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Cardiovascular (adj):Relating to the circulatory system, that is the heart and blood vessels Collocation: Cardiovascular diseases/Cardiovascular system e.g. Among the Cardiovascular diseases are heart attacks, Strokes and peripheral vascular diseases. e.g. Cardiovascular diseases are related to the utilization of oxygen by the body through use of the heart, lungs and the circulatory system.
Beat (v): to hit in a particular rhythm (used for the heart) Word Formation : Heart beat (n.phr.)-Heart rate (n. phr) Synonym:to pound (v) e.g. Before the heart beats, it fills with blood. e.g. When I get on the elevator, my heart starts to beat fast because I have claustrophobia e.g. How many times does a normal human heart beat in a minute.
Tempt(adv): To provoke someone to do something wrong, especially by promising a reward Word Formation : Synonyms:to attract (v) – to induce (v) – to allure (v) – to entice (v) – to seduce (v) e.g.One of my friends tempted me to smoke at the party. e.g. Susan tempted Richard, who was on a strict diet, to eat the whole birthday cake.
Hang out (phr. v.):to spend time in a certain place with certain people. e.g. Instead of going to the conference, Brian is going to hang out with his friends tomorrow. e.g. Ann hung out with his friends all day yesterday.
Chronic Bronchitis (n. phr.):a long-term or repeated inflammation of the airwas leading to the lungs e.g. Some of the patients suffering from chronic bronchitis use inhalers and mask to receive oxygen comfortably. e.g.The goal of therapy for chronic bronchitis is to relieve symptoms, prevent complications and slow the progression of the disease.
Initially (adv):In an initial manner or degree; at the beginning. Word Formation : Initial (adj) Synonym:Originally (adv) - at first; firstly (adv) e.g. Initially, her disease was kept in check by medications, but after some time, she had to take regular treatment in the hospital once a week. e.g. Initially she was studying very hard, but later she stopped studying and unfortunately failed in the exam.
Cut back (phr. v.):to reduce the amount of something Synonyms:cut down- decrease-lessen-lower-reduce e.g. Fortunately, our family doctor has cut back the medication my mother takes. e.g. The government is going to cut back the property taxes next year.
Hypnotize (v):to make someone sleepy through some particular techniques. Collocation: Under hypnosis Word Formation : Hypnotism (n) – hypnotic (adj)- hypnosis (n)-hypnotherapist (n) e.g. Hypnotism is commonly applied in the treatment of some psychological ailments. e.g. My brother is planning to be hypnotized by a famous hypnotherapist so as to quit smoking.
Treatment (n):Medical care for an illness or injury Collocation: Medical treatment Word Formation : treat (v) Synonym:Remedy-Healing-Therapy-Care e.g. After the consultation, the doctors decided to change the treatment of my niece. e.g.He still has nightmares resulting from the treatment he received at the hospital.
Anniversary (n):Recurrence of a significant event; a day that is an exact number of years (to the day) since the event occurred Synonym:Commemoration e.g. Tomorrow in the 10th wedding anniversary of my parents; therefore, they are planning to go out for dinner. e.g. Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the war.
Blood vessel (n. phr.):referring to any vessel in which blood is carried, such as arteries, capillaries or veins; a vessel in which blood circulates. e.g. Blood circulation occurs through blood vessels. e.g. Blood vessel is a flexible tube in your body that carries blood.
Artery (n):A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body e.g. Artery is one of the series of vessels that carries blood from the heart e.g.Red blood arteries are the blood vessels that carry the red or oxygen-rich blood away from the heart and towards the organs of the body.
Vein (n):A blood vessel that transports blood from the capillaries back to the heart. e.g. Blood is brought to the heart through veins.
Stroke (n):The loss of brain function arising when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted. Word Formation: Brain stroke /Cerebral stroke e.g. A stroke is a cerebrovascular accident. e.g. A stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is seriously disturbed in some way.
