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Managing QA in Higher Education

Managing QA in Higher Education. Best practice in Indonesia Delivered: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at the Regional Conference : Enhancing Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: towards the ASEAN Free Trade Policy 2015 . Main Hall 2 nd Floor, Yogyakarta State University . .

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Managing QA in Higher Education

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  1. Managing QA in Higher Education

    Best practice in Indonesia Delivered: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at the Regional Conference: Enhancing Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: towards the ASEAN Free Trade Policy 2015. Main Hall 2nd Floor, Yogyakarta State University. Adil Basuki Ahza Office: Dept ITP, Fateta IPBResidence: 6 Lengkeng Str, Jln Kamper 1. Kampus IPB Darmaga IPB Campus Darmaga Bogor 16680. Indonesia Bogor 16680. Indonesia Tel& Fax: +622518626725. Tel&Fax: +622518621532 email: <adil@uwalumni.com> , <ahzaadil@gmail.com >
  2. Presentation agenda I . Brief Historical Perspectives and Logical Framework of QA management II. BP1. Ingraining value(s) within HE quality management system. III. BP2. Use of Documented QA Methodology IV. BP3. Soundness of Audit/assessments V. BP4. Plan Development Test and Reviews VI. BP5. Conduct Root Cause Analysis on Serious Issues VII. BP6. Continuous Improvement VIII. Conluding remarks
  3. I. Best Practices of Managing QA in Indonesian HEIs: Brief Historical perspectives Developments of QA best practices have been initiated and nurtured by the DGHE Board of HE since the early 1980s through various incentive programs and developed further since the establishment of BAN-PT in 1994 and boosted up lately by the enactment of HE Act #12, 2012. QA development, and hence its best practices in managing the QA, in most Indonesian HEIs are driven by the government. BAN-PT has set Institutional and programs accreditation standards and guidelines provided as the reference for the development of HEIs and Programs QA best practices. BAN-PT has also set various services of training, socializations, and nurturing programs to facilitate the QA development inIndonesian HEIs and study programs. Currently most of the accredited A, and majority of the accredited B, HEIs and programs have been establishing their own best practices of managing QA in HE at various level of development. Just like the diversity of the quality approaches, the advancement ndoesian HEIs best practices are also diversed in accord to their perspectives of quality such as theirsynthesis of conformance, adaptability, innovation and continuous improvement.
  4. Logical Framework of Managing QA in HE Basic M = f{P,O,S,L,C) Quality is leader’s driven. Leader’s commitment is absolutely required Managing QA = Effectiveness in Managing “the critical control” of the whole QMS. QACCP = f{I(E,KRA )} Where : . E = f{L, P, Pp, Rc, PM} . KRA= f{P, C, Is,Br}
  5. Development of Best practices: The Indonesian EQA (BAN-PT standards, criteria and guidelines) m n Quality = {compliance, conformances, culture};  where C = National context, M = mandate C & M: Compliances to the legal infrastructure of Indonesian Higher Education (incl. PR# 8,2012, accred .& future SNPT) Conformances to the HEI’s Standards (SPT) Additional context: Organizational life cycle/time, maturity of the institution, level of quality culture development C=1 M=1
  6. Development of Best practices --cont..(2 of 2) m n Quality = {compliance, conformances, culture}; C=1 M=1 Anticipate the 2015 policy development : mindful the progression of new regulation development due to the enactment of Act#12,2012 & PR# 8,2012, SNPT, and new accreditation standards BAN-PT commmitment toward international EQAA networks: AQAN, APQN and INQAAHE memberships ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework (AQRF) that involved the ASEAN secretariat
  7. II. BP1. Ingraining values into HEI’s quality management system (1 of 2) n HE Quality = V x S [ Q p ] where :  V = Value is the core of integrity; Note: Core values is HEIs autonomy, but generic TQM is always helpful with total participation is the key in managing QA.  S = Security and/or safety  Qp= proportional or additive function of Inputs, process, outputs, outcomes, and impacts, reversal to the tuition and access. p=1  Qp Ip , Pp , Op , Op , Isp; 1/P and 1/A
  8. II. BP1. Ingraining values into HEI’s quality management system (cont.... 2 of 2) Varies with the nature of quality assurance development of HEIs BP: Ingraining the values into essential parts of QA requires: In depth understanding of the HE’s highest policies and goals Wellness of (accuracy and appropriateness) HEP’s translation into standards and criteria Valid data and information Reveal the good practices (incl. qualitative statements) HEI’s Integrity and mission (std 1) must be well reflected in all enablers and key results areas with clear data and indicators in the evaluative frameworks and QA decision making
  9. All relevant parties must understood well the purposeand usage of the (macro and micro) indicators, i.e For guiding peers/reviewers For guiding HEIs towards quality improvement For quality assurance decision-making Others (please specify) Notes: indicators can be developed/derived from: Given by the government International /professional certification or accreditor Developed by the (external) agency staff Identified in consultation with the HEIs Others ...
  10. III. BP2. Use of aDocumented QA Methodology Generally: Adoption of any standard methods and its QA Documentation is a part of HEI autonomy and may become Indonesian HEI’s own good practices/uniqueness. Adoption of BAN-PT ‘s QA Documentation-based is strongly recommended for Indonesian HEIs. Additional QA system and methodology will make it better, e.g institutional and program level international certification, accreditation, and/or quality recognition. Comprehensiveness of the QA documentation is imperative: Standard Manual and Guidlines Procedures Worksheets Supporting documents Use of ICT-assisted programs is very beneficial Education/Academic&Adm. Research and collaboration Community Services
