1. Case Study Reviewing your temp staff needs: an HR/Procurement partnership
Jonathan Campbell
Corporate Procurement Manager
East Sussex County Council
2. What’s it all about? Agency Staff spend- £ MILLIONS -what do procurement people say?
“Who are all these people?”
“We just can’t say no”
“Isn’t it an HR thing?”
Let’s find out
3. Where to start? Huge spend but with whom and why?
Spend out of control?
No formal arrangements or very few
Multiple vendors
No benchmarked rates
Complex legislation
Temp to perm issue
Long term temps issue
4. Whose responsibility is it anyway? Is it procurement?
Is it HR?
Is it Procurement & HR?
Do either of us know what to do?
If not lets learn together
Joint Plan
Joint Project
Joint Procurement
5. What did we need to know? How much we might cashably save
How we might make non-cashable efficiencies
What the alternative models are
What our users need
What the market place is like
What the effect would be on the local economy
What other similar sized councils have done
6. What did we need to do Establish our spend- £5.7m plus £4.5m schools
Establish our main spend areas: Admin & Clerical, Care, ICT, Finance/ Specialist
Establish vendors being used- 30
Put them all on a holding “PSL”
Agree minimum business standards e.g. CRB checks, payment terms, Insurance etc
7. What did we need to do ctd. Make all PSL end dates co-terminus
Get HR on board as equal partner
Establish a project sponsor-HRM Board
Establish a project team
Make an ITS bid for resources
Talk to users
Get this spend area under control
8. It’s all becoming clearer Agency staff is a spend area that can be got under control
It has potential to yield £ thousands savings
It has potential to deliver huge efficiencies
You need to understand the alternative models
You need to work with others internally and externally
It can support the local economy
So it ticks all the right boxes……………………
9. The Plan Preliminaries:
Make friends with HR
Get your sponsor in place
“Sell” the advantages/ make the business case
Make it a formal project
Work out a timescale that is achievable
Get an ITS bid approved
Indicate savings level to raise temperature (“if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen…..”
10. 5 Phase joint project Phase 1:Working with SECE/OGC etc 3 months Sept-Nov 2006 to learn about the 6 X factor models which are:-
1. Manage in-house and go out to tender for multiple agencies on a framework/ PSL
2. Competitively tender for Neutral Vendor managed service
3. Competitively tender for Master vendor managed service
11. X Factor models ctd. 4.Mini competition between two or three super agencies using OGC Catalist
5. Create an in-house agency
6. Create an in-house Employment Register
Not a lot then to choose between
Deliver initial positioning report to HRMB
12. What’s going on out there Phase 2 Establish what the best practice is- 3 months Jan-March 2007
1. Establish what the position is in each council in your Procurement sub-Region
Establish as potential lead Contracting Authority who would likely join you
Establish information on all existing sub-Region contracts and whether accessible
13. What’s going on out there ctd. Narrow options down from 6 to 2 based on reality
Apply the 2 managed service options to the best practice available and agree 4 reference sites to visit in the SE Region, 2 for each version
Visits MUST be jointly with HR, with the relevant contract manager at the site and with the service provider
List of key questions should be submitted in advance to get the best out of the visit
Make report no 2 to HRM Board & recommend which option to go for
14. Over to HR Phase 3 HR focus 3 months July-Sept 2007
Undertake revisits to the 2 sites of selected version to explore in more detail
Set up programme of internal consultations with key users
Compile key JDs, person specs and current rates information-20
Review HR policies and procedures relevant to use of Agency staff-10
Report no 3 to HRM Board and ready for procuring
15. Over to procurement Phase 4- 6 months Oct 2007- March 2008
Phase 5-3 months April-June 2008
Expected outcome:
A completely new Neutral vendor Managed Service for supply of Agency staff from 1st July 2008, accessible by all 15 Sussex councils and in partnership (on-going) between HR and procurement at East Sussex County Council
16. Case StudyReviewing your temp staff needs: an HR/Procurement Partnership
Any questions?