Elasticity(n):The sensitivity of changes in a quantity with respect to changes in another quantity Word formation: Elastic (adj) Synonym: Adaptability (n) e.g. Elasticity of the veins varies from person to person. e.g.An elastic artery is an artery with a large number of collagen .
Estrogen (n):A hormone which is made in women’s bodies up until menapause, which protects women from cardiovascular diseases. Collocation: Estrogen hormone e.g. Estrogen is not produced after menopause.
Menopause (n):the last menstruation (period) of a woman The natural menopause commonly occurs between the ages of 45-55 e.g. A woman is considered to be in the menopause when 12 months have passed since her last period. e.g. Menopause is the end of a woman's reproductive cycle.
Diabetes(n):The inability of the body to produce, or the inability to metabolize, the human hormone insulin. e.g. Many diabetes patients receive insulin injections on a regular basis. e.g.Diabetes is a metabolic disease resulting in high blood sugar and potentially leading to damage of the arteries, eyes, kidneys and nerves.
Metabolically (adv):In a metabolic manner; concerning metabolism Collocation: Metabolic disorder-Metabolic activity Word Formation : Metabolisis (n) – metabolic (adj) Synonym: e.g. People can be obese but metabolically healthy.
Cholesterol (n):A fatty substance made by the body and found in some foods. e.g. Cholesterol is deposited in the arteries in coronary artery disease. e.g. Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in blood, muscle, liver, brain, and other tissues in people and animals. e.g. Overconsumption of fast food may lead to a high cholesterol level.
Hereditary (adj):passed from a parent to offspring in the genes Word Formation : Synonym:Ancestral – genetic - inherited (adj) e.g. Some diseases, such as heart diseases, diabetes and some forms of cancer are hereditary. e.g. Scientists are now working on the treatment of hereditary diseases.
Obese (adj):Extremely overweight, especially: weighing more than 20% (for men) or 25% (for women) over their ideal weight determined by height and build. Word Formation : Obesity (n) Synonym:Overweight - fat Antonym: Underweight - lean e.g. Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people. e.g. People who are suffering from obesity should be careful about the level of cholesterol in their bodies.
Hostility (n): unfriendly or aggressive behaviour towards people or ideas Word Formation : Hostile (adj) Synonyms:aggression-bitterness-detestation-disaffection-antipathy-aversion-grudge-hatred Antonyms: agreeableness- friendliness-friendship,-gentleness-kindness e.g. The last decade has witnessed a serious rise in the levels of racism and hostility to Black and ethnic groups .
Pulse (n):A normally regular beat felt when arteries are depressed, caused by the pumping action of the heart. Word Formation : Pulse (v) – pulse rate (n. phr.) Synonym:beating (n) e.g. When she sees a spider, her pulse rate increases because she has Arachnophobia.
Alterable(adj):Capable of being changed, changeable, mutable ; something that can be altered. Word Formation : alter (v) - Synonym:changeable – mutable - adaptable Antonyms:unalterable - inalterable e.g. Theinstructorsaysthatexamdatesare not certain. Theyarealterable. e.g.Theprincipal of theschoolsaysthatthecourseswearegoingtotakearealterable. They can be changed.
Peerpressure (n.phr.):Pressure from one's peers to behave in a manner similar or acceptable to them. e.g.The reason I started to smoke was nothing but peer pressure. e.g. Peer pressure is an important factor affecting one’s personality traits.
Gocoldturkey (expression): to stop using a drudsuddenlyandcompletely. e.g. Fortunately, myclassmate, whowas a drugaddict, wentcoldturkeyand he wasdischargedfromthehospital.
Exchange student (n. phr.): a student who goes to a foreign country to study, usually as a part of a programme e.g. An exchange student is a student who studies in a school or university outside of his native country (often as part of an organized program between two particular schools) e.g. Chris, who is an exchange student, came from Columbia University to study in our department for a year.
