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Explore the significant figures from ancient civilizations such as hunter-gatherers, Abraham, Moses, Siddhartha Gautama, Asoka, Qin Shi Huangdi, Draco, and Solon. Discover their influence on religion, philosophy, government, and culture.
1. Hunter-gatherers: • Early man whose survival depended on hunting meat and gathering plants for food.
2. Abraham: • Founder of Judaism; • made a “covenant” with Yahweh
3. Moses • Led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt; • received the 10 Commandments from Yahweh
4. Siddhartha Gautama • Founded Buddhism; • “the Buddha”; • taught the 4 noble Truths (enlightenment, nirvana)
5. Asoka • Indian ruler who converted to Buddhism. • Sent missionaries to China and Southeast Asia to spread Buddhism.
6. Qin Shi Huangdi: • First Emperor of China; • United China and built the Great Wall to protect China from northern invaders.
7. Draco: • Greek statesman who encouraged trade and who allowed all citizens to participate in political debates. • His reforms were a step towards democracy in Athens.
8. Solon: • Greek statesman who encouraged trade and who allowed all citizens to participate in political debates. • His reforms were a step towards democracy in Athens.
9. Pericles: • Led Athens during its Golden Age in the 400s BC. • He beautified Athens by building the Parthenon and he set up a direct democracy.
Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes: • Greek playwrites. • The first three wrote tragedies • Aristophanes wrote comedies. • Sophocles wrote Oedipus Rex.
11. Homer: • Greek poet. • Around 750 BC he composed the epic poems Iliad and Odyssey.
12. Herodotus & Thucydides: • Father of History who wrote about the Persian wars. • Greek historian who described the Peloponnesian Wars. • Both wrote primary sources.
13. Phidias: • Classical Greek sculptor who made the Athena at the Parthenon during Athens's Golden Age.
14. Archimedes: • Hellenistic scientist who calculated pi.
15. Hippocrates: • Father of medicine • Hellenistic scientist
16. Euclid: • Hellenistic mathematician who developed Euclidean geometry
17: Pythagoras: • Hellenistic mathematician who created a theorem about right triangles. (Pythagorean Theorem)
18: Socrates: • Greek philosopher who taught his students to question everything. • His question-answer approach to teaching is called the Socratic Method and is used in law and medical schools.
19. Plato: • Greek philosopher who believed in a realm of ideal forms. • He wrote the Republic which describes an ideal society led by educated philosopher- kings.
20. Aristotle: • Greek philosopher whose ideas form the basis of the scientific method. • He taught Alexander the Great
21. Phillip II of Macedonia • King of the region just north of Greece. • He conquered Greece in the mid 300s BC.
22. Alexander the Great: • In the early 300s BC, he created an empire that extended from Macedonia/ Greece to Egypt, Persia, and the Indus River. • A Hellenistic culture developed from his empire.
23. Patricians: • Roman citizens who were aristocrats.
24. Plebeians: • Roman citizens who were commoners
25. Hannibal: • General from Carthage who fought against Rome in the Punic Wars of the early 200s BC
26. Julius Caesar: • Roman consul, general and member of the First Triumvirate who briefly restored stability to the Roman Republic. • He conquered Gaul in 50 BC and became the Dictator for life in 44BC. • The Republic fell apart at his death.
27. Augustus Caesar • Heir to Julius Caesar. • Member of the 2nd Triumvirate who defeated his rivals and established the Roman Empire. • The Pax Romana began with his reign in 27 BC
28. Marc Anthony: • Member of the 2nd Triumvirate who allied with Cleopatra but lost a civil war to Octavian (Augustus).
29. Jesus of Nazareth: • Founder of Christianity. • Taught that he was the son of God and incarnation of God. • Taught that there is an afterlife. • He was crucified around 30 AD.
30. Messiah: • Person expected to deliver the Jews • Christians believe that he is Jesus Christ
31. Apostles: • The followers of Jesus Christ who spread Christianity to Jews and Gentiles around the Mediterranean.
32. Paul: • Apostle and Roman citizen who carried the Christian gospel to Rome.
33. Constantine: • Roman Emperor who moved the capital to Byzantium on the Black Sea in the early 300s AD. • He also legalized Christianity.
34. Ptolemy: • Scientist from Alexandria, Egypt who believed that the sun revolves around the Earth (Geocentric theory).
35. Virgil: • Roman poet who celebrated Roman culture and government in his works. • Wrote the Aeneid.
36. Justinian: • Byzantine emperor who ordered legal experts to make a code of law for the entire empire in the 500s AD. • He recaptured North Africa and Rome. • He built the Hagia Sophia.
37. Cyril and Methodius: • Byzantine missionaries who created the Cyrillic alphabet which is used in Russia today.
38. Mohammed: • Prophet of Islam. • Founder of Islam. • Composed the Quran in the 600s AD.
39. Allah: • God of Islam
40. Yahweh: • God of the Jews.
41. Charlemagne: • Frankish King who became Emperor of the Romans in 800 AD. • He revived Roman education, values, and culture (Carolingian Renaissance) • He created a Christian kingdom in France and Germany. • It was divided by the Treaty of Verdun in 834 AD.
42. Angles & Saxons • Germanic tribes that ruled England until 1066 AD
43. Magyars: • Settled the Danube River Valley and created the Kingdom of Hungary.
44. Vikings: • Germanic tribes from Scandinavia who conquered and settled Kievan Russia, northern France, and England in the 800s AD (Rus, Normans, and Danes)
45. William the Conqueror: • Duke of Normandy who conquered England (Norman conquest) in 1066 AD. • He brought feudalism and French language and culture to England.
46. Henry II: • During his reign English common law and the concept of trial by jury developed. • He added much of western France to his kingdom by marrying Eleanor of Aquitaine.
47. King John: • (loser) English king who was forced to sign the Magna Carta which guaranteed rights to the British nobles and limited the king’s power.
48. Hugh Capet: • Founded the Capetian Dynasty in France. • This dynasty would make the French monarchy more powerful than its lords.
49. Philip Augustus: • Increased the power of the French monarchy and added territory to France by defeating the armies of King John.