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Post WWI Era

Post WWI Era. World History C. Simmons. Uneasy Peace, Uncertainty. Peace settlements created border disputes Americans did not become part of the League of Nations French demanded reparations- pay back costs of war Economic Problems in Germany – led to Dawes Plan, loaned Germany money

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Post WWI Era

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  1. Post WWI Era World History C. Simmons

  2. Uneasy Peace, Uncertainty • Peace settlements created border disputes • Americans did not become part of the League of Nations • French demanded reparations- pay back costs of war • Economic Problems in Germany – led to Dawes Plan, loaned Germany money • Kellogg-Briand Pact – renounced war for use of policy

  3. Great Depression • Causes: downturn of worlds economies in late 1920’s, collapse of U.S. stock market • Low economic activity and high unemployment • Governments did not how to fix problems, led to rise in Communism and dictators • The Depression challenged Democracy

  4. Democracy after the war • After war France became strongest European Power • Popular Front Organization – collective bargaining • John Keynes – Keyneism, government spending (deficit spending) • FDR was elected in 1932, New Deal – plan to get US. out of Depression, achieved sense of hope, unlike European Powers

  5. Discussion • How did Depression affect the World? • What caused problems after the war was over in Europe? • What did the New Deal do during the depression?

  6. Rise of Dictators • Italy, Spain, Germany, and Russia – all major countries except Britain and France • Totalitarianism – control of all aspects of citizen’s lives • Communism in Russia - Stalin • Benito Mussolini – Fascism, extreme nationalism • 1926 – outlawed opposition, total control, except for Rome • Did not achieve total control like Hitler and Stalin

  7. New Era in Soviet Union • Lenin created the (NEP) New Economic Policy in 1921 – half communism and capitalism • 1922 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) • Joseph Stalin v. Leon Trotsky struggle for power • Stalin’s Five Year Plan and Collectivization – government took over ownership of farms • In 1930’s millions of Russians died (starving)

  8. Authoritarian States in West • Concerned with preserving order, but not total control • Parliamentary government failed in E Europe – no tradition, illiteracy, and fear democracy leads to revolution • Czechoslovakia – only Democratic country in E Europe • In 1936, Francisco Franco overthrew Spanish government, began authoritarian dictatorship

  9. Discussion • What happened during the Russian Revolutions? • How did dictators com to power after the war?

  10. Hitler and His Views • Born in Austria, used racism as core idea of extreme nationalism • Fought in WWI, Hitler would later control the National Socialist German Worker’s Party or Nazi Party • Popularity, staged uprising was jailed, wrot Mein Kampf outlined ideas of expansion, anti-Semitism, and anti-Communism

  11. Rise of Nazism • Nazism became largest party in Reichstag or parliament • Desperate for leader like Hitler • Hitler gained complete power by May 1933 • Enabling Act allowed Hitler to take power • Concentration camps set up for any opposition to Nazism • Hitler set up totalitarian state became Fuhrer (leader)

  12. The Nazi State • Focus on the Aryan Race • Hitler believed in 2 prior empires or Reichs so Hitler called his the Third Reich • Nazis used the Gestapo (Secret Police) to control the country, led by Heinrich Himmler • Rearmament program, massive building projects • Nuremburg Laws – Jews lost citizenship, Ghettos • Kristallnacht – night of broken glass

  13. Discussion • What was Hitler’s primary goal in building his empire? • What do we know today about Hitler that might could have stopped him quicker?

  14. Mass Culture • Motion pictures and radio changed mass communication • Radios mass produced in early 1920’s • Movies came out before WWI • Used for political purposes • Hitler used radio to spread propaganda • Nazi party had groups of people that would make movies to help influence the masses

  15. Leisure and Art • 8 hr workday became standard = more leisure time • What to do? Professional sports, traveling, radio, movies, shopping, etc. • Art had increase in Fear and Uncertainty • Dada and photomontage • Surrealism – reality beyond material world, dreams, fantasies, etc. • Hitler condemned Modern Art, promote Aryan race

  16. Heroic Age of Physics • Newtonian view were abandoned • Einstein - Not everything could be completely defined and predicted • Werner Heisenberg – uncertainty principle • Subatomic particles are not predictable but instead random, challenged Newton’s ideas

  17. Discussion • Why did people have more time? • What did Hitler and the Nazis do with the innovation of mass communication? • Why was the principle of uncertainty important?

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