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Diversity College. Amanda Doyle. Danny Glassmann. Marianne Price. Andrew Wiemer. Facing Facebook: Educating the Campus Community. University of Central Arkansas 26 February 2006. Diversity College. Introduction. PART ONE Presentation to Administration PART TWO
Diversity College Amanda Doyle Danny Glassmann Marianne Price Andrew Wiemer Facing Facebook:Educating the Campus Community University of Central Arkansas 26 February 2006
Diversity College Introduction • PART ONE • Presentation to Administration • PART TWO • Orientation Session to Students • PART THREE • Online Tutorial and Exam
Diversity College Presentation to Administration • Program Agenda • Overview of Facebook • Student Perception • Student Issues • University Issues
Diversity College Overview of Facebook • Definition: social network for university community members • Any person with a valid .edu address can gain free access to the website • Originated and founded by four Harvard students in February 2004 • Currently the website is active at 2,200 colleges, 22,000 high schools, and has over 6 million users • Between 10,000 and 20,000 new members sign up daily
Diversity College Features of Facebook • Creation of Personal Profile • Friends List • Groups and Events On/Off Campus • Messages May Include but not limited to: City, Gender, Academic Concentration, Birthday, Hometown/State, High School, Relationship Status, Sexual Orientation, Political Views, Intended Vote, Interests, and an “about me” section - Ability to search globally for other users - Option to accept or deny a friend request - Create a detail of how you know the friend - Members can create and join groups - Groups can be online versions of real campus organizations or fictitious groups - Gives student ability to create parties or events and invite other users - Allows members to send private messages to friends, similar to an email - “Poking” feature used to gain attention of other members
Diversity College Features of Facebook • The “Wall” • Photos & Albums • Advertising • Pulse • - Section on main page for fellow members’ friends to post public messages • - Visible to every person that has access to the profile • - Ability to upload an unlimited number of photos • - Members can tag (list names of people in photo) and also allows for public comment • - Free Advertising: Group Meetings, Events • - Paid Advertising: Corporate Mainstream and Holiday - Statistics and trends which are continually updated - Displays popular trends for a particular university or the entire Facebook community
Diversity College Student Perspective What does facebook.com provide for a student? • Networking tool • Chance to connect with fellow friends and past classmates • Ability to make new friends and build community • Knowledge about current campus events • Join social groups • Post pictures and share experiences
Diversity College Student Perspective Allows great benefits for some students • Expression of a students sexuality by posting and/or coming “out on Facebook” • Due to no face-to-face contact, introverted students may feel more secure and possibly gain a stronger social network • Students feel more at ease when expressing thoughts and beliefs online • Students have the sense of anonymity
Diversity College Student Issues Issue 1: Privacy • Students post phone numbers, class schedules, hall/room numbers, etc. • All information is public knowledge, therefore any one can view this information • Many times the profile is used as a tool for faculty, staff, or potential employers to gain an adequate picture of the student • Is this a violation of the First Amendment?
Diversity College Student Issues Issue 1: Privacy and Legal Issues • Student Conduct Violations • Judicial Sanctions may be based on information provided by Facebook profiles • Is this a violation of the First Amendment? • Identity Theft • Students must be aware that this information can lead to possible identity theft simply based on his or her profile
Diversity College Student Issues Issue 2: Harassment • Usually stems from public “wall” or private message boards • University group names and/or group descriptions may be offensive to other members of the campus community • Pictures of students may be posted on any persons profile and may be commented on Example: Message from Student 1 reads “Hey cutie. Saw you today across campus and wanted you to know that I’m interested in pleasing you. Let me know what you think.” Example: “The Anti-Gay Group is a community of students who do not believe in the sins of those who choose to be with someone of the same sex.” Example of explicit comment on a photo: “This is one hot chick. I would love to meet you whoever you are. Guess I’ll just try to find you.”
