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Welcome to 3 rd Grade

Welcome to 3 rd Grade. Mrs. Seneczyn 2012-2013. Please take a few moments to. . . 1. Fill out the parent information sheet and conference sheet on your child’s desk. 2. Write a letter for your third grader to read on the first day of school on the stationery on his/her desk.

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Welcome to 3 rd Grade

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  1. Welcome to 3rd Grade Mrs. Seneczyn 2012-2013 Please take a few moments to. . . 1. Fill out the parent information sheet and conference sheet on your child’s desk. 2. Write a letter for your third grader to read on the first day of school on the stationery on his/her desk.

  2. About Me . . . • I strive to make each student feel happy, comfortable, and successful while they are with me. I work to make learning engaging, challenging, and fun as much as possible. I want only what is best for each and every one of “my kids.”

  3. Planners • Each day your child will fill out his/her planner with the day’s homework. • H:\smart board\planner\planner.notebook • Occasionally, I may write a comment or note at the bottom of the planner. • PLANNERS MUST BE SIGNED EACH NIGHT BY A PARENT.

  4. Friday Packets • Will contain graded class work and tests. • Return packet with all graded work still attached. • Each Friday you will also receive a weekly newsletter from me and other school information.

  5. Reading • Units consist of 5 stories, we focus on one main story a week. • Vocabulary, phonics, and reading skills. • We will also work in small groups during reading room time daily.

  6. Language Arts (English) • Grammar, mechanics, and writing. • Grades will consist of worksheets, spelling dictation, and writing assignments. • Cursive handwriting will also be taught this year.

  7. Spelling • List sent home on newsletter Friday for the following week and glue in planner on Mondays. • Pretest= Tuesday~ not graded • Dictation= Thursday • List test = Friday

  8. Math • Basic addition and subtraction facts are crucial. • Some areas we will cover are geometry, place value, money measurement, probability, fractions, and multiplication.

  9. Science and Social Studies • Requires more independent reading this year. • A lot of vocabulary • Books and study guides will be sent home two days prior to the test for studying. In addition, there will usually be a website to help review, along with in class review the day before the test.

  10. Absent Work • Please notify the office of absenteeism and specify whether you would like the homework for the day. • When your child is absent from school, you may pick his/her homework from the table located outside the office between 3:00-6:00 p.m. • Any work not completed at home, should be brought to school to be worked on throughout the day.

  11. Classroom Behavior Expectations • Students who meet expectations receive an array of positive consequences. • If your child chooses not to meet expectations, he/she will mark off a star on his/her behavior chart. • Weekly behavior chart must only be signed over the weekend.

  12. Classroom Cash • Student will have various opportunities to earn “classroom cash.” • Each week students will have the opportunity to “shop” for small prizes or in-class privileges. • Students can also be “fined” for various infractions such as missing homework, behavior problems, etc.

  13. Birthdays Birthdays • If you would like you may send in treats for the class on your child’s birthday. • All food items must be prepackaged. • Other ideas include • individual non food items. (pencils, bouncy balls etc.) • Indoor recess game, book for classroom library, • We will celebrate the “½half” birthdays of our classmates with summer birthdays. • June = December • July=January • August= February

  14. Star Student • Each week a different child have an opportunity to share more about him or herself with the class. • He or she should bring show and tell items for each day of the week. A list will be sent home and is linked to my website.

  15. Arrival • Building doors open at 7:35 • Classroom opens at 7:40 • Drop off on McDannoll Drive • School begins at 7:50 a.m. If your child is tardy, he/she must be signed in at the office before coming to the room.

  16. Dismissal **2:42 Bus students dismissed **2:50 Pick-up bell - will walk out the Turner Gym doors . • Please keep after school routine as “routine” as possible. • Discuss a plan “Plan B” in case your child should every arrive home to an empty house. (hidden key, neighbors house, etc.) • If there is a change a note should be written. • If the change is last minute please call the office before 2:00. • Please don’t rely on email or a message on my voicemail.

  17. Homework • Homework will usually be assigned four nights a week and should take on average 20-30 minutes. • Please go over your child’s homework to check for understanding. • Any daily class work your child does not finish during the school day may also become homework . • No HOMEWORK on the WEEKENDS!!!

  18. Lunches • Checks should be made payable to Parkview Elementary or use www.cafeprepay.com. • Lunch is $1.75, Milk = $0.30 • Statements will be sent home when your child’s account is getting low.

  19. Website • You may access my website through the district website which is www.chseagles.com. • Newsletters, book order, calendar, useful links, homework, and other classroom information • You can access our classroom website from the Parkview Elementary website by clicking on PV teachers.

  20. New Grading Scale A 93% - 100% A- 90% - 92% B+ 87% - 89% B 83% - 86% B- 80% - 82% C+ 77% - 79% C 73% - 76% C- 70% - 72% D+ 69% D 67% - 68% D- 66% F 65% & below • In third grade we use a point system. • Each point value can be converted to a percentage to • determine the letter grade

  21. Conference Sign up • Conferences are Monday and Tuesday, November 5th and 6thfrom5:00 to 8:00 & the morning of Thursday, November 8th. • I will send home a preference sheet at the beginning of September. • Indicate when you have a conference scheduled for another child • Schedule sent home mid-September

  22. Volunteering • If you are interested please sign up at the board or send me an email. • Needs • copying • bulletin boards • in class assistance for special projects or small group learning Classroom parties Sign up on board • Halloween = October 31st • Christmas= December 20th

  23. How to Reach Me • e-mail mseneczyn@cusd4.k12.il.us • call • school 281-4997 ext. 4116 • send a note • Please do not leave a voicemail or e-mail for mid-day dismissal changes.

  24. Before You Leave • Write a note to your child • Leave parent info sheet and any completed forms • Party sign-up sheets • Volunteer sign-up • Classroom donations Thank you for coming this evening. I’m looking forward to a great year!

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