Side effect (n. phr.): An adverse effect, an unintended consequence of a drug or therapy; usually not a beneficial effect . Synonym: aftereffect - reaction e.g. One of the side effects of pain killers is vomiting. e.g. Most of the medication are taken after meal in order to minimize their side effects. e.g. Severe headaches are one of the side effects of the drug.
Getting Started (p.15) Task 2: Possible answers: • Health is the most important thing that you can have. • Fewer people are smoking, and more people are exercising. • Medical evidence and research
Getting Started (p.16) Recalling what you already know • How fast the heart beats • Put your finger on your wrist or neck and count the beats. • Blood is pushed through the heart. • It gets faster when we are using our muscles and we feel excited or afraid.
Listening to directions (p.16) Answers: • Yes, because the heart was pumping extra blood to the muscles. Blood carries oxygen, and the muscles needed extra oxygen to do the extra work. • Possible answers: When we are in a stressful situation, when we are afraid, or when we are doing something fun and exciting, the heart rate increases. • In general, a slow heart rate indicates a healthier heart.
Restating what you have heard (p.18) Pat was 13 or 14 years old when he started smoking. He smoked about 20 to 30 cigarettes a day. Pat smoked cigarettes, and later a pipe, for a total of 25 years. He tried to stop (quit) many times. In high school, he gave up cigarettes while he was on the basketball team, but he started smoking again after the last (final) game. Pat finally quit smoking again after the last (final) game. Pat finally quit smoking in 1983 because he had a heart attack. He has never been tempted to start smoking again.
Restating what you have heard (p.19) Donna started smoking at about age 16 or 17. She and her friends would get together after school. They would eat candy and smoke cigarettes. After a while, Donna was smoking a pack a day. She kept smoking for 13 more years. Donna studied in South America, and later she taught in Mexico. In both places, smoking was more common that in the United States. People smoked in public places, for example, in movie theatres and classes (supermarkets, taxicabs, buses). When Donna returned to the United States, she went to graduate school. She and her friends would drink espresso (coffee) and smoke Gauloises (French cigarettes).
Restating what you have heard (p.19) But, Donna wasn’t feeling very well (healthy). She had chronic bronchitis. She tried to quit many times but could not. Later, when she was married and pregnant, she nearly stopped. But as soon as her son was born, she started smoking again.
Restating what you have heard (p.20) Finally, a friend of Donna’s recommended a hyphotherapist. This friend had been a very heavy smoker -3 packs a day- but the hypnotherapist had helped him quit. Donna decided to go and get hypnotized herself, and the treatment worked (was successful). Donna believes that she was able to quit this time because she had reached the point where she was ready. Donna’s son was very happy when she quit because he had always worried about her health. Soon, Donna started to feel better physically. She noticed that she had a lot more energy, and she could smell things again. Also, food started to taste better to her: A final advantage was money (financial).
Restating what you have heard (p.20) After she quit, Donna decided to save all of the money that she had been spending on cigarettes and buy healthy gifts for herself and her son. Exactly one year after she quit smoking, she bought them mounting bikes (bicycles). She has continued to use the money for something healthy every year (buy healthy gifts every year).
After the Interviews (p.21) Pat Donna Why did you start smoking? a,b,c, (I) a,b,c, (I) How long did you smoke? c a What physical problems a, b, (I), c (I) b, c, d did smoking cause? d What method(s) did you a a, b, c use to try to quit Do you ever feel like smoking now? b b (I)
Examining graphic material (p.22) • France • India • In all cases, more men than women smoke. • Free answer • Free answer
Academic Listening and Note Taking (p.25) Before the lecture : Task 2 • Referring to the blood vessels • An artery carries blood from the heart whereas a vein carries blood to the heart.
Note-taking: Using symbols and abbreviations (p.26) • M • L • J • K • E • D • O • F • A • C • I • H • N • B • G
Guessing vocabulary from context (p.29) • K • J • H • G • A • B • E • I • C • D • F
Guessing vocabulary from context (p.29) • I • B • E • A • H • F • D • C • G