2a behaviour? Intro to Robots
Vehicle 2b: • Two sensors, each driving a different (opposite) motor. • Behaviour: More light, faster turn the wheels. Intro to Robots
Vehicle2b.py: • Exercise: Modify the program vehicle2a.py to implement the behaviour of vehicle2b. • Describe the behaviour of this new robot. Intro to Robots
Robot Setup: • Sometimes the robot needs to be set up before actually doing what it is supposed to do. • For example, calculate the value if Ambient light intensity before executing any of the Vehicle programs. • If multiple things need to be done, it is often necessary for you to prevent the robot from jumping into the main program. • Exercise: modify the Vehicle programs to use this approach def main(): # Description of the behavior... # Give user the opportunity to set up the robot askQuestion("Press OK to begin...", ["OK"]) # Write your robot's behavior commands here Intro to Robots
d – b c - a y – d = (x – c) Different normalizations: • The normalization we used in the previous examples is called excitatory. This is because the more intense the light (sensor activity), the faster we drive the motor. • We could do the inverse. We could slow down the motors under intense light. This is called inhibitory. s = i/5000.0 (s) (i) Intro to Robots
Inhibitory normalize(): • Remembering to take into account ambient light, the function for inhibitory normalization is: • Vehicles 2a and 2b with inhibitory normalization (we call them 3a and 3b) are referred to by Braitenburg as love and explore. Why? • Implement 3a and 3b, observe their behaviour and answer the above question. def normalize(i): if i > Ambient: i = Ambient return i/Ambient Intro to Robots
Other normalizations: • Any function that has a domain and range inside the box in the diagram below can be the basis of a normalization function. Intro to Robots
Various normalizations: Vfunction step function bell curve Braitenburg calls thesenormalization functions,instincts. circlearc ? Intro to Robots
Exercise: • Compare instinct to intuition. • How do they differ as reasoning tools? • How do they differ from logic as a reasoning tool? • We can make the robot simulate instinct and we can have it emulate logical reasoning. Can we make the robot display intuition? Intro to Robots
A Robot’s “self”: • Clearly we can change a robot’s behaviour by changing its program. • It’s behaviour is not inherently what the robot is all about. • The part of the robot that observes/controls the robot’s sensing/reaction behaviours is its CPU. • So the CPU is the closest thing we can identify in the robot to a “self”. • Indeed, we often say that the architecture of a computer is the set of basic instructions its CPU understands. • How does this compare to person’s “self”? Intro to Robots
Sine Function sin() is a built-in Python functionfound in the math module. pi is a built-in value.from math import * • Amplitude = 1 • Period = 4 * Ambient = 2π/b • b = π/2*Ambient • So if Ambient = 250 then theequation is y = asin(bx) where a = amplitude period = 2 π/b y = sin((π/500)x) def normalize(v): if v > Ambient: v = Ambient return sin((pi/500)*v) Ambient Intro to Robots
Creating Python normalization functions: • Bell Curve: • Other Functions: • Final Analysis: We can create a behaviour/instinct from any mapping of sensor range values to [0,1]. def normalize(v): mean = Ambient/2.0 stddev = Ambient/6.0 # rough guess if v >= Ambent: v = Ambient return exp(-(v – mean)**2 / 2 * (stddev**2)) π = meanσ = standard dev exp() is a built-in Python functionfound in the math module.from math import * Exercise: Create a normalize() function for the - step function - circle arc - V function Intro to Robots
Alternative sensors: • All the vehicles we have seen implemented until now could be re-implemented using the IR sensors instead of light sensors. • Our lab exercises will do this and we can then describe the behaviour of these other vehicles. Intro to Robots