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Lesson 2 Part 1

Lesson 2 Part 1. The Person. GENOS, GENEOS Greek “race” “family” GENS, GENTIAS Latin “race” “clan” “family” GENUS, GENERIS Latin “birth” “race” “kind” “tribe” “clan”. GENEALOGY. ( gee -knee-all-oh-gee), noun Definition: study of family records, a record of descent from ancestors

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Lesson 2 Part 1

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  1. Lesson 2 Part 1 The Person

  2. GENOS, GENEOS Greek “race” “family” GENS, GENTIAS Latin “race” “clan” “family” GENUS, GENERIS Latin “birth” “race” “kind” “tribe” “clan”

  3. GENEALOGY (gee-knee-all-oh-gee), noun Definition: study of family records, a record of descent from ancestors Forms: genealogical, adjective “The only thing I learned from my sixth grade genealogy project is that my family has always been boring.”

  4. GENOCIDE (jehn-oh-side), noun Definition: the planned annihilation or termination of a racial, political, or cultural group. “The worst genocide in history was when the Nazis tried to eliminate all Jews.”

  5. GENRE (zhahn-rah), noun Definition: a type or a class or a category, typically of art or literature; i.e. the humanities “My favorite genre of literature is poetry.”

  6. GENTEEL (jehn-teel), adjective Definition: well-mannered, polite Forms: gentility, noun “My mother is a genteel woman; she always says kind words and minds her Ps & Qs.”

  7. GENTILE (jehn-tile), noun Definition: anyone who is not Jewish “If you are a Christian, or a Hindu, or even an atheist, then you are a gentile.”

  8. GENTRY (jehn-tree), noun Definition: aristocratic, or well-bred in Britain, the class under the aristocracy “The Kennedys are considered members of the American gentry.” “Jane Austen wrote many stories about the English gentry.”

  9. HETEROGENEOUS (het-er-oh-jee-knee-us), adjective Definition: having parts that are different or unrelated Forms: heterogeneity, noun “The classroom of students in St. Paul was very heterogeneous because of all of the diversity.”

  10. HOMOGENEOUS (hu-moh-jeh-nus), adjective Definition: of the same kind or sort parts that are alike Forms: homogeneity, noun homogenize, verb homogeneously, adverb homogeneousness, noun “My mom bought the homogeneous package of donuts-- only plain.”

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