  11. IV. BP3. QA Audit/assessments (1 of 2) For Indonesian autonomous HEIs, audit is carried out by Board of Audit responsible to the Board of trutees. For the other types of HEIs follow the government law & regulations. BP to improve effectiveness of Internal audit/assessment system is pivotal as the basis of Indonesian HEI’s CQI : Nature: Leaders driven and leader’s commitment is number one. Internal audit: Formal audit intruments/tools of assessment of Financial audit are developed by either the QM-Office or Internal Audit Office (must be tested , standardized and well understood ) Academic assessment good practices: Peer reviewer/assessors: Regular Internal training for peer review (internal pool of assessors) Cross diciplines review or assessment practice of HEI’s internal assessment is helpful at Institutional level up to within one study program for both program and specific/course learning outcomes
  12. BP3. QA Audit/assessments (Cont.. 2 of 2) Schedule of all kinds of audit and assessment are set, in place and disseminated through the HEIs website. Audit and assessment cover all tridarma activities (the academic, research and community services), and financial/administration. Feedback of reviews/assessment/audit are disseminated to all stakeholders and stakeholders comments and followup actions are nurtured at all pertinent levels (through various types of fora) Research and Community services: peer assessment is carried out by the LPPM (Research and Services Institute) with tested and standardized. Government research grants (decentralization and other national competition grants) there are two modes of audits: Internal (special) scheme of research progress peer reviewer audits External schemes of audits (for financial accountability and research outcomes peer review/assessment system)
  13. V. BP4. Plan Development Test and Reviews(1 of 2) It is a Leader’s driven activity. The key success factor is total participation, and make this test and review as quality habits. Need “willingness to let go attitude” to stimulate creativity, passion, active involvement and building commitment in all aspects of CQI of HEI’s Tridarma. BP: Annual workshop,FGD and, at least triennial workshop for plan-replanning development were regularly reviewed involving various stakeholders. Consider vast development of external environmental changes and challenges.
  14. BP4. Plan Development Test and Reviews( Cont..2 of 2) Involvement of all stakeholders is imperative to explore personal mastery of each participant reflection and contribution Prepared all paperworks and worksheets for all participants in all stages of development (take full span of involvement: system thinking, knowledge, psychomotoric and oral communication) Follow up action ot the test and reviews for the sake of CQI requires good teamworks and teamlearning (PIC of the pertinent activities and the quality manager at subsequent levels) Keeping all contributors/participants well informed about the follow-up actions
  15. VI. BP5. Root Cause Analysis (RCA)on Serious Issues(1 of 2) Generic TOWS analyses were in general practiced in accordance to the BAN-PT Guidelines of self evaluation report with various level of implementation quality RCA on serious issues are practiced in well developed Indonesian HEIs as a part or inseparable evaluation techniques of the TOWS. Good HEIs have a well prepared tools of analysis, risk-based analysis principles and other required analysis instruments (Ishikawa, force field, BSC etc) to enhance the fruitfullness/effectiveness of this activities. Serious issues: Forceful external environmental (Macro, National level, and International levels) and strategic Internal Institutional policies changes that affect and/or potentially change the core quality and the way HEIs to do the businesses :  Keyto quality: Integrity and mission; Governance and management; Human resources; Learning resources and infrastructure; Financial management; Student profile and support services; Curricular aspects; Teaching-learning and evaluation; Research, Collaboration/partnership, Consultancyand Extension; and Quality assurance.
  16. BP5. Conduct Root Cause Analysis on Serious Issues(Cont...1 of 2) Nature of activities: It is a brain trust promoted activities: Initiate core team to address (using risk assessment principles: identification, assessment, manage and communication) the serious issues. Identification and involvement of key personnel and resourceful persons (relevant to the issues) in a small taskforce and FGD is more effective. Must results in realistically effective problem solvings, tactics or strategies, and efficient implementation/interventions. Effective techniques of communcation and dissemination of the solutions to all pertinent (affected) members of Institution is absolutely required.
  17. VII.BP6. Continuous Improvement Majority of good (accredited A and B) Indonesian HEI and programs have established their systems of tracer studiesand institutional researches as an integral parts of the CQI. Indonesian HEIs, in general have familiar with and implemented their PDCA cycles and some of them have relatively effective feedback system and follow up actions of the CQI at diversed levels of HEIs and Programs. Most of the A accredited HEIs have implemented various modes of best practices of CQI such as carrying out regular FGD/stakeholders meeting: Annual, semesterly at different levels as a part of Accountability and in pursuit of CQI. Some of the Indonesian HEIs have been carrying out various regular benchmarkings (according to her perceptions of quality): Internal benchmarks(comparisons of different units of HEIs) External competitive benchmarks of their foreseen competitors External collaborative benchmarksof theirnot immediate competitors External trans-industry (best-in-class) benchmarks Notes: INQAAHE Glossary defines benchmarking as “a process that enables comparison of inputs, processes or outputs between institutions (or parts of institutions) or within a single institution over time”.
  18. Concluding remarks Development of best practices of Quality Assurance in Indonesian HEIs have long been initiated and still developing at diversed paces. The key success factors of managing QA in Indonesian HEIs (best practices ) covers the following critical aspects, i.e: Leader’s commitment Ingraining values into HEIs QMS and QA System Adoption of QA documentation methodology/system Internal and eksternal QA audit/assessment system Use of TOWS analysis, RCA, and other techniques of risk-assesment base analyses. Effectiveness of the Continuous Quality Improvements
  19. Thank You

