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CANKAYA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES -ENGLISH UNIT-. VOCABULARY PRESENTATION FOR ENG 205 COURSE WEEKS 13&14. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Application programs allow user to do various types of work on a computer e . g. Word processors, databases.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Application programs allow user to do various types of work on a computer e.g. Word processors, databases. A set of related programs are referred to as a package. UNIT 8- APPLICATION PROGRAMS
STARTER 1 Whataretheapplicationprograms on page 52? • Wordprocessing • Spreadsheet • Database • Graphics • game
Conduct a survey in yourgroupstofindoutwho • Can name a spreadsheet program • Has used a spreadsheet • Can name a database program • Has used a database • Knows how to insert graphics into a document • Can name a word processing program • Can centre a line of text • Can disable the autocorrect
Study the diagram on page 53 Identifywhichapplicationprogramswill be usedbythefollowing Reception PracticeManager Doctors Theanswersare on page 54 Readthetexttocheckyouranswers
consultation (n): a meeting with an expert, such as a medical doctor, in order to seek advice consulting room (n.phr.) prior to (adv): before a particular time or event Youshouldstudy in theweekspriorto final exam. tailored (adj): speciallydesignedto fit theneeds of theuser, customer
mailmerging (n):the automatic addition of names and addresses from a database to letters and envelopes in order to facilitate sending mail, especially advertising, to many addresses office suite services (n. phr.): a collection of programs intended to be used by knowledge workers. The components are generally distributed together, have a consistent user interface and usually can interact with each other, sometimes in ways that the operating system would not normally allow. insert(v): to put something inside something else, or to add something
Page 56--- > 8 Problem Solving Study the versions of OfficeSuite and decide which version provides the best valur for the following users. Office Suite standard is the cheapest and OfficeSuite Developer is the most expensive one
broadband (n): a high-capacity transmission technique using a wide range of frequencies, which enables a large number of messages to be communicated simultaneously bandwidth (n):the transmission capacity of a computer network or other telecommunication system lease (v):to make a legal agreement by which money is paid in order to use land, a building, a vehicle or a piece of equipment for an agreed period of time, tohire Leasedline : a cableconnectionthat is rentedforuse in a communicationssystem
remote access (n. phr.): accessto a computerfrom a physicallyseperate terminal havoc (n.): confusion and lack of order, especially causing damage or trouble; chaos pitfall (n.): a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty outsource (v): obtain (goods or a service) by contract from an outside supplier
outgrow (v): to grow bigger than or too big for something high-end (adj. phr.): verygoodqualityproductswhicharethemost expensive high-end video equipment prohibitively expensive (adv. phr.): of a price or charge so high
bursting point (n. phr.): thepoint at which normal capacity is exceeded • adequate storage (adj. phr.): theamount of storagewhich is enoughforperforming a task • self-replicating program (adj. phr.): a program making an exact copy ofitself; reproducingitselfsuch as viruses
SpecialistReadingPart A • B • Providesremoteaccess software, managesrequired hardware • Theyleasespacefrom data storagespecialists • Office suiteapplications E-mail services Enterpriseresourceplanningtools Payrollandaccountingsystems Specialisttools E-commerce software • Toolsthataretooexpensivefor a smalllbusinesstopurchase • E-commerce
Whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantages of using ASP? Disadvantages • Broadbandconnectionorleasedlinerequired • ASP service has to be secure • ASP service has to be reliable Advantages • Avoidsproblemswihviruses • Flexibleuse of software • No problem of upgrading • No needtomanage e-mail system • More time to do corebusiness
SpecialistReadingPart B • F • T • F • T • F • viii • vii • v • i • iii • iv • ii • vi