Diversity College Student Issues Issue 3: Safety, Stalking, and Cyber-stalking • Students post detailed information, such as cell phone numbers, actual addresses, and uncensored photos • Events listed on Facebook offer anyone the chance to know what’s going on both on and off campus - Poses privacy and security risks, including harassment and/or stalking based on given information - Information provided on a person’s profile can lead to unwanted visitors at a students residence - Students who may not agree with a certain organization can easily find a way to “crash” a party - Campus groups can easily find themselves victims of hate crimes
Diversity College Student Issues Issue 3: Safety, Stalking, and Cyber-stalking • Cyber-stalking is a new technique being implemented where someone commits the crime of stalking through the Internet • Many times private messages are explicit and can walk a fine line of sexual harassment • Networking websites allow stalkers to contact their victims and easily identify targets
Diversity College Student Issues Issue 4: Addiction • 4.5 million Facebook users sign on to the website at least once each day • Average users sign on up to six times a day • Example: Ingrid Gallagher, a sophomore at the University of Michigan, stated: “There are people on this campus who are totally obsessed with it, who check their profile 5, 6, 20 times a day.” • Students are spending hours a day logging into networking websites, which can result in less time for academics
Diversity College University Issues Issue 1: Student Safety • Concern of the potential of more student harassment and stalking on campus • Facebook allows content to be public without screening of photos or groups
Diversity College University Issues Issue 2: Students and First Amendment Rights • Events such as parties being monitored by Police and University Officials • Jobs being based upon the contents of a profile or pictures posted • Professors using the site to check on students Example: Northern Kentucky University students were fined, placed on probation and forced to enroll in a binge drinking awareness class after administrators discovered photos on the site of students drinking in the residence hall. Example: A school looked at potential RA candidates’ Facebook profiles in determining hiring status. Example: A university professor looks at student profiles to see their interests outside of the classroom in order to build a more cohesive environment. Students feel that their profiles are more for sharing with friends than with their academic professors.
Diversity College University Issues Issue 3: Technology and the Incoming Entertainment Generation • Professors not utilizing the resource of technology • Classes taught to students with responsibilities of using technology as an academic resource • “The Facebook Generation” or “The Google Generation” The newer generation of college students are very advanced in their knowledge of technology and are many times more adequate with its use than even some faculty members. - Students today spend more of their time text-messaging during class, listening to iPods during speakers, and logging on to non-academic websites. - College Freshman utilize technology as a means of entertainment.
Diversity College University Issues Issue 4: Student, Parent, Faculty and Staff Education • Student • Parent • Faculty and Staff - Educate on privacy issues and the institutional policies - Teach how to deal with harassment and stalking - Understand the unlimited access of Facebook - Learn how Facebook can affect your future success - Provide a safety overview of how the website may affect your student and his or her privacy - See an in-depth look and demonstration Facebook and how it works - Knowledge of 1st Amendment rights of Students - Understand issues students are facing - Utilize Facebook to your advantage within the academic realm
Diversity College Facebook Education What all users need to know • Blocking • Monitoring content • Access is unlimited • Information that is provided may come back to haunt students - Users have ability to block anyone from accessing their profile - Users have ability to monitor their profile or any other profile that may include content pertaining to them - University administrators, staff, and faculty have the ability to also access the website - Seems limited but an average of 80% of the university community and alumni utilize the site - The Boston Globe reported that numerous employers have used this to hire potential candidates - Universities will check on students before even admitting them to the college
Diversity College Using Facebook to Your Advantage • Publicity of your University Events • Knowledge of Campus Events • Marketing/Advertising for a University • Faculty can use it to understand students and create a cohesive classroom
Diversity College Facebook Programming Why is this session/tutorial necessary for students on campus? • Online education is part of developing the whole student in a growing technological society. • Students need to be educated on various Facebook issues and safety concerns. • Students need to be taught the importance of online responsibility.
Developing Competence Becoming Autonomous Managing Emotions Developing Purpose Freeing Intrapersonal Relationships Developing Integrity Diversity College Facebook Programming Which student affairs theory supports the programs? • The Facebook orientation session and online tutorial support: • Vector One: Developing Competence • These two programs will develop a student’s competence in online appropriateness and responsibility. • Vector Two: Managing Emotions • These two programs will help students learn to manage their emotions by showing them examples and dangers of online harassment. These programs will also show a need to exert control over their emotions when posting online. Arthur Chickering’s Seven Vectors of Student Development (1969) Establishing Identity
Diversity College Facebook Programming How were content and questions developed? • Content and questions were developed by looking at recent research and issues surrounding Facebook. • Recent events at Diversity College and other institutions regarding Facebook also inspired content and questions. • Questions and content were developed by taking into account the future outlook of Facebook.
Diversity College Facebook Programming Who is required to take part in orientation/tutorial? • All incoming students are required to attend the orientation session. Upon completion of the orientation session, students must complete the online exam attached to the online tutorial in order to access the campus network. • All returning students are not required to attend the orientation session, but must complete the online tutorial and exam to access the campus network. • If incoming students are not able to attend the orientation session, they may obtain permission for the Dean of Student Life to complete the online tutorial and exam to access the campus tutorial. • Why must all students take part? • All students will have the access and ability to create and maintain a Facebook account on the campus network, thus creating accountability for the university.