  20. Worldwide Quality Management System of HEIs ISO series (US HEIs hardly believe in this) Malcolm Baldridge (NIST) Six Sigma EFQM etc....
  21. Basic QMS Model of EFQM(EFQM = European Foundation of Quality Management) Organization Key Results Areas 3. People Management 7. People Satisfaction 9. Business Results 2. Policy & Strategy 5. Management Processes 6. Customer Satisfaction 1.Leadership 8. Impacts on Society 4. Resources & Partnership ENABLER RESULTS Developed by European Foundation of Quality Management, 1992http://www.efqm.org/EFQM
  22. Univ./HE/SPQA System(generic) MAXIMIZE IT; or OPTIMIZE !! MAXIMIZE IT; or OPTIMIZE !! MINIMIZE IT!; or Zero it! Prevent/ Anticipate Desired OUTPUT: QUALITY Products: Diploma, BS, MS, Dr, Research (IPR, Patent, Innovation, etc), Services, Profits, Satisfaction, Integrated objectives/goals, dll EXTERNAL Environment: IPLECSD ZERO IT!Zero defect zero defection to customers; Zero emission! / Calculated Risks ControllableINPUTs: 7M, 7A ACADEMIC: Conversion Processes UncontrollableInputs: Beyond control, chaotic, risky Undesirable outputs: High DO rate Grads: Lack of Attitude Solid Waste Liquid, vapor/gasses Odor, Noise, etc. FEEDBACK MANAGEMENT:Decisionmaking; PDCA: Re-energizing the System = The Blood of QMS/ IQAS Man, Machinery, Money, Methods, Materials, Market, Moment; Quality, types, price, amount, place, time, utility, legal
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