Diversity College Orientation Session to Students • Program Agenda • Introduction Survey • Overview of Facebook • Issues, Safety Concerns, and Tips • Positives of Facebook • Online Responsibility • Closing Discussion • Contact Information
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Session Structure • Total session time: 60 minutes • Methods used for session: • PowerPoint • Survey handout • Group discussion • The Facebook orientation session is given by: • Staff member of Information Technology • A representative from Student Services
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Introduction Survey • Introduction survey time: 15 Minutes • Methods used for survey: • Survey handout • Group discussion • Session will start with a short written survey handout based on Syracuse University’s current Facebook survey available at http://assessment.syr.edu/x051016/Facebook.php. • Survey would be revised and shortened for students to complete in about 10 minutes. • After completing the survey, students would be given an opportunity to share answers.
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Overview of Facebook • Overview of Facebook time: 5 minutes • Method used for overview: • PowerPoint • Overview portion would include: • Definition of Facebook • Origin of Facebook • Features of Facebook
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Issues, Safety Concerns, and Tips • Issues, safety concerns, and tips time: 10 minutes • Method used: • PowerPoint • Different issues and safety concerns will be discussed, along with tips addressing these issues and concerns. • Items to discuss and present tips for are: • Privacy • Legal Issues • The First Amendment • Harassment • Stalking and cyber-stalking • Addiction
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Positives of Facebook • Positives of Facebook time: 5 minutes • Method used: • PowerPoint • The positives aspects of using Facebook will be presented. • Positives include: • Chance to socialize • Easy way to contact classmates • Forum for meeting fellow students • Advertise programs and events on campus • Place to express yourself • Way to recruit members into student organizations • And finally…IT’S FUN!
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Online Responsibility • Online Responsibility time: 10 minutes • Method Used: • PowerPoint • Online responsibility will be discussed and include the following: • Using appropriate Internet language • Sharing personal information • Posting appropriate pictures and entries • Recognizing harassment • Facebook time management
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Closing Discussion • Closing Discussion time: 10-15 minutes • Method used: • Group discussion • We will use this time to revisit our survey taken at the beginning of the session. • Students will be asked the following discussion questions: • Looking back at your survey, do you see any changes you need to make to your Facebook account? • If you do not have a Facebook account, will you obtain one? • Do you think Diversity College should be concerned about Facebook? • Did you learn anything new about Facebook? • Do you have any further concerns or questions about Facebook?
Diversity College Facebook Orientation Session Contact Information • Contact Information time: 2 minutes • We would end the session by providing contact information for students who wish to report Facebook harassment. • Students can file a Facebook harassment report at the office of the Dean of Student Life. • If students need immediate assistance with Facebook harassment, they will be advised to contact the Diversity College police. • Students will be directed to the online exam that must be passed to access the campus network.
Diversity College Online Tutorial Structure • The online tutorial will contain information similar to the orientation session. • The tutorial will contain an exam that must be passed in order to access the campus network. • Tutorial Online Program: • Overview of Facebook • Issues, Safety Concerns, and Tips • Positives of Facebook • Online Responsibility • Contact Information • Online Exam
Diversity College Online Tutorial Structure • Online tutorial and exam will be structured similarly to the University of Central Arkansas’ online “Preventing Sexual Harassment” training available at http://training.newmedialearning.com/psh/ucentralarkansas/. • Each section of the tutorial will be available from a drop down menu.
Tutorial Sections Drop down menu Diversity College Tutorial Screenshot [ Click screenshot to open sample tutorial ]
Diversity College Online Tutorial Exam Session • Students who wish to go straight to the exam may access it from the drop down menu. • Students must receive a score of 90% to pass. • The exam will consist of 20 multiple choice and true/false questions. • Exam questions will cover the following: • Facebook basics • Facebook issues • Safety concerns • Online responsibility • Campus contacts
Diversity College Tutorial Exam Screenshot [ Click screenshot to open sample exam ]
Diversity College Success of Orientation/Tutorial How do we monitor success of programs? • University officials can monitor the Facebook site. • Number of judicial cases regarding Facebook • Survey for students that completed orientation and tutorial Example: After students at the University of North Carolina were better educated on Facebook, the protection of profiles increased from 3.2% to 4.75% Comparison of sanctions from the previous years Quantitative survey that explores effectiveness of programs
Diversity College Feasibility of the Programs When and how often will these programs be revisited? • Due to constant changes in Facebook, revision of the orientation session and online tutorial will take place annually. • Provide the programs during new student orientations in the fall and spring. • Separate seminars that address “hot topics” regarding online etiquette, including Facebook, will be held on campus throughout each semester. Example: The ability to create a photo album may call for the need to address consequences of posting inappropriate photos.
Diversity College Committee Learning Outcomes • Through our research, we found that Facebook is an issue on campuses nationwide. • Faculty involvement would have provided a new academic perspective on Facebook issues. • Higher education has been reactive instead of proactive in the new Facebook phenomenon. • According to Dr. Charlotte Cone, Assistant Provost of Sponsored Programs at UCA, student affairs must come up with policies dealing with Facebook on campuses, or the government will step in and make these policies for us.
“Educating the campus community on Facebook creates a more empowered and open environment because it embraces the online lifestyle of our students, while advocating student responsibility.”–Doyle, Glassmann, Price, & Wiemer (2006)
Diversity College References – Page One • Abrahamson, D. (2006). Facebook.com: Big Brother with a smile. The Student Underground. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.thestudentunderground.org/article.php?id=21&issue=51 • Barnett, M. (2005). Facebook profiles could lead to consequences. The Post Online. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.thepost.ohiou.edu/show_news.php • Benfield, E. (2006). Cyber-stalking a growing threat to students. TheGamecock, via University wire. Retrieved February 8, 2006, from the LexisNexis Academic database. • Buckman, R. (2005). Too much information: Colleges fear student postings on popular ‘Facebook’ site could pose security risks. The Wall Street Journal, B. 1. Retrieved February 8, 2006, from the ProQuest database. • Bugeja, M. (2006). Facing the Facebook. The Chronicle of Higher Education, January 2006. Retrieved February 8, 2006, from http://chronicle .com/jobs/2006/01/2006012301.c.thm. • Chalfant, D. (2005). Facebook postings, photos incriminate dorm porty-goers. The Northerner. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.thenortherner.com/media/paper527/news/2005/11/02/news/facebook.postings • Coffey, K. (2006). Online network can create problems. The Creightonian Online. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://press.creighton.edu/012706/news9.html • Cole, J. (2006). Facebook could pose identity theft problems. Daily Mississipian, via University wire. Retrieved February 8, 2006, from LexisNexis Academic database. • Facebook (2006). Facebook (website). Winkipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook_(website)
Diversity College References – Page Two • Felter, M. (2005). MU examining Facebook use. Missourian News. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/story.php?ID=16840 • Fisher, D. (2006). Facebook: are students giving away too much information. BSU Daily News, January 2006. Retrieved February 8, 2006, from http://www.bsudailynews.com/media/paper849/news/2006/01/26/News/Facebook. • Hass, N. (2006). In your Facebook.com. Retrieved February 8, 2006, from CyberlawWiki. http://www.hcs.harvard.edu/~cyberlaw/wiki/index.php/In_Your_Facebook.com. • Higher Ed. (2006). Facebook Face Off. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved February 14, 2006, from http://insidehighered.com/news/2006/02/14/facebook • Kim, R. (2005). Out on Facebook. Advocate. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from the EBSCOhost database. • King, R. & Samons, J. (2005). Big Brother is watching you on facebook. Capaha Arrow. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.capahaarrow.com/media/paper768/news/2005/11/09/News/Big-Brother.Is.Watching • Leete, N. (2006). Facebook: stalker’s guide or networking tool. Daily Collegian, January 2006. Retrieved February 14, 2006, from the ProQuest database. • Zelkowitz, R. (2005). “Wasted” Facebook group causes controversy. Emory Wheel. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.emorywheel.com/vnews/display.v • Metz, R. (2004). College Facebook Mugs Go Online. Wired News. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.wired.com/news/culture/1,63727-0.html
Diversity College References – Page Three • Munn, A. (2006). Facebook drinking photos may cause legal trouble. Daily Nebraskan. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http:www.dailynebraskan.com/vnews/display.v • Mora, A. (2005). Be Careful What’s In Your Facebook. CBS News, October 3, 2005. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://cbs2chicago.com/seenon/local_story_276213838.html • Ogus, A. (2006). The Facebook’s audience is wider than we think. Student Life: Washington University in St. Louis. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.studlife.com/media/paper337/news/2006/01/30/Scene • Physorg (2005). Facebook connecting more than students. Physorg.com. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.physorg.com/printnews.php?newsid=8698 • Rebello, J. (2005). Face to Facebook. Points in Case. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.pointsincase.com/columns/justin/3-27-05.htm • Schweitzer, S. (2005). Fisher College expels student over website entries. The Boston Globe. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2005/10/06/fisher_college_expels_student_over_website_entries • Stutzman F. (2006). Student Life on the Facebook. Unit Structures: Fred Stutzman. Retrieved February 13, 2006, from http://chimprawk.blogspot.com/2006/01/student-life-on-facebook.html